The Librarian
Gosh, how could I almost forget: Will Halo 2's soundtrack be given an orchestra treatment, like Halo 1's?
Only where features existed in the originals.
Fantastic news, so all games will remain fully intact with all features included?Only where features existed in the originals.
CG cutscenes, really? I hope they're not compressed as fuck then.
I'm dying. lol!K bro.
Hey Frankie, you have anything to share about the leveling system?
Man Nov needs to come fast.
Fantastic news, so all games will remain fully intact with all features included?
How is the netcode going to work in Halo: CE and Halo 2 multiplayer? Is CE going to have the same lockstep netcode it did on system link in the original, and is Halo 2's netcode going to be updated at all (in the original, you couldn't grenade jump off-host, hit registration was pretty much broken if the crosshair wasn't red, etc)?
Should be 343's motto. Its too true.Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
Scarab gun?
The amount of time I had that baby hooked into a Gamespy servers to play on my Xbox.
You talking about reliving some serious memories son.
Does this game include the Halo 3 multiplayer as well? Or just Halo 2?
I thought this was real.
Scarab gun?
Is there any remote chance that THIS MASTERPIECE OF A LEVEL is somehow included in Anniversary 2 as an unlockable extra? Would make for a mindblowing anniversary easter egg for the fans:Only where features existed in the originals.
Does this game include the Halo 3 multiplayer as well? Or just Halo 2?
I'm still curious how the blending and unique MP situation is going to be handled.Locking down the playlists so there are maybe 3-5 for each game would be key to having people find matches.
Re-watching, I do notice this. At least the medals aren't splashed across the screen. Perhaps these are just in the "Anny" maps?Only downside to the Halo 2 footage - they had "Sniper Kill" "Plasma Kill", etc in the middle of the screen...
It was bad in Halo 4, why do they need to add it for this?
Gosh, how could I almost forget: Will Halo 2's soundtrack be given an orchestra treatment, like Halo 1's?
Is there any remote chance that THIS MASTERPIECE OF A LEVEL is somehow included in Anniversary 2 as an unlockable extra? Would make for a mindblowing anniversary easter egg for the fans:
Halo 2 original New Mombasa E3 live demo
Man, DAT New Mombasa.
the entire collective mlg community would drop shits from a great height on this package if you removed the game enhancing glitches known as BXR , BXB, and doubleshot from our beloved Halo 2.
I hope the not-so-good (compressed? not sure if right word) audio in Halo 4's cutscenes is fixed.
Wait, were the PC maps for H:CE confirmed?
I saw that floating around somewhere.
Amazon - £64.99
I want to know if the dedicated servers will also benefit the coop campaings. Halo coop always suffered from some big lag issues.
i will get 4000/4000. Even if it takes me forever
Amazon - £64.99