Yes.With the game's "de-leveling" system, do you still get the drops and experience appropriate to your real level?
Yes.With the game's "de-leveling" system, do you still get the drops and experience appropriate to your real level?
With the game's "de-leveling" system, do you still get the drops and experience appropriate to your real level?
you suck
okay maybe some (most) of the Necro weapons do suck. Scepter is pretty much a must, unless they buff the other weapons.
Dagger is pretty good now and axe is good for burst damage, especially with well builds.
Wow many thanks for this, sounds very interesting and fun to play!
Norn Warrior of course
Maybe I played too much WoW and this concept is just foreign to me, but the gear grind ends *and* you continue playing? What for? Because it's fun or something? (weeeird)
There will be aesthetic gear to hunt down, like Legendary Weapons which are more than just run-of-the-mill models. One will turn your character to liquid metal, leaving droplets in your wake. Another is a bow that shoots rainbows. There are actually two greatswords, one that looks like Night and one that looks like Day (literally; the way they described them, looking through the model looks like a window) that can be combined somehow to form one super-sword.
They actually approached us on
did they change anything about the dagger or axe skills since BWE3?
Is there any reason to not play a warrior?
Axe not too much, but they have upped the damage of the dagger quite a bit since bwe3. Also, life siphon's range was doubled recently. There were a lot of changes in the 8/15 stress test and yesterday's stress test.
Is there any reason to not play a warrior?
I was bored with the Engineer in BW3.
I felt my damage was pathetic compared to other classes in WvW, and only having two weapons that are nearly identical in function (pistol vs. rifle) felt really limited. When you get some of the kits, it gets better, but some are just laughably bad. The grenade and flamethrower kits seem to be the only ones worthwhile. I can't see a single use for the bomb kit in PvP because the bombs are on such a short timer that they are essentially a melee weapon. I wish the bomb kit was a mine kit so that you could use some strategy with their deployment.
Is there any reason to not play a warrior?
So, I preordered and am completely pumped to play on Friday. No idea why, I never played the first or anything but I am hyped.
Is there like a primer I can read or a forum thread for newbs that would get me prepped?
I'd say the Ranger longbow is about calmly staying out of the battle, keeping your foes at bay while dealing heavy damage anyway, as the the Ranger longbow gets a damage bonus at max range.Interesting. Ranger longbow seems more supportive, which is the way I like to play. Is Warrior an offensive version?
My first thought is to tell you not to worry. My second thought is to tell you that my verification email arrived close to 4am last night, and even hours later the verification link worked. But still, don't worry.Still no verification e-mail (apparently it was sent out later for a lot of people), and issue could be that I used this e-mail account when I played GW1 (also City of Heroes) a million years ago and apparently there is some kind of @ncsoft account created?
I could change my default email but with no active session to test it I could fuck myself for launch
what do I do...WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!
I was bored with the Engineer in BW3.
I felt my damage was pathetic compared to other classes in WvW, and only having two weapons that are nearly identical in function (pistol vs. rifle) felt really limited. When you get some of the kits, it gets better, but some are just laughably bad. The grenade and flamethrower kits seem to be the only ones worthwhile. I can't see a single use for the bomb kit in PvP because the bombs are on such a short timer that they are essentially a melee weapon. I wish the bomb kit was a mine kit so that you could use some strategy with their deployment.
A little confused about the guild system in this game. I recently read that you can be in more than one guild? This was good news because i didn't want to dissapoint my guild from my former MMO thats moving to guild wars, but also was looking forward to being in a bigger guild like GafGuild. I understand you can choose which guild you want to represent at any given time and any reputation earned goes to that one...but how does this take into account your home server? Can you still do pve stuff with people on different servers and server only matters for WvWvW? Confused.
I have paid no attention to this game at all and have little idea about the game beyond that's an MMO without a sub fee...but I want it for some reason.
I'm torn between reading up on the game and buying it or making the sane choice not buying now because classes are starting up soon.
If I could only watch a single video that would sell me on this game, what video should I watch?
Is the version released on the 25th (or 28th) going to be identical to what we've been playing the last few BWEs?
I enjoyed the game but I'm hoping for more tutorializing and context.
There is something to be said for figuring things out as you go, but I found the game crazy confusing.
You have to be on the same server to do WvW stuff. You can just guest on a server to do PvE.
Here's the deal with the verification:
It's not required to login, but is mainly used to give you peace of mind knowing that IF another IP logs into your account, you'll need to enter a code or click a link from your email to allow access. So if you still haven't got the email, once we get to play again be sure to just have it sent when you click Login.
Anyone tried using pinnacle game profiler to play the game with a controller?
Was browsing when i came upon this profile:
and it seems like a good config but i´m not sure how well a controller translates to playing an mmorpg.
Any opinions on this? and in the pinnacle software as well?
P.S Thinking on using my PS3 controller for this.
Time is an issue because of my massive SWTOR addiction! I get what you mean though - if this were a subscription or I had to grind my gear I wouldn't even give this a look!
I don't know if anyone else realized this, but one of the sylvari faces bugged me for the longest time before I realized that the model was based off Audrey Hepburn.
Yeah well I had _everything_ maxed outSo yeah, that could've been the problem causing my fps to dip.
Here's Zhaitan in concept art form, remember this can be considered a STORY SPOILER and you've been warned.
no pets. If they had pets, we wouldn't need the Ranger.
Is Ranger capable fighting up close?
Is Ranger capable fighting up close?
hey all, I am coming in blind to GW2. I have never played the beta and rarely watched any videos.
I normally play a tank type class in MMOs. Which role do you think best suits me?
OK, quite a lot of stuff to comment here.
1) Thanks a lot for the contribution! That profile has a lot of great ideas; interestingly, we arrived at some of them independently; for example, I'm currently exploring a "hold button for mouse mode" configuration, and I swear I got the idea all by myself.It still has some neat ideas, so I'd beg you to post it in the GAFGuild controller thread:
2) I actually tried Pinnacle Profiler not too long ago (too eagerly, I started my one month trial well before GW2's launch, so I could only use it for one of the BWEs), and, as its name seems to imply, it is, for me, the best controller profiler in the market. In fact, that one profile above is not possible with, say, XPadder (what we mostly use in the thread). That said, Pinnacle Profiler is somewhat expensive, while the version of XPadder we use is totally free (XPadder did become non-free starting with the next version to that one). In the end, I decided to concentrate my efforts on XPadder so that more people could benefit from them, but I do miss Pinacle's utility sometimes, so I've considered buying it.
3) I can, however, see a couple of problems with that profile. For example, the face buttons act as 1,2,3 abilities when tapped, but as 7,8,9 when held. Problem is, some 1,2,3 abilities require you to hold the key (case in point, trebuchets). Also, he has "hold RB/LB" bound to "select target"; that seems really cumbersome, as you need to switch between them quickly.
4) You might want to keep an eye on the thread, perhaps download the bundle I prepared and read the descriptions of some of the configurations provided, see if you like them as well. Remember, everything in the bundle is free.
hey all, I am coming in blind to GW2. I have never played the beta and rarely watched any videos.
I normally play a tank type class in MMOs. Which role do you think best suits me?
Nailed down that I am 100% playing an engineer, had a blast in I have to go nuts choosing between Asura and Human
Asura - Awesome story line, animation
Human - Much more detail on character model due to larger size
I really don't care about ''the best build'', and I will be dual-wielding pistols on my Engineer.