Something....awoke in Alex. He got that taste of hope from Project B.E.A.S.T and it's ruined him.
I just want Alex to be happy
Are you saying hope leads to virtual Fresno? Because that is terrible.
A few hours into Digimon: Cyber Sleuth. Man, this actually might be a really good game guys. I'm kind of shocked. This feels like the Digimon game I've always wanted.
I know literally zero things about Digimon but with the next pokemon and yo-kai watch seemingly still far away I am tempted. Should I give it a shot?
It's sort of a SMT-like where you build affinity with wild monsters so you can then summon them and can take them through multiple evolutionary branches. If that sounds cool to you, then go for it. The evolution system is pretty complex where you can devolve monsters to raise their level cap, go down different evo branches and get new skills that way. It's a bit hard to wrap your head around at first, but it seems neat.
Story wise, it has zero to do with any digimon anime or other media. It's a completely unique world. The only thing it has in common is that digimon exist in this world as well. You can easily go in with zero knowledge about what digimon are.
Sounds pretty awesome, but I would have to play it on PS4, not really how I like playing these kind of games. Really wish it was a 3DS title. :/
So regarding the nitro+ thing, did you guys know that al is actually the necronomicon?
That Japan has somehow turned into a girl?
The character Saber is actuallywho uses wind magic to hide that she wieldsKing Arthurfrom others.Excalibur
That Japan has somehow turned into a girl.
Yeah but al is needed to pilot a giant eldritch mecha used to fight Lovecraftian horrors.
She's named al as a shortened version of al azif.
Like, I can't remember it too clearly now, but I think you have a dream sequence involving Abdul alhazred at one point?
Shit runs deep.
Also the mecha plays with alternate universes in really dumb ways.
It's a really dumb vn.
As far as creature raising JRPGs go, so far this one seems super on-point for me. The way evolution works is something really different and gives the genre the shot in the arm I really dig. I prefer these games on a portable as well, that's why I'm playing on Vita, but if playing on a home console isn't an absolute deal breaker, I would definitely check it out. The only complaint I have so far is that the human character designs are pretty garbage. That's par for the course with Yasuda unfortunately. I'm not sure why video game companies have to keep getting him to guest artist their stuff. Digimon World: Reigitized's designs were also bad and so were SMT
evil Survivor's.
I'm a bit biased since I want this to do well so we can continue getting Digimon games in the west. I think the Digimon World stuff is pretty bad, and the game they'd likely realize next is one of those, but I'd absolutely be into more games in this vein.
Also try finding a version with no porn.
Because there's definitely some porn in this VN.
Though really, I find it hilarious mostly because it constantly undermines the entire tone of Lovecraft by being the most generic ass hot blooded shonen possible.
It somehow managed to make something out of two things that are at the opposite ends of the spectrum.
Let's not forget that this is the man who did a speed run of Big Rigs at one of the GDQs. He's looking for his next game to break.
Something....awoke in Alex. He got that taste of hope from Project B.E.A.S.T and it's ruined him.
At least she gets called out in Fate/Zero.God, Saber is the worst. She actively tries to tear down any VN/show she's involved in. Fate/Stay Night isn't great by any stretch, but it has some neat ideas. Any time she comes up, though, everything is just in the toilet. She even managed to make parts of Fate/Zero bad, a show that is actually decent on most levels.
She's like a walking vacuum of charisma that actively makes everyone around her less interesting.
At least she gets called out at one point in Fate/Zero.Fate/Zero is so good.
Yet there's like a gatrillion merchandise with arthur.
Yet there's like a gatrillion merchandise with saber.
Finally, The Raid AND Mario Party Party come together in a massive synergy explosion
Just read Austin's story on Hearthstone implementing huge card bans. If you want an example just how badly Blizzard screwed up the meta of that game, there you go. I honestly don't remember a TCG/CCG that needed to do that so quickly.
For that to happen they need to finally do another Mario Party Party!
Every CCG does that to keep things competitive. They are just removin old sets from competitive play, which means the new stuff will actually be used and new players don't have to hunt down tons of old cards. It's a good development.
Jeff is trucking as well.
I want to get American truck simulator but I am Canadian and it's almost half again as expensive as it is in the US.
The problem isn't that they did it, but that they've gotten to this point so quickly. If they can't balance a handful of expansions, than you've got some core design issues.
Giantbomb is at it again
But what IS Firewatch?