I have to say I've always gotten 60 tokens every time I've completed a dungeon.
i hate you
I have to say I've always gotten 60 tokens every time I've completed a dungeon.
you peopleI have to say I've always gotten 60 tokens every time I've completed a dungeon.
""This is just nonsense tre. You can't have it both ways. You can't argue that people shouldn't be punished for when they play and they try to dismiss other examples of this as "well its the rest of your server's fault." "
The assertion that you're punished for playing during "primetime" is flawed, though. With that argument, any time my server loses a significant amount of points while I left my house, I'm being punished for having a life outside of the game. In a format that's about massive persistent pvp, at some you have to draw the line for where the responsibility for your success/failure lies. Organization is, and always will be the key, that's the nature of the beast. I've played open world pvp MMOs before, I've been on a *much* shittier end of the stick than JQ and SBI are right now. I still wouldn't change the way it is.
HoD isn't facing resistance at night because the other servers aren't playing and that's not HoD's fault. You say servers shouldn't be trying to do what HoD has done, and I disagree. Having a constant, 24/7 raging battle is the ideal. Why wouldn't it be? Being able to log in at any time of the day and hop in a massive battle? I'm not going to say that isn't how it should be and I'd imagine ANet wants that as well. So I'll say that yes, every server should be recruiting/headhunting international guilds.
"Isn't the full/high thing more of an indication of "reserved spots" and not the actual online population at that second?"
I'm not sure, because that full/high thing fluctuates depending on the time of day.
Also, shoutouts to the GAF thief I just dueled at Stargrove, good fight.
Thirdly, if you're playing the game ENTIRELY SOLO, why are you playing this game?
Not to speak for him, but I think his point was that when you do dungeons or other organized events, you'll be happy to connect with some of those GAFfers you've been waving at.evlcookie said:I play the game solo, That's mostly because I have no idea what the fuck i'm even doing or what half the stuff is.
If there's a group event I will try and join in and point out if there's one near me in /map chat.
Aside from that I still haven't stepped foot in a dungeon (I have no idea what they are compared to WoW - My only MMO to date) and i'm level 63. I've spotted a few gaffers as i'm leveling and it's mostly just a /wave and we carry on doing our own thing.
it was never fixed in daoc and I doubt it will be fixed in gw2This is just nonsense tre. You can't have it both ways. You can't argue that people shouldn't be punished for when they play and they try to dismiss other examples of this as "well its the rest of your server's fault."
Here is the problem:
Taking a keep that is will defended is worth the same amount of points as taking a keep that is not defended. Taking a defended keep during primetime takes more time, and takes more resources. It is easier and faster to take an empty keep, so "night zerging" is the most effective tactic towards points. While doing this, the night zerging team has to burn less resources.
So accomplishing things with more effort, resources and commitment is ultimately worth less than accomplishing things versus minimal resistance. Accomplishing harder tasks is weighted less than accomplishing easy tasks. That is a broken setup.
Nobody is arguing against that. (I hope.)
The game has a scoreboard and that makes points important. This makes night zerging most important. Unfortunately, night zerging is not fun for either side. When SBI rolls through an empty borderlands, it's pretty much a snoozefest. When the Aussies roll through an empty Borderlands for HoD, it's pretty much a reason to quit WvWvW and go to the rest of the game.
Ultimately, and this is in accordance to ANet's own bravado, people should be doing and playing what they want to play and not playing or doing something out of obligation. People should be playing when they have free time to play and not be punished for that, instead of quitting work or school to keep their WvWvW match competitive.
But if you go down the road of everyone must have 24/7 Coverage or face a non-competitive and slanted battlefield, then you start to go down the path of playing out of obligation instead of playing for fun or due to your own choice.
This issue is created by people playing outside of their region. That issue is created by ANet not having region restrictions, but also not even having an Asian region or full Asian market launch. When Peters talks about doing things that they don't have the resources for, I imagine that includes the lack of a natural Asian/Oceanic region to better match up people playing at similar hours.
When that region is eventually made then population coverage could scuttle around again.
So your solution or HoD's solution isn't future proof, but even then, it does create a standard that works against having regions at all. You could then have Asian servers recruiting American guilds to night cap for them and create non-competitive matchups in their region and easy wins. You will still have servers like HoD trying to retain 24/7 coverage and stealing from other regional servers just to win.
It's ultimate solution leads to long 24/7 queues for players in top servers trying to WvWvW. All these weeks of complaining about constant queues and now they're the solution? Come on.
The goal should be to create matchups more like the top tier matchup during the weekend or more like what a SBI/JQ/ET matchup might be like. Those sort of fights retain interest in WvWvW. Night capping deters interest in the game, so you shouldn't eb ancouraging night capping as much as the current system does. You also can't assure everyone will have 24/7 coverage and making that the standard creates more problems.
