So with the new weather and nature options with the last update, I wanted to create a jungle/swamp playspace. When the Cartographers announced the Infection Playlist was imminent, I figured I may as well make something for it.
The map is relatively small, but to give the impression of being "lost" in a confusing misty swamp, there are 4 junctions that look like they might be a way out, but merely teleport you elsewhere in the map. (the teleporters are set to random within timed kill zones to prevent camping.)
The Lore behind the map is that Foehammer did indeed go down with her faithful Pelican, but survived...although not for long. The Flood took her, but you may find some weapons you could use to stop them from consuming your biomass along with her.
Loving the atmosphere. The new additions have really helped to flesh out maps. Would love to see your map with a much darker setting though, just to ramp up the fear factor.