Sir Garbageman
Even getting slaughtered in WvW I had a blast for about 3 hours. I'm only LVL 13 so I assume I don't have all my OH SHIT buttons for a Guardian. But sometimes I would just get decimated by a single player while others I'd be able to stay up and survive and kill them.
One problem I had is catching people, it seems I just get kited around and have no way of stopping the person once I leap to them (using Greatsword and shield/scepter). Is there something I'm missing that can stop them? Those entangling vines are almost useless because it seems to not even go ON the target unless they stand still (very rare when somebody is running from you) and they will just appear where the person is.
I try the 5 skill (throw the sword twice to bring them to you) and try and snag them with vines but it almost never catches unless the person isn't moving.
Any ideas of how to keep a person rooted or crippled? I seem to be rooted or crippled a majority of the time.
I'm a noob but specter 3 attack should root someone for a bit, and both sword (2) and greatsword (4) have leaping /teleporting attacks that should get you right in front of someone. There is also the judge intervention utility skill, which teleports you to the target and burns them.