I love how people ITT are ignoring the fact that this point regarding the music you made is completely fair and jumping into the ad hominem wagon.
Never change, MMO OT crew.
Not to make excuses for it, but the game DOES have custom soundtrack support.
Courtesy of Jim Boer, Arenanet -
- Go to you documents folder -> Guild Wars 2 -> Music.
- Create a playlist using your favorite media player. (Mikor suggests VLC)
- The music files have to be in a format that FMOD supports by default: .mp3, .ogg, .flac, .wav, .aiff, .mid, .it etc.
- The playlist formats that are supported are: .wpl, .m3u, .pls, .asx, and .wax
- To play your playlists you have to give it a specific name. The playlist names that are currently recognized by the game are:
Audίoboxer;42348646 said:You should write professional reviews!
All I can say is so far GW2 hasn't replicated any of the magic moments of WoW I had (especially when levelling).
It made me incredibly indecisive, and oh god, the armour variety, the armour variety is fucking terrible.
Dye system is cool, but seriously they need more variety. They went on a mission to try and rid of 'everything' in a stereotypical MMO, but they've taken TOO much away. Not all the grind of WoW for example needs cleansed, some of it is rewarding.
I love how people ITT are ignoring the fact that this point regarding the music you made is completely fair and jumping into the ad hominem wagon.
Never change, MMO OT crew.
Wtf happened to this thread?
I love how people ITT are ignoring the fact that this point regarding the music you made is completely fair and jumping into the ad hominem wagon.
Never change, MMO OT crew.
That's how OT threads tend to work, some of the excuses also tend to be jawdroppingly stupid. Use DIY arguments outside of an OT would get you chewed up but hey, it's a safe-zone in here.
From now on, anyone complains about sounds or music in any game I'll just tell them to make their own. Most games allows you to change sounds, so hey it's valid. For all 10,000+ sounds.
That's how OT threads tend to work, some of the excuses also tend to be jawdroppingly stupid. Use DIY arguments outside of an OT would get you chewed up but hey, it's a safe-zone in here.
From now on, anyone complains about sounds or music in any game I'll just tell them to make their own. Most games allows you to change sounds, so hey it's valid. For all 10,000+ sounds.
OT circle jerks is the best thing about Gaf.
Guess what? A lot of people that play MMOs don't give a shit about the music. I don't think I ever have my game volume up unless I am in a dungeon and I probably couldn't tell you what one in game song sounds like. I either have the TV going if I am questing or music playing if I am pvping.
But this thread is basically people whining about irrelevant shit because no developer actually reads this thread. So instead of talking about different trait builds or quests lets just fire up another post to bitch.
Music is an OPINION. it's not a 'fact'. I personally enjoy the music. Somebody mentions that you can change it and now it's a 10 hour job sorting through Beiber records?
How is that even a reasonable jump in conversation?
I've come to the conclusion that NO game will replicate that as you've already had that experience.
That's how OT threads tend to work, some of the excuses also tend to be jawdroppingly stupid. Use DIY arguments outside of an OT would get you chewed up but hey, it's a safe-zone in here.
From now on, anyone complains about sounds or music in any game I'll just tell them to make their own. Most games allows you to change sounds, so hey it's valid. For all 10,000+ sounds.
Not to make excuses for it, but the game DOES have custom soundtrack support.
Courtesy of Jim Boer, Arenanet -
Go to you documents folder -> Guild Wars 2 -> Music.
Create a playlist using your favorite media player. (Mikor suggests VLC)
The music files have to be in a format that FMOD supports by default: .mp3, .ogg, .flac, .wav, .aiff, .mid, .it etc.
The playlist formats that are supported are: .wpl, .m3u, .pls, .asx, and .wax
To play your playlists you have to give it a specific name. The playlist names that are currently recognized by the game are:
Yes, it's an opinion. His opinion. I never said otherwise. Why did you guys jump on him for stating his opinion in the first place? Care to explain?
Hahaha, oh God. This is embarassing. The guy's even swearing now.
If it's "irrelevant shit" and "people don't give a shit about the music", then move on and stop trying to pick a fight with the guy with ad hominem attacks just because he doesn't enjoy the game you do. He's free to say and complain about whatever the hell he wants to, and if you don't feel comfortable with that, then maybe you should leave this thread.
Who would've thought trying to discuss a game in that game's OT would be frowned upon? The more you know.
Read the very first line. Go ahead, I'll wait. You criticized the music and somebody offered an option because he understood not all music caters to everyone.
And when I say I never drink beer then proceed to drink a pint of beer, then there's no conflicting messages.
What he is doing isn't discussing the game. I'm sorry though I thought the OT was for maybe discussing different stuff to do in game or actually talking about builds/classes. According to you though its just people arguing back and forth. Carry on!
First of all. Read above, nobody jumped and then he went into some crazy ass rant that it takes 10 hours with pop music to make a soundtrack that will detract from his already terrible time with the game.
Second of all, it isn't "you guys". Everybody in here is a single person who has an opinion. Some people disagree with his, what's the problem with that?
What he is doing isn't discussing the game. I'm sorry though I thought the OT was for maybe discussing different stuff to do in game or actually talking about builds/classes. According to you though its just people arguing back and forth. Carry on!
Did you see that large post of arguments I made? Did you also notice people cherry picking what they could defend?
I cant decide between Engineer and Guardian >.<
Guardian 'skills' arent that interesting to me, but I like the weapon skills.
Buuuuuuut, the opposite is true of engineers, their weapon skills are kinda bleh, an dlimited by like 3 weapons. But I like kits and crap...
