Does anyone here use Cain? I have a 4* version with +SPD/-RES, and it seems like he could actually be useful.
He's basically my only decent Red mounted unit aside from Xander.
I've no experience using him but he's fantastic fodder for WoM3
Does anyone here use Cain? I have a 4* version with +SPD/-RES, and it seems like he could actually be useful.
He's basically my only decent Red mounted unit aside from Xander.
I've no experience using him but he's fantastic fodder for WoM3. I wish i could pull some reds right now to get a few ;-;.
Well if you want to level a healer in the future, this skill is also to good to have on them.I already have WoM3 on my dancers, and I can't think of anyone else who would want this skill.
Bartre is going to say hi 97% of the time.I'm so torn on whether I should go for broke and try to pull Hector.
I'm so torn on whether I should go for broke and try to pull Hector.
Is 4816 enough to stay top 5k in Arena Assault? How much did you need last week?
Probably not.
Some info for last week, with AA tiers basing on absolute ranks rather than percentiles, the cut offs are only going to keep rising; we could hit 4830 or above this week for top 5k.
I'm so torn on whether I should go for broke and try to pull Hector.
I agree, but all S-Rank supports end in marriage.Not every relationship has to be sexually tinted FFS
Your only option with That Olwen is a Blade Tome build. -Atk means using Dire Thunder effectively is near impossible, even with Horse Emblem buffs. She'd attack 4 times and still fail to kill high Res opponents. With a Blade Tome, Olwen will gain an extra 30 damage after Hone & Fortify Cavalry with covers the -Atk Nature. +Speed means Olwen also hits 43 speed, enough to double everything she could want to.
Make the investment, Jagen and Gunter are right there.
The usual answer is that standard Blarblade is enough, but I'd recommended springing for + to recoup as much attack power as possible.Thanks fo the awnser.
I have a 3* Odin some where.
The Blarblade is good or I need the + version?
The usual answer is that standard Blarblade is enough, but I'd recommended springing for + to recoup as much attack power as possible.
40+10 and it doesn't even fury... with distant defense.Do
I just spent 30 orbs without even getting a green summon stone trying to get Hector..
Scorching everything on the battlefield that's what40+10 and it doesn't even fury... with distant defense.
What is this Nino even doing!?
yeah in my last 7 summon attempts there was only one green orb. This fucking game. It knows.
40+10 and it doesn't even fury... with distant defense.
What is this Nino even doing!?
I meant Ally Support, S rank support increases Spd/Atk/Def/Res by 2. In many cases that's enough to profit of an optimal build for perfect IVs though not always.Apenheul, is the "compensation" that you are talking about the "merge same units" thing?
This makes sense.Can't rely on Fury because of changing the setup of my arena team.
Need Distant Defense because of Lv 40+10 Reinhardt and others.
She's fine in Arena, I don't need more attack to deal with anything.
-Spd builds are bad since 20% is still 20% and Urvan won't save you against melees. Rein and BLyn will trigger Urvan either way, so might as well have some extra speed to prevent doubles against melees.In my search for Lancina, I encountered a +SPD/-RES Brave Ike. Is that worth building into anything? Most builds I see are -SPD.
-Spd builds are bad since 20% is still 20% and Urvan won't save you against melees. Rein and BLyn will trigger Urvan either way, so might as well have some extra speed to prevent doubles against melees.
When does double xp and sp end?
Man, zero defenses this week with BLyn and horse emblem.
Man, zero defenses this week with BLyn and horse emblem.
That team will last for defense until MRobin tips the metascales back in his favour.
That's funny, I've been playing since day one and have had MRobin since the start, but I never bothered using him.
But now, with Arena assault and Brave Lyn everywhere, I've finally built him. Bowbreaker + triangle adept.
/tipping scales
22 Def doesn't mean much though. Even with Gronnraven+ and TA3, archers still hit her really hard.
For me that job went to SCamilla. She's got a big def for a mage. I've benched her due to her -atk nature but with a blade tome, she flies again.Brave lyn+ xander+ Olivia + merric was good times in the arena. Pony team destroyed most stuff and everything else went down to merric and once Olivia. I really do need a horse mage though for more buffs and to handle the magic dmg section. Poor m!robin tried to come hurt Lyn and got wrecked by Merric. It's kinda funny since merric was my Iinitial counter to takumi spam but he also beat the many robins that existed to counter takumi. Then that meta fell out of favor but merric excelled at killing flier emblem. Now things have looped back to m.robim spam and merric is there to hold the line once more.
You know they should really stop using the hurt animation and sound effect when you receive 0 damage.
You know they should really stop using the hurt animation and sound effect when you receive 0 damage.
That was changed in an early update - while there's no "no damage" sound effect, the sprites don't flinch if a hit does no damage.
For me that job went to SCamilla. She's got a big def for a mage. I've benched her due to her -atk nature but with a blade tome, she flies again.
Huh didn't even notice that. Still missing the armour clang sound for that extra oomph of invincibility.That was changed in an early update - while there's no "no damage" sound effect, the sprites don't flinch if a hit does no damage.