Now I really wanna see an edited version of the
Persona 4 ending, where Charlie is getting on the train and everyone sees him off and is sad to see him leave, but instead exchange Charlie for Vinny
They tried this with Brad and Patrick playing Rogue Legacy and it did not work. Patrick was atleast 10 seconds behind, Brad had to physically not do anything just so Patrick can catch up and see what crazy thing happened in the game so they could talk about it.
Wasn't that back when they were still using Twitch for live broadcasts? Twitch is ass for immediate communication due to the 30-60 second delay.
The CBSi player has a similar (probably longer) delay due to the scrubbing feature.Wasn't that back when they were still using Twitch for live broadcasts? Twitch is ass for immediate communication due to the 30-60 second delay.
The CBSi player has a similar (probably longer) delay due to the scrubbing feature.
To pull this off they'd need to have a private Skype between hosts with the feed piped to their public stream. And can Skype reliably share a screen with a D3D overlay? Every time I've used it has been for desktop stuff only.
I don't mean this to sound patronising, but this must be exciting for Alex. Working mostly alone for so long and then having someone to join forces with locally must be awesome.
Now I really wanna see an edited version of thePersona 4 ending, where Charlie is getting on the train and everyone sees him off and is sad to see him leave, but instead exchange Charlie for Vinny
Vinny will always be Vinny, east coast or west coast - but not having anyone to bounce off will suck.Listening to the bombcast while knowing the news is just bumming me out. Just imagining it without Vinny being there to catch whatever Jeff is putting down, it's horrible![]()
Yeah, I knew live scrubbing introduces a delay, but I didn't realise how bad it was until Jeff ran his mixlr during UPF.I don't think so, it's either windowed or windowed borderless.
Didn't know about the delay on the new player though, weird.
Well, Vinny gets a pass on anything he wants to do as he's more than earned it.
But let me be clear here, this "giant bomb expansion" is straight up spin-doctor stuff. You don't expand to new cities when you have only 4 (now 3) members working at your main office. Jeff said there are going to be 1-2 hires and it's going to be a long process, not exactly grand plans.
Vinny is leaving because as he put it, the second max was born, everything changed and rightfully so his priorities changed. Jeff talking about making GB a franchise is putting a happy face on what is (in the lens of giant bomb and what it's users want) a bad situation.
They're not dumb; they all feel it, GB isn't what it used to be and in all likelihood won't be like it was ever again.
It's biggest draws (bombcast and live streams) just lost the most popular member and is now looking like a skeleton crew.
Nobody can replace Vinny nor should they try.
This is the start of a bright and happy new future for Vinny and I wish him the world, But in all honesty, it's just another wound in the already injured giant bomb.
Stop telling others how they should feel.
It's looking bad for the bomb right now, pretending that it isn't is just denial.
The Brad is leaving jokes were a ruse the entire time, not only does Brad never leave, he's the only one that never left.
Don't tell others how to feel, but....
Tell others how to feel....
I guess I'm the glass half-full guy.
Stifling discussion with an above-it-all attitude and lambasting others for being upset is not the same as ignoring what's obviously going on. But hey, being pedantic is cool too.
Stifling discussion with an above-it-all attitude and lambasting others for being upset is not the same as ignoring what's obviously going on. But hey, being pedantic is cool too.
Calling people who don't think this is a bad thing "in denial" is exactly the same thing, only from the other side.
Didn't say that, I stated that right now GB is in worse shape than it was in the past and pretending that it isn't is indeed denial.
It's looking bad for the bomb right now, pretending that it isn't is just denial.
...? That seems identical to what he just posted, what's the difference?that is not, in fact, what you said.
This thread has always been a circlejerk of people praising Giantbomb, anyone who has any criticisms, constructive or not, gets jumped upon.
This is all the manifestation of the karmic residue left by all those "Brad is leaving" jokes.
Giantbomb fans ruined Giantbomb.
You all ruined Giantbomb.
...? That seems identical to what he just posted, what's the difference?
that is not, in fact, what you said.
I'm sorry you're unable to tell the difference; the world must be a confusing place to you.