Oh shit I'm rank 8817/9346 in tier 19 with one day to go. Sweating intensifies.
Julia is great. She's not the nuker that Nino is, but she's so much more versatile and independent.Gosh I've really been sleeping on my +Atk Julia. After giving her Bowbreaker and padding out her HP a bit with Sacred Seals, she has just enough HP to tank a hit from Brave Lyn and take her out on the follow-up. Obviously she counters Reinhardt, but she also one-shots Brave Lucina, and can even one-shot Brave Ike if her special is up.
Glad I stopped trying at 4844.Cutoff point for staying in tier 20 is pretty brutal this week, I'm dropping with 4882. I think you need over 4900 - Brave Ike is raising everyone's score.
What can I do with the 4 star masked Marth?
What can I do with the 4 star masked Marth?
Not gonna even try next week. Making into tier 20 means I just need to get over 4000 next week to me. AA is becoming more stressful, though. While I'm forced to switch facing the same combinations of enemies easily makes me run out of counters.Cutoff point for staying in tier 20 is pretty brutal this week, I'm dropping with 4882. I think you need over 4900 - Brave Ike is raising everyone's score.
Any clue when the next banner is going to drop and what kind of banner it is?
I sent both 4* Masked Lucina home![]()
Bound to drop when the next Tempest drop. Hope you have a Path of Radiance character for the 40% bounus.
According to the calendar there is a new heroes login event starting 9/15...so then.Any clue when the next banner is going to drop and what kind of banner it is?
Cutoff point for staying in tier 20 is pretty brutal this week, I'm dropping with 4882. I think you need over 4900 - Brave Ike is raising everyone's score.
What new heroes? Warriors game?I hope we can get a preview of the new Heroes tonight. I probably won't even try to pull for them besides the free summon, but at least there will be something to be excited about.
What new heroes? Warriors game?
-Spd builds are bad since 20% is still 20% and Urvan won't save you against melees. Rein and BLyn will trigger Urvan either way, so might as well have some extra speed to prevent doubles against melees.
Does anyone feel there should be a restricted unit list for each Arena/AA season?
Say, every season maybe 2 units of each type (Horse, Infantry, Flier, Armor) are banned from usage in Arena/AA. I myself use a full horse emblem team, but its tiring to see the same Reinhardt-B.Lyn combo for the 100th time in Arena. This would encourage players to switch around their team more rather than rely on the same units week in week out (aside from bonus).
I feel this would help with the tedium of AA as well. Having to potentially face the above combo multiple times in a row just gets insanely frustrating. Sure, you can build a few counter units, but that's probably not enough for every round. This is especially true when they can take easily take out some of your units on their first turn in certain maps when paired with a dancer. I did a few rounds of AA earlier and almost every single round had Rein-B.Lyn or stacked DC teams.
I wish they only reset the off banner pity rate if you pull a 5* from there.
4.5% and I get this:
+Def -HP, but I already have 6 other 4* Chrom which I've merged. I was totally expecting another 4* too.
Ugh. With 3 days left, I can probably pull once more at best.
I would love it if the featured unit rate never decreased until you actually pull one.
I wouldn't merge at all. That +1 to HP and Attack is almost negligible, especially when you have seals and supports too. Merging is exclusive for the whales among us. BIke has Steady Breath which is too valuable because of its unique property.So I happen to have a +spd/-res Bike and a -spd/+res Bike and I am thinking of merging one onto the other. In this case which one do you guys think I should be building?
This is some kind of sick joke
My 5% pity rate for Ike went to fucking 5 star Marth
Fuck everything
That really sucks. I too have had the same experience with having both Chrom and Marth appearing when i least want them to.Off-focus 5 star units should stay at a static 3% and the pity rate should only apply to the 5 star focus units. That way it'd increment up by 0.5% instead of 0.25 and reset when you pull a banner unit like you said.
No one summons from banners expecting to get other specific units. It gets even worse when your pity rate starts to get high and you get the feeling that you should keep investing. Pulling an off-focus and resetting at that point is complete bullshit.
Congratulations! She's a fantastic unit, hope you got some good IVs with that pullI can't seem to get damn Hector!! My Beruka is already +5, I got Cherches flying around everywhere .. At least no Batre, but green orbs are like rain in the Sahara .. Will save up orbs now till the last day of the CYL banner and then snipe like hell.
Pity rate was broken by a 5* Ninian at least, my first non-Olivia dancer. Killing the mini Tempest with her, Rein, Xander and BLyn with BraveBow+. Easiest grinding ever.
Doing a casual Arena Assault run for Items and Quest Rewards. I stumble into this nonsense. The other Brave Lyn is running Mulagir.
Next season will be exhausting.
I picked up a -HP +spd Nino in my last roll. So here she is. Christ, she outspeeds a +spd L&D Clair.
I keep finding Faes with the same -DEF +RES setup. Would be fine if all I wanted was a blue mage counter, but I want more mileage out of my 40k feathers.
I keep looking back at the -HP +DEF one I've got. 29 def isn't amazing, but it's enough to survive a stock Bow Lyn if I give her a buff (even a +1 def seal will do it). With Fortify Dragons she's good to go, add TA2 to that and she's a solid wall against blues. Her attack power is a problem, but Moonbow and QR2 should secure kills. And if I want additional units who can survive and kill both Lyn and Rein, well, it's a very short list.
I'm thinking I could just give her Lightning Breath+ for now and use the 4* +RES one until I'm done pulling for Hector. I may still find something better.
On the subject of pulling for Hector, in my last 11 summons (trying to pull only green) I've only seen 2 green orbs. What the hell.
Try pulling for Ninian instead.![]()
I got her immediately, which is the funny thing - especially after I've spent in the vicinity of 400 orbs trying for that character on past banners.
I'm not even getting useful stuff like Subaki and Odin. Just Gwendolyn and Oboro garbage.