Nope,Oxx said:Is one of those locations called 'Pachter's Place'?
You don't need to go through the palace to get it. Search harder!Lindsay said:Will there ever be a time I can get back into Kaocho Palace? Cause in the town there is a Venus djinn mocking me for not being able ta get to it since the only path from what I can see is through the palace ;_;
Varion said:You don't need to go through the palace to get it. Search harder!
It wouldn't be Golden Sun if you weren't doing someone else's dirty work.hypersheep said:So at what point in the game do I stop being a complete pawn for the villains? 'cause I'm at Ayuthaya and so far everything feels like its "just as planned".
Lindsay said:I hate goats /ragequit
There are apparently three points of no return spread throughout the game.Mael said:OMG 'm slow at playing this game :lol
Also I keep hearing of the no-return points, but are they REALLY no return points or is it like in Golden Sun and TLA where TLA didn't have any point of no return and Golden Sun had one in the very last area of the game?
I mean nobody found a way back to earlier places like in Golden Sun where they were well hidden?
hypersheep said:Use insight
GaimeGuy said:There are apparently three points of no return spread throughout the game.
Hyunkel6 said:I just got the. If I use retreat to return to the world map, do I have to hike all the way up though thesol blade in Apollo Sanctumto get back to the sanctum, or is there some kind of teleporter/shortcut?endless wall and Apollo Ascent
Yeah, I think I'll do the same. Thanks.Trumpet909 said:What I did was:
, since I couldn't use retreat and I wasn't about to walk all the way down (might not even let you).Beat the final bossOnce you beat the final boss, it drops you back into a town and you're able to now explore all the other areas that require unlocking from the sol blade, as well as take on the secret bosses.
Fucking hell. I'm still waiting for my new ds lite i bought on ebayOxx said:Finally it is here.
Regulus Tera said:So everyone in the back party gets half exp right? Well at least that's an incentive to not bulldoze through every enemy in the game (seriously, Amiti, Eoleo, Himi, and Sveta are like six levels ahead of everyone else).
Ricker said:Okay,I just died at the 3 stealth soldier in Konpa Ruins...there`s a few things about Djinn`s i`m not getting I guess...I`m level 11 and I have 6 of them(I missed only 1 I think),I have pretty crappy equipment,besides a few I found on the way,i`m still at starter cloth shirt and the like(I didn`t have enough money to buy anything better last time I could)...why do the Djinn`s switch up on me by themselves...why for example if I want to use cure outside of battles do I have to go put one Djinn on standby for Karis tu use Cure...I just want her to always have cure available...and why can`t I use one of the big Summons I saw a few times anymore?...these guys sapped all my PP also at the start of battle,that was annoying and I have nothing to resurrect my teamate? I think I should head back to town maybe or grind another level.
spootime said:Did anyone else grind the sky soldiers right before you fight the final boss? They give absolutely ridiculous xp and they each drop a water of life
spootime said:Did anyone else grind the sky soldiers right before you fight the final boss? They give absolutely ridiculous xp and they each drop a water of life
Lindsay said:28:40 clear time for me~
Final Team: Karis, Matthew,. Nuts to water adepts!Eoleo, Sveta
Music: I expected no less then the best an didn't leave disappointed!
Graphics: Grew on me as the overworld/battle changes were remniscent of FFVII.
Dungeons: A buncha stuff gave me trouble but nowhere near as hard as TLA thankfully.
Grinding: Encounter rate to low! Pretty much kept the lure cap equipped ever since I got it aside from when sailing around.
Story: I dun care what anyone says I loved the ending cause I love the series!
Stuff I was left wondering after TLA~ what went answered and what didn't?
What the heck is The Wise One anyway? - unanswered
Gaia Falls & Weyward... is the world really flat?! - it really is flat as one of the sun saga books mentioned
Is Alex alive and festering deep inside the planet Sephiroth-style? - yes and no lol.
What'll it mean that Isaac has some of the Golden Suns power in him? - unanswered
Where the heck are the Anemos? - unanswered
How old IS Piers anyway? - unanswered
And of course this game left stuff ta wonder about!
Alexs true goals are?
Psynergy vortexes?!
Amitis parents are...?
If there are dark and now light adepts does that mean there are dark an light djinn?
Since the mountain roc is dead now anyway why not take more feathers?
Does Laurel hate us forever for breaking the promise?
How old is Obaba and how is she still alive??!
Assuming Felix has a kid, did Takeru set off to join that group?
Prolly other things to but hey that's okay cause I'm certain some thing'll be answered some day!
Heck ya! For a couple of hours! But even being at L60+ the final boss was still hurting us badly o.o; I shoulda kept grinding and I think I will. Have a feeling I'm gonna need it for the optional bosses. Hooray for multiple game saves!
Ricker said:Okay,I just died at the 3 stealth soldier in Konpa Ruins...there`s a few things about Djinn`s i`m not getting I guess...I`m level 11 and I have 6 of them(I missed only 1 I think),I have pretty crappy equipment,besides a few I found on the way,i`m still at starter cloth shirt and the like(I didn`t have enough money to buy anything better last time I could)...why do the Djinn`s switch up on me by themselves...why for example if I want to use cure outside of battles do I have to go put one Djinn on standby for Karis tu use Cure...I just want her to always have cure available...and why can`t I use one of the big Summons I saw a few times anymore?...these guys sapped all my PP also at the start of battle,that was annoying and I have nothing to resurrect my teamate? I think I should head back to town maybe or grind another level.
kobashi100 said:Got this game on the weeknd and def like it. It feels good not having to put in hours of grinding with non stop random battles.
I was at level 10 when I beat this boss. Using the normal Psynergy group attacks mixed with Summon attacks should be okay. I had no problems as when I was out of PP I just used Djinn attacks.
Did you not stock up on herbs?
Ricker said:Okay,I just died at the 3 stealth soldier in Konpa Ruins...there`s a few things about Djinn`s i`m not getting I guess...I`m level 11 and I have 6 of them(I missed only 1 I think),I have pretty crappy equipment,besides a few I found on the way,i`m still at starter cloth shirt and the like(I didn`t have enough money to buy anything better last time I could)...why do the Djinn`s switch up on me by themselves...why for example if I want to use cure outside of battles do I have to go put one Djinn on standby for Karis tu use Cure...I just want her to always have cure available...and why can`t I use one of the big Summons I saw a few times anymore?...these guys sapped all my PP also at the start of battle,that was annoying and I have nothing to resurrect my teamate? I think I should head back to town maybe or grind another level.