So the solution does involve removing points or better protecting people against night zerg. It does involve rewarding the best parts of WvWvW with more points instead of the last enjoyable parts of WvWvW creating the biggest point difference. It also involves smarter match making.
If that punishes people who play off-peak in some way then so be it. I play off-peak. I want more interesting fights when I'm losing or when I'm steamrolling. But since I play off-peak, I don't expect to fight a huge army. It's ridiculous to expect that. Playing against nobody is a punishment as well, one created by lack of a Oceanic v Oceanic matchup. It's ridiculous to decide a fight by taking empty keeps. It's ridiculous that 4 hours of a day when less are fighting matter more than the rest of the day when the most are fighting.
here are some questions that I was wondering about:
1.) How is the learning curve? Not just about how to play the classes, but learning about which quests to do, which armor is best, which stats are good, which skills are best, etc.
2.) How is the loot managed? If I'm in a group, and something drops that is really good for my class, but there is another person in my group that is the same class, how do we determine who gets it? Or is the loot system completely different than that? (for instance, is it all individual loot like Diablo 3?)
3.) I'm assuming that I would play mostly by myself at first considering I don't know anyone personally that plays it. Is this game fine to play alone? Or maybe there would be some of the Gaf guild members that would be willing to quest with me and whatnot.
I've been watching videos and streams of this game for a while now, debating whether or not I should get this. I decided to just post here and ask fellow Gaffers what you think based on my brief history with WoW that I will detail in a moment. I don't know why it took me this long to ask you guys, but I value anyone's opinion.
So years and years ago (I think 6 or 7 years), I was addicted to WoW. I was in high school and spent most of my down time playing it. I had a few friends from school that got me into it, but I mostly played with people that I establish friendships with through the game. Eventually, though, I got so fed up with it. Not only because it was getting tough to afford it every month, but because the people that played it took it way too seriously, which constantly prevented me from being able to play the end-game content. My guild was not strong enough to tackle anything too difficult (I can't remember the names of any of the end-game instances), so I had to enter PUG (pick-up-group) runs in order to ever get a chance to play the stuff. PUG groups, however, took hours to form and then once you actually start playing, people leave and delay it even longer. And don't even get me started on how unfair the looting was for PUG runs. And whenever I tried getting into a guild that could actually do end-game runs, they would tell me that they have enough rogues (I had a lvl 60 rogue) or they just plain wouldn't let me in. I was so pissed off, so I stopped playing entirely. This was just before the first expansion came out for it, too.
Now that GW2 is out, I feel like I want to give this MMO a try. I love not having to pay every month and that there seems to be a very large audience that is backing it (which can't be said for many other "WoW killers"). So, I wanted to ask you guys whether you think I should go ahead and buy this? I loved WoW when I could actually play the content. I loved the feeling of getting rare loot or set pieces. I liked grouping up for certain quests. I liked doing the occasional PVP (battlegrounds I think they were called in WoW).
To help you with your suggestions, here are some questions that I was wondering about:
1.) How is the learning curve? Not just about how to play the classes, but learning about which quests to do, which armor is best, which stats are good, which skills are best, etc.
2.) How is the loot managed? If I'm in a group, and something drops that is really good for my class, but there is another person in my group that is the same class, how do we determine who gets it? Or is the loot system completely different than that? (for instance, is it all individual loot like Diablo 3?)
3.) I'm assuming that I would play mostly by myself at first considering I don't know anyone personally that plays it. Is this game fine to play alone? Or maybe there would be some of the Gaf guild members that would be willing to quest with me and whatnot.
I know I could probably find the answers to these questions elsewhere, but I'm not really asking them/making this post to find the answer, but rather to show you what's important to me and what I want to be different from the way WoW managed it.
Thanks to anyone for any suggestions.
I find it to be rocky at start- the game doesn't explain everything to the player as well as it could. After about level 15, though, I thought it was quite smooth all that way to 80 and beyond, and the guild is very helpful for all the info you listed.To help you with your suggestions, here are some questions that I was wondering about:
1.) How is the learning curve? Not just about how to play the classes, but learning about which quests to do, which armor is best, which stats are good, which skills are best, etc.
All individual. No rolls, no stealing.2.) How is the loot managed? If I'm in a group, and something drops that is really good for my class, but there is another person in my group that is the same class, how do we determine who gets it? Or is the loot system completely different than that? (for instance, is it all individual loot like Diablo 3?)
Personally, as long as I'm not literally in the middle of something else, I'm always willing to do ANYTHING to chill with guildies. I don't know how much you know about the scaling in this game, but even 1-15 areas will get you decent rewards at level 80, so I hope that you'll more or less always be able to find someone to play with you. Though yes, the vast majority of the game is find to play alone.3.) I'm assuming that I would play mostly by myself at first considering I don't know anyone personally that plays it. Is this game fine to play alone? Or maybe there would be some of the Gaf guild members that would be willing to quest with me and whatnot.
