Whatever happened to Bobcat Goldthwait anyway?
Whatever happened to Bobcat Goldthwait anyway?
director/writer now.
The Klepek video is a little weird. I see no reason it needs to be a video. Not sure why he didn't just write it up for the site - especially since Kotaku is heavily text focused and the video is on Pat's personal account. Maybe they are trying something new. Would rather just have read it though.
hes also done some recent voice acting gigs. off the top of my head he was in an adventure time ep and voiced a skylanders figurinedirector/writer now.
I just found his tone of surprise towards torrent sites to be funny, like he was genuinely surprised by any of it. It's like someone discovering porn sites have comment sections.
Not possible.
God dammit, someone sent me a Greninja. This sullies my entire Amiibo collection.
Alright, now from the beginning http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/embed/8635/?allow_gb=yes
Dan's gonna have a full Amiibo collection, one way or the other
Speaking of Patrick's video, they talked about it on Colin and Greg Live over at Kinda Funny. Greg then congratulated Patrick on Twitter and said he wants to finally do some sort of collaboration (maybe the long awaited Dan/Patrick Super Mario Maker podcast?). Long story short, Patrick replied saying he absolutely wants to do it, especially as he will have an extended stay in San Francisco this summer. Could we could be seeing lots of Patrick in Giant Bomb content this summer?
Alright, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter has some pretty cool moments (, but the other 90% of the game is me walking around being bored as shit.The moment after you solve that gate puzzle in the mines and water sprays out and a giant tentacle pokes out was pretty dope)
Fixed.Greninja is water. Top 20 poke.
uncle jeff > jeff > Balkalar > geoff > brett
Greninja is fire. Top 20 poke.
Uhh I'm very confused how Greg Miller talking about Patrick has anything to do with Gaintbomb?
Ugh, Phantasmagoria content is the worst thing to come out of gbeast thus far
Greninja is fire. Top 20 poke.
Uhh I'm very confused how Greg Miller talking about Patrick has anything to do with Gaintbomb?
You forgot about life is strange.
I missed most of the Phantasmagoria stream. Good stuff?
It's an assumption on my part. He said in a tweet to Greg that he will have an extended stay in SF this summer. I think it's pretty safe to assume that Patrick will show up in Giant Bomb content (probably on UPF, but hopefully something Mario Maker related). I mean, last time he was in SF (for a wedding?) he still managed to show up to their Extra Life stream.
How do you feel about synchronised dancing and awful representations of mental illness?
How do you feel about synchronised dancing and awful representations of mental illness?
How do you feel about synchronised dancing and awful representations of mental illness?
How do you feel about synchronised dancing and awful representations of mental illness?
Ah, I suppose. Patrick is alright in small dosesSpeaking of Patrick's video, they talked about it on Colin and Greg Live over at Kinda Funny. Greg then congratulated Patrick on Twitter and said he wants to finally do some sort of collaboration (maybe the long awaited Dan/Patrick Super Mario Maker podcast?). Long story short, Patrick replied saying he absolutely wants to do it, especially as he will have an extended stay in San Francisco this summer. Could we could be seeing lots of Patrick in Giant Bomb content this summer?
Well if he's in San Fran...
I didn't even know where Kinda Funny was located. Their terrible live show where they just read others sites reported new turned me off from them entirely.
Ah, I suppose. Patrick is alright in small doses
I didn't even know where Kinda Funny was located. Their terrible live show where they just read others sites reported new turned me off from them entirely.
ok, unless someone else does it first. I think i'll help enable Dan on his journey as a true amiibro.
the real S&M is going on in Washington right now
please dont actually buy 25 dollar amiibos and send them to Dan in his latest attempt to get twitter attention
i'll never understand why people send stuff to the crew. these folks already have a very privileged position wrt access to things like amiibos and such, why are you giving them even more stuff?
For attention.i'll never understand why people send stuff to the crew. these folks already have a very privileged position wrt access to things like amiibos and such, why are you giving them even more stuff?
I get sending them art, that stuff is always great. And stuff like demo discs are cool too since the site does use them for features and they're not easy to come by anymore. But stuff like amiibos, which are readily available at major retailers? or that one guy who sent patrick a whole gaming PC?
it's a bit much
i'll never understand why people send stuff to the crew. these folks already have a very privileged position wrt access to things like amiibos and such, why are you giving them even more stuff?
I get sending them art, that stuff is always great. And stuff like demo discs are cool too since the site does use them for features and they're not easy to come by anymore. But stuff like amiibos, which are readily available at major retailers? or that one guy who sent patrick a whole gaming PC?
it's a bit much
yeah cmon now.
I mean...Dan pretty much encourages it. It rubbed me the wrong way when he mentioned a Waluigi costume or something and said something along the lines of "If someone wants to buy this and send it to me, I'll wear it during MPP".