There are inns in Golden Sun?Regulus Tera said:I haven't stayed in an inn even once. Rechargeable PP is a godsend.
There are inns in Golden Sun?Regulus Tera said:I haven't stayed in an inn even once. Rechargeable PP is a godsend.
I guess it's as good as an excuse to replay the game when all is said and done.Regulus Tera said:Well Camelot also introduced permanently missable items/Djinns with this installment, so...
Vamphuntr said:How do you make it pass the cloud area?
Why not just use the Djinn? You can set it back inmediatly. It's not as if they dissapear after you use them.rareside said:Quick question. I'm at the first temple area of the game I think, and the girl in my party collapsed. One of my Djinn has the power to revive, but is this only in battle?
Can I not revive her with Djinn outside of battle? ARGGGG
Really annoying, I don't want to have to go back to the last inn to revive..
Cr1tical3rror said:The below is adapted from Ben_not_benny's excellent guide with the purpose to be slightly less spoilerific
- PONR: Rief joins the party
Mars -- Patcher's PlaceForge
Jupiter -- Goma Highlands PathGust
Mercury -- Carver's CampChill
Mars -- World Map (South of Carver's Camp / West of Konpa Gate )Fever
Venus -- Konpa GateFlower
Jupiter -- Konpa RuinsJolt
TABLET:- Logging area west of Konpa RuinsZagan
- PONR: Activating the eclipse
Venus - HarapaBrick
Jupiter -- Craggy Peak RuinsDoldrum
Mars -- Te RyaFury
Mercury -- Teppe Ruins (needs fishing rod from Te Rya)Dewdrop
Venus -- Teppe RuinsVine
Mercury -t BelinskTorren
Mercury - BelinskSpout
Venus -- World Map (North of Border Town)Gears
Jupiter -- Border TownSirocco
Venus -- Island to the west of Port RagoFurrow
Mercury -- Port Rago DocksCoral
Venus -- Kolima VillageGarland
Mars -- Phantasmal BogGlare
Jupiter -- Saha CisternWisp
Mercury -- Kolim ForestTeardrop
Jupiter -- Talon PeakPuff
TABLET:- Cave northwest of Craggy PeakMoloch
TABLET:- Mine northwest of Border TownUlysses
TABLET:- Inn at Border Town (Need to have Dream Leaf from Kolima)Haures
- PONR: Getting on the ship
Venus -- Belinsk RuinsChasm
Mercury - BelinskPincer
TABLET:- Tower at BelinskEclipse
TABLET:- Belinsk Opera HouseCrystal Dragon
Regulus Tera said:Spoilers about Amiti:?Am I the only one who believes that he's Piers' or Alex's son
It's meant to be like that, it's supposedly more environmentally friendlyLindsay said:Yaaaay got the game earlier in the evening an played for like 3 hours straight til my DS battery went red! Great music! Cute retellings of the first game! Crazy time trial! Super fast battles with djinni kill bonuses intact! Woohoo!
Being prompted to go! is stupid especially when I have the dpad held down and holy crap you can play with the stylus but who in their right minds would do that? Activating psynergy feels so slow cause now theres button prompts and crap but hey at least ya can use diagonally and from more then one spot away now!
Also I think my game box is messed up cause when I took the booklets an inserts out there was like holes in it![]()
Regulus Tera said:It's set in a linear pattern instead of a grid one, so it's more difficult to tell how much space you actually have in your inventory. :|
Regulus Tera said:Well Camelot also introduced permanently missable items/Djinns with this installment, so...
Giolon said:I'm pretty sure GS1 had permanently missable Djinn as well, not to mention the Djinn that only existed in GS1 and had to be imported to GS2.
Regulus Tera said:This is my favourite adventure game since A Link to the Past. Those water puzzles and the ones after Passaj are mindblowing.
As an RPG, Dragon Quest IX is still the one to beat this year.
LordAlu said:It's meant to be like that, it's supposedly more environmentally friendly![]()
I just passed this point myself. And yeah, I was also surprised to findsolblade00 said:So I just encountered and passed the second point of no return last night.
When you're in the Eclipse Tower in Belinsk.
I have to say, the game really stepped up to another level during that section of the game. I liked the varied puzzles and the same time the story kept me going until it was 7:30 AM - good thing it's Sunday.
Also the game just became pretty dark.I don't think the previous two installment had this much death - it really was quite surprising. I still welcome it though (Poor Briggs and Volechek)
Hyunkel6 said:I just passed this point myself. And yeah, I was also surprised to findall over town. The difficulty also ramped up a bit. The game was smooth sailing until I encountered thosecorpses. I actually had to use revive for the first time in the game. :loldark creatures
timnich said:Is it just me or is there some really bad ghosting-like effect going on during the battles? It gives me a headache. Maybe its just my DSLite screen, but I don't notice it outside of battle. Luckily the battles are lightning fast, but way too easy.
Yeah. It's an intentional effect. I kinda liked it, sorry to hear it's troublesome...CoolS said:Has anyone else noticed this? Just bought the game and it's the same for me. Seem reeeeeally weird.
AfterAlthane said:Wanting to know if I missed something:
I'm at Harapa right after the temple, and I have (I think) 9 Djinn, 2 on each character, with 3 on Tyrell... so that's 2 of each type but Mercury which has 3. So am I on course?
I found one in a random encounter and hope that doesn't become common. Didn't know there was going to be points of no return. =\
Phenomic said:This sounds really promising, can't wait to get wherever that is :lol . Also I'm in luck because I can't stand Dragon Quest personally, so it's automatically got an edge since I've lacked the will and desire to play DQ9. Hurray.
Varion said:AfterTemple? Sounds like you're probably missing someBaraiYou should've had 8 when you entered Harapa for the first time.
Yeah, you're on track then.Althane said:Kopai temple or whatever, I think.
I think I'm up to date, then. I had 2 on each character, then got the fire one in Harapa (or maybe I'm misremembering town names, it's the one right after you pick up the water adept).
None. There is no data transfer, unfortunately.Earthstrike said:Sorry if this has already been asked, but do I get any kind of bonus for having a fully completed golden sun: the lost age cartridge in the GBA slot?
Earthstrike said:Sorry if this has already been asked, but do I get any kind of bonus for having a fully completed golden sun: the lost age cartridge in the GBA slot?
Kinitari said:Sonofabitch this puzzle is hard. DAMN YOU THREE GOATS.
hypersheep said:So I'm about halfway through the Konpa ruins and have 2 earth, 2 fire, 2 wind, and 1 water djinn as well as one summon tablet. Have I missed anything so far?