Sounds like a preference. Regardless of what you do or don’t prefer, you’d have to admit that those sequels are extremely well made, and appropriate for the direction of the franchise, even if different.
Yes, I am familiar with it. I would also think that my praise for BotW, would tip you off that I don’t hate anime altogether, or outside of facetious joke posts.
I do however, have no respect for the bottom-of-the-barrel influences and pop culture FE is borrowing from, here or abroad. Being imported from another country doesn’t make it more exotic or special.
Jungle Beat? This was just a music spin-off. Can understand though. I personally loved the game (it’s really well done), but some things are a touch too out there, especially when there hasn’t been a real installment in some time.
Eh. I have a lot of faith in Nintendo Gaf. I wouldn’t try and calmly argue, if I didn’t. It’s not frustration, btw, it’s just seeing that emote reliance is starting to hit Reddit downvote levels, which is unhealthy for the site and discussion at large.