Yeah, that was also my first guess.
On that note, anyone else reached a sheer cliff drop when it comes to this game? It started out so well, had my WoW fatigue and was desperately looking for an alternative - Game wasn't even on my radar so hype was at an all-time low. I buy the game and I'm actually enjoying myself and find certain aspects very attractive but all of a sudden, like lightning from a clear sky I find the game utterly boring and depressive.
I just come to realize there is exactly no incentive to level your character, no urge to build up my character like most MMOs. Despite trying something new, after the first 30 levels the events / vista / poi thing gets repetitive and stale as hell, really not enjoying it. Then you get past level 50 and the QA stopped there, after level 50 there's areas you can't even complete due to showstopper bugs in the events and others you basically need to do the same task over and over, because the other tasks that's also part of the event doesn't work. There's no awesomeness at level 80 really, it feels like at level 1 you can experience just as much which is probably a 'good thing' for some but as I said, it gives you no incentive to level. It makes me ask the question: Why is there even levels in this game? Someone in this thread mentioned Elite Skills when I brought this up ... Those boring ass skills are about the last thing I'd care about.
Story mode everyone praises and the only positive thing I can find is the huge amount of XP. The stories are downright bad ( but since it's in an MMO, it is the major hotness. ) and the actual gameplay in these events are mediocre at best with a very few select events that actually sneak past passable.
WvWvW seemed brilliant on paper, getting that XP and enjoying some PvP fighting but man, the execution is horrible. Queue times are through the roof, when you finally get in you'll experience the most unfocused combat and zerg tug of wars. It's just so undefined, they sprinkle some 'PvE' type events in there and when playing alone as a lot of people are likely to do, you're just running around in what seems ages without seeing any action. "Oh there's action at the bottom of the map! - Oh shit, can't spawn anywhere close" and then starts your massive ass journey, pack a lunch.
sPvP is definitely more focused and has its moments but it's about earth to the sun distance of being able to carry the game and provide that fatigue break. Plus with no XP incentive and running around looking like a dildo in that gear, it's just not attractive.
The gear variety is so pathetic, mail users especially get hit with the crapbat - All the stuff, gear looks downright stupid or like level 1 gear, you never really look 'cool'. You aren't progressing either like other MMOs, like starting out looking like a hobo, getting more gear that will make you look like a fashion case gone wrong and then progressing on to decent looking sets. If you want a decent looking set you can buy cultural gear usually and waste all your heard earned money. Even at high level, some of the gear just posted in this thread makes me cringe ... Yet people find it awesome? I have seen 3 ... 3!! sets of armour in this game that I would classify as 'good looking' and they are all at the very end-game and requires a lot of effort ( i.e grinding ).
I hate the level scaling. Again, the "no incentive to level". While I can see why some people like it, I fucking hate it. You never feel like you're progressing. You never feel like you just get more and more powerful - You just feel like a pleb all through the game. I can see the pros for this, I really can but I just don't enjoy it. Even in a level appropriate area, you hit a wall in no time because mobs a level or two higher will start to give you trouble ... Then you need to visit lower areas to get your ass with you.
I liked the 5 skills, weapon switching at first but it gets boring in record time which isn't helped by the pretty stale combat of the game. Dodging is great, I like that but everything else is pretty bad. Fighting mobs just doesn't feel fun, feels annoying and at some point past level 40, everything starts to knock you down, chain you, make you limp and those effects just last way too long.
The game engine and control feel. You constantly feel like you're walking around in molasses and everything is very sluggish - Compared to certain other MMOs it's quite an atrocity. I also find the game depressing as hell - Those tiny view distances and generic scenery that looks to be made by coal miners who's never seen the light of day and someone described it over the phone. But the view distances are the killer, you feel like you're walking around in a small box and never get an impressive view. Game is so dreary and depressive to look at.
Oh and a last shout to the music of the game, it has some great tracks but they can be counted on one hand and most of it just blends into the game in an uninteresting and boring way, you never really notice it. Music is such an important part of a game, especially an MMO I feel and the key is to distinguish areas with a piece of great music but ... same shit plays over and over, some of it just goes unnoticed and a few select cities has some decent music.
Honestly the game has left the same taste in my mouth as Warhammer Online, I actually found that game more fun which says a lot.
Rant over ( Expecting a backlash and no one agreeing ).