Too bad the timing is not really Euro friendly or I would have tried to participate.
eso76 said:
seconded. FM4 should be a nextbox launch title.
12 (or even 10 i don't mind) high quality lod cars on track, redone lighting (REMOVE THE SPECULAR DAMMIT. What's such a soft specular light doing on a shiny metal surface??).
As for rebuilding old tracks...are you sure ? that would mean using time and resources to bring back the same tracks once more.
As far as old tracks go they just need to take more pics to use as textures (a lot of the time, what prevents Fm3 from looking 'photorealistic' is not cars as much as the tracks' colours and handdrawn textures) and pre bake lighting + photon mapping (think mirror's edge) on textures.
I would expect texture res. and IQ to be perfect next gen, but they still need to FIX cars physics; weight shifting during fast turns is still greatly underestimated. And damage model needs a complete rework. Also, weather and night racing.
More cars on track would be great. At least on longer tracks like Le Mans, Nurburgring, etc...
Obviously on short tracks like Maple Valley Short, it would be ridiculous (could be fun for some destruction derby race though !:lol ) but as long as it scales depending on the track...
I won't comment on the specular, I think I've made my point enough throughout many posts.
I don't think they would necessarily need to rebuild the whole tracks either. Just import the models, make better choice in art direction (ie. color and lighting), improve the textures (they may already have them), change the trees, add more crowds and details on the side and voilà !

Ever since the first Forza, I've always found the tracks to be really well done, very detailed. What I particularly like is the feeling that the tracks "lived" before you raced there with all tire marks and walls with hits mark on them. More animation on the track side wouldn't hurt though.
Like I said before, I don't think the game needs a lot of heavy work to look a lot better.
I agree on the damage. I hope we'll see vast improvements with next gen on this.
One thing that I wonder for next gen is if we're going to see some sort of PhysX or OpenCL implementation or if they are just gonna stick with the CPU doing physics all by itself.
If they have weather and night racing in Forza 4, they can't have pre baked lighting. At least, if you want changing time or stormy weather with lightening flashing from time to time.
Other than graphics, one thing that I'd like to be improved is the sound. I know that the sounds are top notch but I more talking about the modifications of the sound.
One example is Camino Viejo. On this track you should have a huge echo because of the mountains but there is almost none. I've been to the Spanish WRC rally once, I can assure you that you hear the cars miles away. :lol
It was the same when I went to a see Hill Climb in the Alps where there were a lot of "normal" cars.
Driving my S700 Impreza in the game today made me think that it would be a nice feature if the sound changed with the weight reduction upgrade (which should earn you money BTW...) too.