Finished my second run through of this game last night (which was long overdue). The game still amazes me at how well it`s paced and how well the battle system is constructed. While the battle system doesn`t hold a finger to some of the improvements found in Grandia Xtreme, it still is a solid and playable game. I do wish they had kept the skill -> stat bonus upgrades and a bit more unique spell lists for the later game but I can see why they did Grandia Xtreme like they did.
The story still plays out really well to boot. My only complaint is that I would`ve liked it to go on longer and focus a bit more on the world around the characters instead of just Justin and Feena`s adventure. I still get the fuzzies when I see the Spirit Gate scene. There`s a whole ton of other scenes in the game that are great tooooooo. The soundtrack just holds out so well too. Soooo beautiful although I wish the main theme wasn`t repeated so much..
On the note of Audio, the voice-acting really does suffer from a case of shoddy directing instead of terrible voice-actors. There were a few scenes throughout the game that each of the voice-actors did a fairly good job (Liete`s VA did the best job overall btw) but the rest of the game was totally uneven.
Whoever said Grandia got a bad translation needs to replay the game and pay closer attention. While there are a few spots of uneven work (better wording or better grammar in some cases) the game was marvelously translated even if the fake Italian speech pattern given to the Mogay was kind of jarring ;p.
I think I found joke (you use to see it around here often) that got snuck into the game. Later on after the defeat of Baal at J Base, The Garlyle Forces and Justin regroup at an encampement. In one of the tents is a parrot that will repeat something you tell him to. One of the lines is "Justin is Awesome!". I happened to pick that one and guess what gets spit out, "Justin is awesome! Awesome is Justin!" It wasn`t exactly like that but it was pretty much there. Found it quite amusing.
Oh yes, you`d be surprised but in Zil Padon there`s an inn called the Alqada Hotel (!). I have a pick of it saved to my laptop (since I played the game on my laptop, don`t have access to a PS) amongst some other fine shots ;p. I`ll post them whenever I get to Tokyo and have a stable internet connection. Can`t really post 1280x800 sized pics (the size I had epsxe run in) on this crappy connection.
The story still plays out really well to boot. My only complaint is that I would`ve liked it to go on longer and focus a bit more on the world around the characters instead of just Justin and Feena`s adventure. I still get the fuzzies when I see the Spirit Gate scene. There`s a whole ton of other scenes in the game that are great tooooooo. The soundtrack just holds out so well too. Soooo beautiful although I wish the main theme wasn`t repeated so much..
On the note of Audio, the voice-acting really does suffer from a case of shoddy directing instead of terrible voice-actors. There were a few scenes throughout the game that each of the voice-actors did a fairly good job (Liete`s VA did the best job overall btw) but the rest of the game was totally uneven.
Whoever said Grandia got a bad translation needs to replay the game and pay closer attention. While there are a few spots of uneven work (better wording or better grammar in some cases) the game was marvelously translated even if the fake Italian speech pattern given to the Mogay was kind of jarring ;p.
I think I found joke (you use to see it around here often) that got snuck into the game. Later on after the defeat of Baal at J Base, The Garlyle Forces and Justin regroup at an encampement. In one of the tents is a parrot that will repeat something you tell him to. One of the lines is "Justin is Awesome!". I happened to pick that one and guess what gets spit out, "Justin is awesome! Awesome is Justin!" It wasn`t exactly like that but it was pretty much there. Found it quite amusing.
Oh yes, you`d be surprised but in Zil Padon there`s an inn called the Alqada Hotel (!). I have a pick of it saved to my laptop (since I played the game on my laptop, don`t have access to a PS) amongst some other fine shots ;p. I`ll post them whenever I get to Tokyo and have a stable internet connection. Can`t really post 1280x800 sized pics (the size I had epsxe run in) on this crappy connection.