How's that Condemned remake coming along broA Sabre and circular stairs.
How's that Condemned remake coming along broA Sabre and circular stairs.
I am currently on vacation and away from box, but it would appear some of my friends are not to fond of that map and starting weapon combo
It's close. Life just took a busy turn. Would love to get it out before Memories of Reach.How's that Condemned remake coming along bro
It's close. Life just took a busy turn. Would love to get it out before Memories of Reach.
Hey everyone,
We've been keeping an eye on feedback on maps process for quite some time, including stuff dating back many years. The Forge, Multiplayer, and Community teams are working together to determine the best ways to heavily adjust processes and restructure moving forward, beginning with the next upcoming community map submission period, which will focus on grabbing some new Infection maps for consideration. Look forward to a Waypoint submission thread next week. Thanks for all of the feedback and thoughts thusfar.
How are we supposed to make Infection maps without the gametype?
How are we supposed to make Infection maps without the gametype?
Also, I really hope those automated turret things from Halo 4 make a return in Forge with Memories of Reach.
You have to imagine what it would be like to run around playing Infection and then make a map.
I have a few maps that might be fun using Infection but I might tweak them with the weather etc to make them a bit more dark.
I have a map, I think it would be great for infection.
It's rats nest.
The problem is that we have nothing to use to gauge the player traits for the zombies, which is pretty important in the grand scheme of map-pathing.
Seriously.. other than new canvases and prefabs, what else is left for them to add that people have been asking for? French and co. are doing crazy good work and forge maps looking more and more like dev maps. Insane how far it has come since Halo 3.
I think the big one is onject scaling but I doubt it's possible.
We could certainly get more aesthtic items like the ivy.
As for canvases and items
Jungle + matching foliage
City scape (think a blank canvas and the surroundings of crater from odst)
Halo ring
I need a large water canvas for my next map idea. Either a remake of forge world or a port of awash would be good.
It would be nice to have water that does not kill you if you crouch down more than 1 foot.
Water volumes would be a great idea but I don't think Spartans are supposed to survive under water.![]()
Halo 5 doesn't really support water well. There are some spots in the campaign where you can crouch under the water and it has no effects at all and the water just kinda disappears.
Water volumes without physics would do just so water can be added to maps properly.
We're looking for great maps, decent ones just don't cut it.
It's a common issue.Whenever I try to change the time of day on Glacier I get stuck in an infinite cycle of loading screens and I have to force-quit the game. Has this happened to anyone else?
Whenever I try to change the time of day on Glacier I get stuck in an infinite cycle of loading screens and I have to force-quit the game. Has this happened to anyone else?
Oops, wrong topic.
This was probably Nok recommending my rats nest for mm but accidently posted it here instead of
Didn't you hear i have a special 343i branded Xbox Elite Elite Elite Controller with a 5th "Upload map directly to Matchmaking" paddle.
Didn't you hear i have a special 343i branded Xbox Elite Elite Elite Controller with a 5th "Upload map directly to Matchmaking" paddle.
Infection concept - opinions?
Think I might create an animated intro with the Pelican crashing. Maybe call it "Pelican Down".
Cartographers said:The first is for maps for the initial release of the playlist, the second date is for those that could be added shortly after the playlist is added. The dates come as is and we are just the messengers. Good luck everyone and please help each other out in testing with the honor rules gametypes that can be found in the files of PA1NTS or REMkings. Expect 12 man lobbies for infection for sizing.
Ideally you get these maps visible prior to those dates as ideally the Cartographers need the chance to test them and proof them for any minor details that need changing. Keep in mind, submitting a map does not guarantee its inclusion just that it will be seen.
The Community Cartographers are collecting Infection maps to be added to Halo 5's matchmaking playlist. While we don't have any dates to share, we know that 343 is intent on creating a playlist for this gametype shortly. We recommend that you submit your map to as many website platforms as possible to ensure that your map receives the recognition and attention it deserves.
You will be able to submit your infection maps on Halo Waypoint and other Halo community websites. When we create submission threads for each site we will update this thread with the proper destination links.
When your infection map is complete and you are choosing to submit it to HaloWaypoint, please provide the following map information and use this thread for your submissions.
Below you will find the proper format to follow when submitting your maps, please copy and paste the provided structure verbatim into your posts. Failure to include portions of your submission may result in your map not being reviewed, please make sure to include everything that is not listed under the Optional section. For screenshots, you are free to embed them in your post, but please include a link to the screenshot on as well, so that I can download the original file at full resolution. For videos, please try to keep your video under two minutes, if possible.
- Map Name:
- Author(s):
- Gametype: (“Infection”, “Hivemind”, or create one of your own)
- Map Description: (at most 1-2 sentences)
- Screenshot: (XboxDVR link)
- (Optional) Video: (XboxDVR or YouTube link)
As you may have seen in the recent Reddit thread, The Truth Behind the Cartographers, we will be implementing a new map submission system on waypoint in the near future.
Bravo said:"We've been keeping an eye on feedback on maps process for quite some time, including stuff dating back many years. The Forge, Multiplayer, and Community teams are working together to determine the best ways to heavily adjust processes and restructure moving forward, beginning with the next upcoming community map submission period, which will focus on grabbing some new Infection maps for consideration. Look forward to a Waypoint submission thread next week. Thanks for all of the feedback and thoughts thusfar."
- 12 Players
- All classic or previously existing infection game modes such as 'Infection', 'Hivemind', 'Braaains', etc.
- Create your own custom gametype variant via custom menu options and test with your friends using honor rules.
After your infection map is submitted, it will be reviewed by the Community Cartographers. They will be meticulous in looking for any map issues that will impact gameplay: player containment, incorrect spawn points, misplaced kill barriers, unruly geometry, etc.
If any revisions are required, the Cartographers will contact the map’s creator with feedback. Maps that are not properly contained with kill boundaries or suffer from performance issues won’t be considered for matchmaking.
As always, 343 Industries has the final say in everything that goes into matchmaking and when the playlist is updated. The Community Cartographers will make recommendations, but 343 Industries will make the final call.
Finally, if your map does not make this first matchmaking implementation round, please still complete it and submit it in this thread so that we can update the playlist in the near future.
Infection concept - opinions?
Think I might create an animated intro with the Pelican crashing. Maybe call it "Pelican Down".
Last community update.Wtf where is that from
I'm guessing just specific blocks with different textures, but I'll gladly be surprised if it's actually some sort of texture system.Textures incoming?
I'm guessing just specific blocks with different textures, but I'll gladly be surprised if it's actually some sort of texture system.