That would be absolute bedlam.
...I look forward to it.
Yes. The only man that could replace Vinny. Don't even need to hire him. Just have him show up in everything.
I can't find any confirmation of this... perhaps I was mistaken..
There's plenty confirmation if just google 'Gang Beasts 10 players'.
They have already demoed that mode on conventions, and I'd be surprised if it doesn't make it into the final game (as they initially planned).
so what is ryan macdonald up to these days?
He sits about 150 feet away from me. As I understand it his job primarily concerns barking into his oversized tablet phone about what sort of internet speed his guys need at whatever eSports tournament theyre broadcasting next.
I'm a few pages behind so apologies if it's been recommended already: Motorbike, Jeff&Vinny amazement.So I just started getting into Giant Bomb. What are their best and funniest Quick Looks? I saw the Barbie's Dream house one and it was amazing.
I meant confirmation that it was already in the currently available build.
so what is ryan macdonald up to these days?
Ah, my bad. I don't think it is but they should totally send GB that build.
I'm a few pages behind so apologies if it's been recommended already: Motorbike, Jeff&Vinny amazement.
What is going to happen to Vinny's bug-out bag and his 55 gallon barrel? Would he need either in NY?
I wonder if we'll ever see Ed Boon on a livestream again after that last GDC one.They're going to hire john carmack and ed boon! Believe!
Peter Molyneux. Bombcasts would be forever changed.
Each show would start with him telling you how great the podcast will be and end with him apologizing for not meeting the lofty expectations set at the beginning.
Does this Watch Dogs quick look get any better? Im about 20 minutes in and Jeff is just so devoid of enthusiasm or even just interest that I feel like im not getting a proper opinion on the game.
Does this Watch Dogs quick look get any better? Im about 20 minutes in and Jeff is just so devoid of enthusiasm or even just interest that I feel like im not getting a proper opinion on the game.
Sounds like a proper opinion.
Yeah I think I worded that post poorly. Its just like he's got no interest in showing off the game at all, good or bad.
LOL... Didn't know the hacker lady in WD is from Québec... She says a "Câlisse" at some point during the quicklook.
I agree, he just sounds disengaged, he's phoning it in but Brad and Vinny seem interested.
Yeah I think I worded that post poorly. Its just like he's got no interest in showing off the game at all, good or bad.
I don't really know what more you can do than play the game. They did some side stuff, a main mission etc. Jeff just didn't like the game much. The worst QLs are always of games that they just find mediocre and boring, and I think this was one of those games (for Jeff at least).
What's to be enthusiastic about watch dogs?Jeff lacks so much enthusiasm these days.
Maybe time for a break?
What's to be enthusiastic about watch dogs?
What's to be enthusiastic about watch dogs?
What's to be enthusiastic about watch dogs?
What's to be enthusiastic about watch dogs?
I really don't know what you guys expected out of Watch_Dogs... It's one of the Ubisoft cookie cutter open world games. They've been doing the exact same game in different settings for years (all the AC/FC and now WD games).
If you like that kind of game then great, if you don't then skip. There's not surprising about WD.
Jeff lacks so much enthusiasm these days.
Maybe time for a break?
AAAA+ quality gameplay, as you can see in the quick look.
Press A to awesome is back, baby.
Edit: For the sake of balance, Rock Paper Shotgun wasn't very enthused about Watch underscore Dogs.
It is a divisive 82 on Metacritic.
To contrast, look at Jeff's enthusiasm to Far Cry 3 . Now the game ends like he feared, that it wasn't self-aware, so his opinions probably have changed but this shows that Jeff still gets excited about games.
I feel like they haven't been excited for much since Ryan passed. Admittedly, I'm just a casual viewer of GB content, but ever since then everyone just seems bored and disinterested for the most part.
To contrast, look at Jeff's enthusiasm to Far Cry 3 . Now the game ends like he feared, that it wasn't self-aware, so his opinions probably have changed but this shows that Jeff still gets excited about games.
82 is divisive? Maybe if it were like at 75 or something.
So it's modern Giantbomb in general.
Jeff lacks so much enthusiasm these days.
Maybe time for a break?
Does this Watch Dogs quick look get any better? Im about 20 minutes in and Jeff is just so devoid of enthusiasm or even just interest that I feel like im not getting a proper opinion on the game.
Even 75 shouldn't really be deemed divisive.
I'm with Jeff on this one though, the game looked dull as dull balls. Only letting Vinny loose on it would have made for a good quick look, but then I guess people would be complaining that they're not actually covering the game.
82 is divisive? Maybe if it were like at 75 or something.
You guys are silly. 82 is the average. It couldn't be more impossible to determine if a game's reviews are divisive via the average. What you're looking for is the range/distribution.Even 75 shouldn't really be deemed divisive.