
RPG Site: 8/10
Greedfall is blemished but imaginative and choice-filled gem that harkens back to some of our favorite western RPGs.
DualShockers: 6.5/10
GreedFall takes place in an amazing and intriguing world but fails to be interesting on the gameplay front.
Playstation Universe: 8/10
GreedFall stands as Spiders' most successful game to day, bar none. Despite its issues, nothing gets in the way of this game's ambition and heart. Anyone looking for a standout, deep action-RPG will find it in GreedFall. With its different narrative paths and various ways to build your character, there are so many reasons to play through multiple times.
Rectify Gaming: 8.2/10
Despite some rough edges and a modest budget, Greedfall delivers a blockbuster RPG experience.
Our own @Karak from ACG: Buy
Push Square: 7/10
GreedFall is Spiders' best game by some distance, and it's impressive how far the developer has come in just a few short years. It successfully scratches that BioWare itch with an intriguing world, likeable characters, and rock solid gameplay. However, aside from its unique setting, nothing about GreedFall truly stands out.
Windows Central: 4/5
GreedFall delivers an experience that is as satisfying as it is ambitious, although it does falter in some notable ways.
Games Beat: Unscored
I’m invested enough in the way Greedfall’s fantasy world doesn’t shy away from brushing up against real history, its well-paced writing, and endearing characters to happily continue trucking through it, despite some of its technical shortcomings.
Game Watcher: 8/10
Greedfall, even with its flaws, is a game that’s very easy to sink time into without regret.
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