We may not be playing in a vacuum, but it would be foolish to not attempt to take advantage of other similar people trying to play with you and do content. Of your 40 people, do you group with them often?
I understand the concept of having a better LFG tool for the masses, but I was mainly talking about you specifically.
Grouping and doing things together in this game is quite rewarding since everything is instanced per player. Now I can understand exploration by yourself (I do it quite often myself); it's your wish to take the game at your own pace. I'm more referring to opting out of the multiplayer based content (dungeons, etc) and then wondering where the people are because you forgot that you had other people around you. (you is general, here, not specifically)
Be proud of who you are!I tried switching to my town clothes but kept getting hit causing me to go back to my armor. The picture was taken right before I switched clothes. >.< Lol, oh well.
Kimaka forgot to put her clothes back on. Or is that Hayira?
edit: See 'em both. Still naked.
That's the "combat" chat channel. Each tab of your chat can be customized to include whatever you want or don't want to see. Click the little arrow to the left of the tab name.Does anyone know if there is a way to hide the gray text (which describes the damage of each attack) on the left side of the screen? Thanks
Turn off the combat log. Same check box that has guild/say/map/etc.Does anyone know if there is a way to hide the gray text (which describes the damage of each attack) on the left side of the screen? Thanks
Repair and vendor trash need to go. They are antiquated crap.You really shouldnt be taking armor damage in WvW, it's another unnecessary money sink in a game chock-fucking-full of money sinks.
So have any spots opened up in the regular guild, cause the Overflow one is basically dead. The few people I do see online are repping a different guild anyway.
You really should not be taking armor damage in WvW, it's another unnecessary money sink in a game chock-fucking-full of money sinks.
Seems like a much-needed threat to me, otherwise death holds no meaning aside from running back from spawn. It sucks, sure - but I don't think it's unnecessary.
mannnn what did i do to you :OYes there are spots open.
whisper 'hawkien the jerk' or whatever his name is!
Pretty much this. Whether you're taking a keep/camp or defending it, being absent from battle can make or break your team's struggle and that's what really matters in WvW. Not "oh, well, I hope I don't die so I can avoid paying the repair fee".The only threat needed from death should be the fact that you're more likely to either fail your attack or lose the structure you're currently defending. The run back should be punishment enough since the armor damage just deters people from even playing WvW.
I run HotW yesterday a few times, first with some gafers and then with a pug.
The first run was smooth enough, though it was most of our first time doing the dungeon. We did have trouble on a particular boss, but in subsequent runs I found out that this was do to a bug. The Svanir should not have been respawning like that. In any case we pulled through, and I received have as much tokens as I should have for my troubles.
The next run I was in a pug lead by someone very experience in the dungeon, and we blazed through it fast, really fast. Infact it was faster than any pre-patch CoF run I've done, and apparently it was even faster before a patch. Not only was it faster but it was also easier, and due to it being a higher level dungeon I imagine the rewards better especially before the patch that nerfed the silver received from completing dungeons. My last run however I received a grand total of 2 tokens. I'll be waiting for the patch Monday before trying again.
Apologies to the Gafers I was partying with in WvWvW last night, I spilled some Milk in my Keyboard and it was causing some weird issues.
Sweet music to my earsWe have identified an issue with the DR system that is causing the bug of rewards being incorrectly diminished. We’re actively working on the situation in anticipation for Monday’s scheduled patch.
what?!Guys, since me and a lot of other peoples are having trouble finding a group for dungeons so i created guild that focus only in having a Global Chat to find Groups!!
You only need to represent the guild wile you are trying to find a group, them u can go back to your normal one!
By the way, this might take a wile to get a good amount of people to make a LFG faster spread the word so this can be minimized!!!
Hope you guys like the idea!
Ask for invites mailing to "Souto.2157" in game or whisper [only when i’m online]
P.S: U can be on any server for this since u can join dungeon with persons of other servers!!
P.S²: You can be in more than one Guild, u just need to represent wile looking for group!
Yes there are spots open.
whisper 'hawkien the jerk' or whatever his name is!
Finally hit 400 tailoring on my Mesmer.
I picked up cooking way back at launch as well, but haven't gone anywhere with it. Is it worth it, or will a different craft suit a Mesmer/tailor better?
Sounds like AHK is not able to pass any commands at all. Do you have User Account Control on?Tried the new version, followed the readme numerous times and even changed the the key multiple times to see if it was just a problem with TAB and nothing.
According to google I am the only one on the planet with this issue.
Oh well.
Sounds like AHK is not able to pass any commands at all. Do you have User Account Control on?
It won't ever do that- but try disabling UAC altogether and then running the script, see if it has any impact.Yep. There is no prompt though and no way to run it as an administrator like usual.
It won't ever do that- but try disabling UAC altogether and then running the script, see if it has any impact.