sonic4ever said:Once again I disagree..alot of Sega and Nintendo fans seem to dislike each other systems in the old days, and thier was rivalry back in the 16 bit days. Yes, sega fans knew about Nintendo ,but You make it sound like it was so heartwarming back in the 16 bit days, heck even last Generation you could hear people arguing who was better. Also , I am not saying all people were like that but if you were for one camp you were against the other. Just becuase People Know of a company doesn't make them fans of a company even when that company stops producing game machines, including old time hardcore players. I still Think Sonic sold becuase: 1.people Knew the Franchise, 2. it helped that the game was at the system launch or soon after, and the Gamcube has a smaller selection at the time, 3. soon after the cartoon sold sonic to the new Generation, and 4. Nintendo fans bought the game probaly becuase it was a trump card for Nintendo. their old enemey was now joining to thier side. I don't know where the Sega fans went, I think they grew smaller with each Generation.
I remeber buying the original Genesis with Alterbeast, and i too loved Sword of Vermillion, but we will never see another one.One thing i noticed, alot of Sega games people want remakes or sequels too and do get made get overlooked. Look at Toe Jam and Earl 3, the original was popular. Sega tried to do a modern Sequel ( I was surprised how good the game is) and it bombed, and the same goes for Echo the Dolphin and a few others. When i hear People say they want a new Streets of Rage game, I think would people buy it in this Modern age of Videogames. If I had my choice of a Sega sequel, it would be a new 3d Wounderboy in Monster world game, and a Phantasy Star 5.
of course Nintendo vs. Sega rivalry strected quite a bit, but definitely it was a familiar name, and maybe seen as more friendly by both companies (as seen by fans)...
I actually did buy Super Monkey Ball partly (other than hearing about what a great game it was and totally appealing to me from what I heard of wacky gameplay) because I wanted to support Sega being on GCN...
also, when I heard Sega was getting out of the hardware business, I was kinda saddened because I thought the DC was a great system with great games, and let's face it, no one is blaming Nintendo for Sega's demise, so my guess is any pro-Sega people were blaming Sony (although it could be blamed on Sega's bad decisions of course, as well as EA's reluctance to deal with Bernie Stolar), so my guess was that people would go with Gamecube and XBox (I was pretty excited about XBox cause of the new challenge to Sony pluse all the Sega games the system was getting)...
While I think Sonic Adventure 2 sold party because of the GCN drought (once the game got popular shelf space wouldn't be as great an issue so it's been kept in stores to a good extent, unlike Skies of Arcadia) and the momentum for it kept on (it was also the first connectivity title and face it, the GCN is more popular than DC, and being almost a launch game, it's had good-sized audience to sell to)...