Saw the spy shot, people believe that it could be the 2010 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG which would negate all the "meh" provoked by the previous cars.
As for the USB key thing, no luck so far. I've only been able to get the (poorly compressed) thumbnails. But one thing worries me, I've managed to get the Forza 2 photos and they were all saved in their glorious shittyness... :/
Here's hopping that it isn't the same for Forza 3.
I also hope that Turn 10 will make it easier for us to access our photos in the future but with the storefront being so important, I'm not sure they will...

Seriously, how hard can it be to make a special über option to save a huge 1080p (minimum) PNG photo directly on HDD or USB key...
I looked at my "old" PGR3 photos too, it's pretty amazing to see the huge step we made in more than 4 years !:lol