Hi all, I'm back from a 15-day holiday, so I hope you will forgive me if the content of this post relates to events that happened over a week past. Namely, the creation of this thread.
Frankly, I'm appaled at how it all has been handled. Tekno, I always try to think the best of people, and never to assume malice or ill will, but I simpy can't do it in this case. You knew full well this would be a slap in the face of Jira, tachiSama, Retro and Maxrpg. I can't really assume good will after you ended the previous thread with the statement "No guarantees the title will be troll-free.". You took many hours of work and willingly and knowingly made it so that they were for nothing.
I don't buy into the "no harm done, the thread is still there" argument by other posters. The entire reason threads are capped is so that older ones can fall off the board's database. When the OT1 falls off the board, the OT2 will simply have a dead link in its OP. Even disregarding that, people are MUCH less likely to click on that link than to simply read what's in front of them.
What I'm most disgusted at, however, is the "who cares lol" attitude of many other posters in this thread, or even putting blame on Jira for calling this out. I would frankly be more than a little angry if someone who knew full well that I worked for hours on something made an attempt for all of it to go down the drain, for no discernible reason whatsoever other than to piss me and other three guys off.
If anyone else can construe this as anything else than trolling (more so when it has been explicitly admitted beforehand), well, my hat is off to such capacity for self-delusion. I already see that this has finally (and unsurprisingly) driven off several (although not all) regular contributors of past threads. Unfortunately, I'm done here as well; you'll find me at the GAFGuild forums.