I know gameblog (I'm French) they're familiar with making those kind of news... Everything is (probably) fake. They always pretend they have "their sources" but it's always a copy/past (translated) from a foreigner article (here this one:
http://www.edge-online.com/news/pow...es-between-ps4-and-xbox-one-performance/#null) pretending it's from "their sources"...
They are full of shit, don't give any credit to those guys, honestly.
Also they don't have an Xbox One, the X1 on this article
http://www.gameblog.fr/news/38501-la-xbox-one-est-arrivee-chez-gameblog-les-photos is a fake, they even admit it "il s'agit pour le moment d'un mock up. Impossible donc de l'allumer" which means "for now it's just a mock up. So it's impossible to turn it on".
Gameblog being gameblog, copying other websites, days/weeks after, pretending it's from their sources... Pathetic. :/