I hate arms race.. if I get that in quickmatch I usually bail
had my weapon switch mid-firefightit's dumb
Absolutely. Best Gears with some subtle improvements that make a lot of difference to the dynamism of the game.I'm not interested in competitive MP, only SP and Horde. Is this still worth it? It'd be my first Gears (looking to buy it on PC).
I'm not interested in competitive MP, only SP and Horde. Is this still worth it? It'd be my first Gears (looking to buy it on PC).
had my weapon switch mid-firefightit's dumb
Teammates who never revive are the worst !!!
Hitching at the beginning of a Multiplayer match / during extended sessions
We have identified a fix for the hitching that occurs at the start of a Multiplayer match on Xbox One in the past couple of days. We have temporary workaround solutions, but we will be rectifying the issue as soon as possible with a small Title Update.
Solution: Open four other games (allow them to load past the initial splash screen) and then load Gears of War 4.
How do you actually kill the Snatcher boss in horde? Does the glowing points on enemies in this game indicate weak points because nothing seems to work. Getting it on wave 10 with low energy is bad but past wave 20 where it has DOUBLE health? It's practically unkillable. Even on the Brumak I just shoot it till it dies since apparently the glowing points are just for show on that thing, it never popped or stumbled.
Also dropshot really needs to be nerfed or something done with the explosions, Scions being able to oneshot you from cross map even when you roll away from the damn thing is infuriating. That + Snatcher boss is a nightmare, I can't even imagine this past Hardcore unless you get a lot more energy and you just have sentries everywhere.
I sorta wish they had just a vanilla horde, like gears 2 where it's just survival. I never played gears 3 or Judgement but this is very reliant on energy management which I can't achieve with random mic-less keyboard-less xbox players(pc here). The barriers do a lot of work for what they are but one exploding robot can kill sentries pretty easily...
I blame xbox players, my field of view is bigger than there's so they actually can't see me grabbing at their ankles D:
You can use an Enforcer/Gnasher combo, but you don't want to lose that range. Rolling with a Hammerburst/Enforcer is really, really good. You just need to play the corners properly and be aware that you're not within range of a surprise attack from a Gnasher.The enforcer needs either a range nerf or damage nerf. Its very op right now. I can down people twice the range of a shotgun. I haven't tried running gnasher/enforcer combo. Not sure if you even can do that but I might start doing it because of the ttk on that thing is very low.
I hate arms race.. if I get that in quickmatch I usually bail
had my weapon switch mid-firefightit's dumb
You'll get used to it the more you play, and there's also a timer counting down to let you know when weapons change. I personally love the mode.Yeah it can be really annoying sometimes. Running up to someone with a gnasher, and as soon as you get ready to blast them into smithereens... BAM, LONGSHOT
Absolutely. Best Gears with some subtle improvements that make a lot of difference to the dynamism of the game.
Yes. The campaign is pretty meaty in itself and you almost can never go wrong with Horde in Gears.
Watch your ammo counter. Server only registered that you fired 2 shots.Uh, excuse me? Haha
Neat! I'll buy it on PC next month. Already bought Recore and Forza Horizon 3, so I'm set for October
With all the Play Anywhere games I'm getting, I'll have a huge library right from the get-go if I ever get an Xbox One...
I ran hammerburst/enforcer for a couple of games last night. The enforcer is more than viable.
My go to combo hammerburst/gnasher is the only way to go Imo.
I'm working on getting better with the hammerburst big time. I still can't imagine playing pvp without a gnasher, though. I haven't used the enforcer too much yet.
Hammerburst is getting needed real soon lol. It's a beast.
Im actually shit with it compared to the Lancer.
Do you need to aim for the head? How many shots to down with it because I can't down anything with it?
Three or four (i havent counted) well placed bursts and people are down. I dropped two with one clip last night.
had a whole team kicking one in the head onceI think he's dead.
the gnasher can be really inconsistent at times, anybody noticed that?
Interesting stuff!
My LETS PLAY video. The first 30 minutes on PC with settings maxed out @1440p60fps
I've always found the GoW style shooting to be my favourite kind, and altough the games fare varyingly, they've always been pretty great fun. Especially from the same sofa. Actually, I think that this is the only game that I really prefer to play from the sofa with a friend. Hmm... I suppose I should say that the four player co-op from the same screen was a bit too much. I don't think I enjoyed the game as much - not because I didn't see the AWSUM GRAPHIX, but rather, playing through a keyhole wasn't much fun.
Downloading the GoW4 was... interesting. When the whole download debacle was over and done, I did have some trouble starting the game. The loading icon on the lower right corner just kept rolling. After a reboot things started working a bit better and I was able to play the actual game. The epilogue is downright poor, but it does introduce the players to the essentials of GoW, though quite hamfistedly. What I found surprising was that the surroundings looked very plain and empty, but I'm sure that its just the epilogue. As it feels like something that was inserted last minute.
When we get to the actual story things felt a lot more interesting than the previous games altogether. Maybe its just that I've forgotten a lot. Maybe its the same song that the previous games were playing over and over and over. Regardless, I'm hype! For some reason I found the storm a very interesting piece and I do hope that it plays a huge role in the actual stages. Or at least some of them.
My biggest gripe is that the crossplay doesn't work. I'm not sure if others have managed to get it working but we sures heck didn't, even after few reboots and fiddling with network settings. I hope its something that gets fixed, or I find a solution to. Not the best of starts for the game but what big release didn't come into the world without some pains in the beginning?
Can anyone tell me if Horde is playable offline? I've got no interest in playing multiplayer or online, so this is a make or break situation for me.
Are you new to Gears? This statement has been made for the past ten years lol.
Yeah, you can play it in private mode.
the gnasher can be really inconsistent at times, anybody noticed that?