You guys do this stuff during football.![]()
I run HotW yesterday a few times, first with some gafers and then with a pug.
The first run was smooth enough, though it was most of our first time doing the dungeon. We did have trouble on a particular boss, but in subsequent runs I found out that this was do to a bug. The Svanir should not have been respawning like that. In any case we pulled through, and I received have as much tokens as I should have for my troubles.
The next run I was in a pug lead by someone very experience in the dungeon, and we blazed through it fast, really fast. Infact it was faster than any pre-patch CoF run I've done, and apparently it was even faster before a patch. Not only was it faster but it was also easier, and due to it being a higher level dungeon I imagine the rewards better especially before the patch that nerfed the silver received from completing dungeons. My last run however I received a grand total of 2 tokens. I'll be waiting for the patch Monday before trying again.
Apologies to the Gafers I was partying with in WvWvW last night, I spilled some Milk on my Keyboard and it was causing some weird issues.
I don't think Jade Quarry should ever be in the top 3 match. I don't think they're nearly as good as ET. Their tactics are awful and their skill just ...bad. It seems like they're targeting SBI because the server has sort of given up on these fights, but they don't go anywhere or accomplish much with their push against us. I don't even know how JQ lost all of their borderlands just now.
SBI has semi-given up and JQ can't even push us beyond a tiny pps lead.
YesWhat defines an unused signet? (In regards tothe Deep Strike Skill in the Arms trait line of Warriors)
Is it just any signet that is equipped, but not active? (i.e. you are gaining the passive beneftis from it but not the active ones)
Combat mod = good.
The flame of my soul is rekindled.
What's this?
Higher payouts for taking and hold locations would help. I also believe that armor shouldn't take damage in WvW. It becomes a pretty big sink if you're on the losing team and you keep dying.
What's this?
It simulates having the right mouse button held down by default and attacking with mouse buttons. I use similar scripting to play with a gamepad (might help you with teh jumping)
"Server was unable to autheticate your gameplay privileges"
Wtf?! Is this normal?! Is there anyway to play offline?
So I am thinking about getting this game but I cannot decide on which class/race to play.
I generally suck at PVP on these sorts of games (not that I've played many) so I am trying to figure out which class, if any, has an edge at PVP. The last thing I want to do is pick a bad class on top of sucking.
Based on my criteria I've narrowed it down to these 4:
Warrior - From what I've read it seems OP but a smart player can deal w/ them. I really don't want to play this class but if they are that good I am going to play them.
Ranger - Very good ranged DPS but once someone is in your face you are basically screwed?
Thief - Decent burst DPS (unload) and can escape by going stealth. Seems like a class where you would go in and out of fights a lot?
Mesmer - Can mitigate damage through illusions (people attacking the wrong target). How effective/believable are they?
Thinking of Sylvari because of their root ability (again another tool to get away) and take root (if you need to hold ground).
So which should I choose? I know racial abilities aren't that great but I'm also interested in folks take on those. In particular which seem best for Ranger, Thief, and Mesmer.
Lastly, how quickly can I level up now? Are there people still doing low level quests or has everyone basically max leveled their characters and have full gear?
So I am thinking about getting this game but I cannot decide on which class/race to play.
I generally suck at PVP on these sorts of games (not that I've played many) so I am trying to figure out which class, if any, has an edge at PVP. The last thing I want to do is pick a bad class on top of sucking.
Based on my criteria I've narrowed it down to these 4:
Warrior - From what I've read it seems OP but a smart player can deal w/ them. I really don't want to play this class but if they are that good I am going to play them.
Ranger - Very good ranged DPS but once someone is in your face you are basically screwed?
Thief - Decent burst DPS (unload) and can escape by going stealth. Seems like a class where you would go in and out of fights a lot?
Mesmer - Can mitigate damage through illusions (people attacking the wrong target). How effective/believable are they?
Thinking of Sylvari because of their root ability (again another tool to get away) and take root (if you need to hold ground).
So which should I choose? I know racial abilities aren't that great but I'm also interested in folks take on those. In particular which seem best for Ranger, Thief, and Mesmer.
Lastly, how quickly can I level up now? Are there people still doing low level quests or has everyone basically max leveled their characters and have full gear?
"Server was unable to autheticate your gameplay privileges"
Wtf?! Is this normal?! Is there anyway to play offline?
Close the game/launcher, wait 10 minutes and try again. It happened once to me too.
Also playing a MMO offline? Is that a trick-question?
We understand how frustrating it can be to have your account accessed by someone other than you, and we are sorry you had to experience it. We simply do not have the tools to provide this service at this time.
Regarding the ability for ANet GM's to manually transfer me.
This is 2012. How do they NOT have this ability nor the ability for FULL restorations?
This is my biggest issue with WvWvW as it is right now. I started unequipping all my armor in WvWvW recently to avoid the repair cost. Sure, I die more quickly now, but I figured when you get attacked by a few people you die anyway. Be it with or without armor.
Regarding the ability for ANet GM's to manually transfer me.
This is 2012. How do they NOT have this ability nor the ability for FULL restorations?
I get to 80 by spending the last coin I have, crafting like a Mofo. I have 3 silver left. Gets to 80, spends last trait point, goes to WvW, gets horrible owned, dies instantly, cant afford repair cost, desperately tries to make money, impossible, server balance makes it a slaughter. its over, your done. cant afford the repair cost, your only gear is invisible. your back in lions arch, think wtf.
As described by a couple of guildies.
they can keep travel costs, but WvW repair fees needs to go. its frustrating, its unfair, there is no way to make back what you loose unless your in the zerg.
I've noticed the dearth of background music myself. Probably a glitch.Why is it that when I play GW2, there is hardly ever any background music, but when I watch any GW2 gameplay video, there is background music? I feel as though something isn't right...
I've noticed the dearth of background music myself. Probably a glitch.
There's a setting for it to play continuously in the options.Why is it that when I play GW2, there is hardly ever any background music, but when I watch any GW2 gameplay video, there is background music? I feel as though something isn't right...
There's a setting for it to play continuously in the options.