Can't wait.
I'm hoping for some Sleeping Dogs mayhem.
Vinny hosted the hotspot for a long while.
I think he was host for 2 or 3 months but I dont think it was that long.
I forget how the time frame of the gamespot exudis was now.
I think it was Ryan leaving in January or February and Brad and Vinny leaving around April or May and Alex some time in the middle of all that.
I am not sure if Brad and Vinny left Gamespot at the same time but I am 90% sure they came on board after GiantBomb was officially a thing and the first basement office and was already mostly set up.
Do you guys remember the LOST skit with Vinny , Brad and Ryan McDonald ? it was an opening to an on the spot in early 2008.
Good times.
Wait I am little confused? Is he leaving for good or is he just moving to New York? If it's the latter it might not be so bad. We might get more vinny centric content. I know it will suck not to have him wit the rest of the gang. I really jeff and vinny complement each other. I'm not to fond of Alex or Patrick but maybe he will make them more enjoyable for me.
Vinny is moving to New York to be closer to his family and because SanFran is too expensive.Wait I am little confused? Is he leaving for good or is he just moving to New York? If it's the latter it might not be so bad. We might get more vinny centric content. I know it will suck not to have him wit the rest of the gang. I really jeff and vinny complement each other. I'm not to fond of Alex or Patrick but maybe he will make them more enjoyable for me.
The arrow pointing down podcasts are the best!Anyone else tried to listen to all the previous years Bombcasts? I'm at about June 2009 and I'm having a blast with it. (Never want them to end.) Older Bombcasts have some great goofy humor to them, something they are kinda missing these days.
Anyone else tried to listen to all the previous years Bombcasts? I'm at about June 2009 and I'm having a blast with it. (Never want them to end.) Older Bombcasts have some great goofy humor to them, something they are kinda missing these days.
Anyone else tried to listen to all the previous years Bombcasts? I'm at about June 2009 and I'm having a blast with it. (Never want them to end.) Older Bombcasts have some great goofy humor to them, something they are kinda missing these days.
I actually skipped those at the advice of a friend :xThe arrow pointing down podcasts are the best!
Spoilers! Haha, kidding. I'll just have to take note of this!All time favorite old bombcast memory is this
All time favorite old bombcast memory is this
All I can think of when I see that picture is that my sister and mom tried VERY hard to convince me to get blonde tips. They said it was really in style and would look great. D:
If they didn't go to the press conferences then we wouldn't have gotten this.
Is Castlevania really that hard?
Do we thing Vinny will join the morning show podcast?
A timeless classic
I also loved the old segments of Jeff reading out the eShop listings.
"Enjoy your masssssaaaaage..." and "Whack that banana off"
If they didn't go to the press conferences then we wouldn't have gotten this.
Is Castlevania really that hard?
If they didn't go to the press conferences then we wouldn't have gotten this.