Still haven't got my classic Gears codes
Unless codes from Nvidia aren't eligible and I'm waiting for nothing. Please tell me it ain't so.
I'm waiting on my codes as well. I have the digital version via the Xbox store
Still haven't got my classic Gears codes
Unless codes from Nvidia aren't eligible and I'm waiting for nothing. Please tell me it ain't so.
I'm waiting on my codes as well. I have the digital version via the Xbox store
Yeah, you can play it in private mode.
Yeah, you can play it in private mode.
PlayWhat's the best/fastest way to level up your classes in Horde Mode??
Bit of a weird question, but did anyone think the pre-fab city in act 1 looked a bit cartooney? I actually thought the colour of my TV needed adjusting.
Also how accurate are the reports that the campaign is 6 hours long? My XB1 will be gone on Saturday morning so I don't have much time to get it finished before-hand. I'd have had more time but it took forever to fucking download.
Spoilers...Wow thisboss is tedious as hell.Swarmak
Bit of a weird question, but did anyone think the pre-fab city in act 1 looked a bit cartooney? I actually thought the colour of my TV needed adjusting.
Also how accurate are the reports that the campaign is 6 hours long? My XB1 will be gone on Saturday morning so I don't have much time to get it finished before-hand. I'd have had more time but it took forever to fucking download.
Thank you. I'd heard that wasn't the case, nice to know they were wrong.
What's the best/fastest way to level up your classes in Horde Mode??
Act 3 gets insane visually near the end, drop dead gorgeous environments. I'm hoping there are still areas left in the game that great looking.
Also, is there a trick to taking out Pouncers? Or are they just that meaty? I thought tagging grenades on cover would be a good trick, but it doesnt seem to do much.
Anyone else having a love affair with the hammer burst?
In a lot of king of the hill matches it's like shooting fish in a barrel
Hammer burst is amazing but sometimes it gets annoying when you down a guy and run out of bullets to finish him off. I have to train my self to switch to the pistol when that happens
My biggest gripe is that the crossplay doesn't work. I'm not sure if others have managed to get it working but we sures heck didn't, even after few reboots and fiddling with network settings. I hope its something that gets fixed, or I find a solution to. Not the best of starts for the game but what big release didn't come into the world without some pains in the beginning?
My buddy and I finished Act II last night. Here are my impressions on the campaign so far, along with some questions for anyone that is further along.
I'm enjoying the overall story and environments, but the robot enemies are just a bore to fight. This is especially true for the heavies (DR-1s) and Guardians (flying guys). They are both such ridiculous bullet sponges, ESPECIALLY the guardians. Past gears games had heavy locusts that could take a ton of bullets, but a few good headshots would take them down much more quickly. The DeeBees just seem to soak up a ton of damage.
It seems like we'll be fighting some new enemies very soon. Are these enemies more fun to fight? Someone please tell me the game gets more fun going forward...
I haven't had a chance to try out Horde or MP yet but I'm sure both of them will be a blast.
I wish on the voting part it didn't include the chance to play the same match you just did. I just did 3 Arms Races on Gridlock..
I enjoyed the campaign thoroughly and didn't have the problem with the deebees that you did. That being said - yes you fight new enemies soon. OF which there are a few bullet sponge enemies to replace the heavies.
Full disclosure - I have completed campaign solo on hardcore and am halfway through Act 5 on hardcore co-op.
Thank you. I'd heard that wasn't the case, nice to know they were wrong.
Anyone got a list of promos and tie-ins with retailers?
I know about rockstar drinks at Walmart, but that's it.
Anyone got a list of promos and tie-ins with retailers?
I know about rockstar drinks at Walmart, but that's it.
The upgrade for amount of credits earned per game is still painfully low. It would take around 50 games to unlock one of those customization packs, depending on which game types you're playing and how many wins vs losses.
If anyone wants a gears wallpaper, I made this.
Can someone summarize how many hours the campaign is ?
I'm going to a family member's home for the weekend, they have an xbox one S and a nice 4K TV, wondering if I can sneak in the campaign while I'm there. (don't own an XB1 myself).
Just played for the first time and did a quick play online match.
Wow. Completely blown away. And I unlocked a Purple Tiger Gnasher and a Rainbow Gnasher with the free packs![]()
whoever made act 5 chapter 2 should be slapped in the face with a million dildos
I can't play the game because there's an update. The problem is that the update fails downloading with an unknown error. Wtf.
It's fun when people watch you bleed out. Why revive.
Its even more fun when people bail out the moment things look grim. Horde would be fun if we wouldn't be down to 2-3 people after 10 waves, or so.