has there ever been a sequel album or "back to the roots" album that was a resounding success
all I can think of is Only Built for Cuban Linx 2
In my opinion, no.
has there ever been a sequel album or "back to the roots" album that was a resounding success
all I can think of is Only Built for Cuban Linx 2
has there ever been a sequel album or "back to the roots" album that was a resounding success
all I can think of is Only Built for Cuban Linx 2
has there ever been a sequel album or "back to the roots" album that was a resounding success
all I can think of is Only Built for Cuban Linx 2
[IMG ]https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2ck94qEau1r3snp2o1_500.jpg[/IMG]
1 day to beat Undertale.
One playthrough is like 3-4 hours, no problem.1 day to beat Undertale.
If there was a game, any game, and only one copy was made and it was sold at auction, what game would fetch the highest price?
If there was a game, any game, and only one copy was made and it was sold at auction, what game would fetch the highest price?
If there was a game, any game, and only one copy was made and it was sold at auction, what game would fetch the highest price?
Do we know what time the podcast will go up? I have a 7am flight and suuuuuure would like some GOTY talk
It's on the schedule.
Yeah I was listening to past mixlrs and just found out the Ricker died. What a tough last couple of years for Jeff.Cowboy Bebop is going to wind up the Witcher 3 of Giant bomb and anime
Ryan Davisand The Ricker
Yeah I was listening to past mixlrs and just found out the Ricker died. What a tough last couple of years for Jeff.
Yeah I was listening to past mixlrs and just found out the Ricker died. What a tough last couple of years for Jeff.
1 day to beat Undertale.
Yeah I was listening to past mixlrs and just found out the Ricker died. What a tough last couple of years for Jeff.
has there ever been a sequel album or "back to the roots" album that was a resounding success
all I can think of is Only Built for Cuban Linx 2
Though if you have no desire to play the game and want to know the story just look up this excellently done recap video.
So I'm thinking about the new Mass Effect 2 playthrough I want to start today and thinking about maybe going for FemShep for the first time? Everybody is saying that she's great but I dunno... For me the default MaleShep is SOOOMUCH Mass Effect
Jeffs former roommate. Appeared on an episode of the nintendownload express as special guest Rick "The Ricker" Peterson, an open wheel racing champion.Who is Ricker?
I wish there was a new premium show about Elite Dangerous with Drew and Jeff
Can anyone tell me how much of Undertale I have left?i just fought Undyne.
Game's great so far by the way. Awesome combat. I don't even want to call it that but yeah.
60% ?Can anyone tell me how much of Undertale I have left?i just fought Undyne.
Game's great so far by the way. Awesome combat. I don't even want to call it that but yeah.
That's even more correctAbout halfway I'd say.