And I also explained why it's a poor substitute.
Did you see that large post of arguments I made? Did you also notice people cherry picking what they could defend?
The problem isn't disagreeing with him. I disagree with him. But, again, I'm not jumpin on him with ad hominem attacks and claiming he's not entitled to the right to state his opinions.
If you can't see what's wrong with that, then I don't know what to tell you.
This one time, I thought a game was awful, and I kept posting about it in the ot.
Oh wait no, when I think a games bad I move on.
That's not even remotely everybody, it's been mostly logical discussion. If you think every alternate opinion that isn't Sethos Ethos is "attacking him" then I'm not sure what to tell you either.
Gear: People have stated crafting and that they don't see what he's mentioning
Music: Others like it and posted how to get around it if you need so
Leveling: Others like it and it's varied
Art: He's pretty much alone on this that I can see as most enjoy the visual look of the game
Shatter I guess is stacking Power and then going for massive clone production like Mirror Images, Staff 2 / 3 and Deceptive Evasion? Seems like an interesting build, but I can see you running out of steam midfight or having big problems with all the AoEs in PvP.
What kinds of builds do you like with your Mesmers?
Wtf happened to this thread? Talk about imploding. Everything used to be so rosey.
Meh. I'm still enjoying the game at my own slow progression rate anyway.
Well, for me, at a certain point with a character you come to realize from that point on until 80, you will be doing the same type of heart quests, probably the same kind of DE's, fighting enemies with the same 3-4 skills, and crafting marginal upgrades. Traits are great when you have them all, but while lvl'ing up they are only small bonuses.That aside, I still don't understand the complaints about progression.
Um, are you guys just completely ignoring the karma vendors? Because they have unique armor and weapon skins all over the place (changes with every level tier, too - that is to say, every 10 levels).
I've come to the conclusion that NO game will replicate that as you've already had that experience.
Something about this genre makes a lot of people on GAF nuts, seriously. Shit's cray.
Asura are best race. Discuss.
Poor substitute for something YOU don't like. I like the music. Leave it. I saw your large post of arguments and I've seen many people disagreeing with all aspects from visuals, music, to gear ... where is the cherry picking?
I can't refute everything you typed because I'm not high level and I haven't experienced this terrible, abysmal, horrible sounding, tread of un-fun that you seem compelled to keep playing.
I'm enjoying the game, as are MANY others but for some reason anytime that is brought up as a reason to look past some of the more idiotic design decisions it isn't acceptable.
Basically you can shit on the game all you want (it's an opinion) but if somebody disagrees and defends the game they enjoy (an opinion) it's fanboy drivel? What kind of logic is that? All this thread is, is people arguing opinions but when they're positive it's "MMO OT people logic lulz" or "Fanboy alertz"
Ya, I mentioned this a few times but nobody cares.
Is actual game discussion now only happening in the GAFGuild forums then? Can we please stop this nonsensical crap?
Wait, lemme start a better topic. Asura are best race. Discuss.
Huh.Well, for me, at a certain point with a character you come to realize from that point on until 80, you will be doing the same type of heart quests, probably the same kind of DE's, fighting enemies with the same 3-4 skills, and crafting marginal upgrades. Traits are great when you have them all, but while lvl'ing up they are only small bonuses.
Well, this is a foregone conclusion.Wait, lemme start a better topic. Asura are best race. Discuss.
That's weird, because I've never had this problem. There's enough variety in every zone that I rarely (can't say never - obviously there's some repetition in there) felt like I was retreading the same content again. Some of the hearts and DEs are really clever, too, which helped to spur me on.
Also, "3-4 skills" seems entirely disingenuous... unless you're playing some kind of borked class where there are only 3-4 useful skills in the whole lot. I frequently switch between hammer and GS on my warrior, and I use everything I have. Perhaps a class switch is in order?
Well, this is a foregone conclusion.
All will serve the Asura in good time.
What I would like to know if it's worth it to spend Karma pre-30ish on items and such. I will probably be a slow leveler but I keep hoarding Karma not knowing how much the Karma train will flow later on.
All you really have to do is take Skyrim's soundtrack and transfer it over, like Soule did. Doesn't take 10 hours.
I say go for it, I hear it's pretty easy to earn Karma later on.
Wtf happened to this thread? Talk about imploding. Everything used to be so rosey.
Meh. I'm still enjoying the game at my own slow progression rate anyway.
I say go for it, I hear it's pretty easy to earn Karma later on.
Cool. I'm so much of a hoarder based on past MMO's where every little dime/point/token was needed so it's tough to break that mindset with this one.
Hopefully the new PC build tonight goes smooth and I'll be playing again shortly! Too long of a break IMO.
From what I have read, crafted gear is so cheap on TP right now that saving your Karma until your 80 is the best option. I believe the legendary weapon requires like 250k karma.
But it's ok from what I can tell the people who are boycotting the thread kicked most of the gaffers out of the guild already in the first place. Even active members.
Is this true? What was the whole point of having a GAF guild then if drama and politics are going to rumble through it?
But yeah I would figure the purpose of a gaf guild would be for events and such. Hell I don't even know why they made their own forum for it all. That's a little silly. I would have just made a community thread for the guild. Leave the first post there to post events and event timings. Have a link at the top of the OT in the main thread for the community thread so it's easy to find for people. Bam simple as hell.
Also, 35 isn't too high to look different but that only applies if you're a decently leveled Armorsmith or have the gold to purchase a set off the TP, both probably a bit difficult for a first character and new player.