Look for the one whe she exposed her vag plate.
What a coincidence...
Why do chimps needs tribal marks on their faces anyway.
What a coincidence...
Though that was the Didact or some Forerunner.
Which Warthog? EMP stun is terrible, just like it was for adding a stun and lock-in for hijacking a vehicle, introducing a Spartan Laser to counter OP vehicles, and bringing in the Banshee bomb. Things like that killed BTB to me.Map design and gametype mechanics are another issue.
Wow, clinging to the Wargames "canon" is so dumb.
Karl explain please
"Yes, ma'am."
"Consider it done."
"Right away, Commander."
ANYTHING would have been better than "CAPTURE THE FLAG!"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Consider it done."
"Right away, Commander."
ANYTHING would have been better than "CAPTURE THE FLAG!"
On the positive side, there's two characters in the panel and Sarah "CWIMSON" Palmer isn't the worst written in it!
Is it me or does his helmet look all fucked up?
"Yes Ma'am, which map though?"
"Abandon or Complex of course! What else?!"
Lord save us. The one you sent to save us is getting into fan fiction.
Ok, and I say this as one of the most nitpicky bastards on this forum, you guys are being waay too nitpicky.
NPD numbersare coming out soon right?Banbait Extravanganza 2013
Why, exactly?
I don't think the art is particularly bad in this panel. The dialogue is just kind of awkward.
1 weird panel =/= a bad comic to me.
The artwork is also a weak point of the series right now. Ariño is apt enough at capturing the distinctive architecture and technology of the Halo universe, but his figures are flat and lacking in emotion. The action is often framed oddly and with poor use of perspective. For example, an early action scene sees Palmer kick a Covenant warrior down a cliff, but the panel makes it seem as though the warrior is instead standing on a ledge above her. Also, I'd like to see a richer color palette that can better capture the otherworldly quality of the Covenant and Promethean technology.
Because there are certain things that "work" in a video game that don't "work" in a "badass" comic, or any story for that matter.
I don't think the art is particularly bad in this panel. The dialogue is just kind of awkward.
1 weird panel =/= a bad comic to me.
This amused me.
You just know someone is going to put a shark under that...
Some fans did the exact thing using the scenes and made a comic out of it.I'm not much of a comics guy but take the CGI scenes from 4/SPOPS and render still frames from those to produce a comic and I'd buy that. Why not?All the art assets are ready to go e.g. environments, characters, textures, motion blurring, objects, canon, ships, weapons, effects etc. Even all the character dimensions, aesthetics, continuity is straight out of the bag.
Seems pretty straight forward to me. Just ask Axis to put still visuals to a script. Bam.
Why not use the in engine real time game then apply some nice manual overlays or filters? Again I'd buy that based on detail alone.
You just know someone is going to put a shark under that...
I'm just trying to figure out where that warthog came from. It's so dinky looking I guess they photoshopped a toy or something? As it is my mind's eye is seeing Kermit the Frog on the turret for some reason.
I want to say something but not have it come across as super rude or angry, etc. Just a thought process.
I have no interest in Palmer or Lasky or literally anyone else besides the chief's main story. It just never gripped me and now I can firmly tell you that I have no idea how they fit in the story.
Halo 4 was still fun for me, but the story wasn't nearly as good as the originals with the prophets and arbiter. Sorry to actually talk about Halo.
I want to say something but not have it come across as super rude or angry, etc. Just a thought process.
I have no interest in Palmer or Lasky or literally anyone else besides the chief's main story. It just never gripped me and now I can firmly tell you that I have no idea how they fit in the story.
Halo 4 was still fun for me, but the story wasn't nearly as good as the originals with the prophets and arbiter. Sorry to actually talk about Halo.
They won't be doing Chief forever, I'm sure. At some point, just like the gameplay, they'll probably want to start something of their own and I have this feeling Palmer was supposed to be that and introduced in H4. I feel confident we're going to end up playing as Palmer within the next two games, I just can't see them sticking to only Chief.
Some fans did the exact thing using the scenes and made a comic out of it.
I see what you mean. Would be awesome if they did do that for halo comics. But wouldn't they be losing money though? Paying Artists & Animators just to capture scenes and paste them into a comic/graphic novel??? Better yet do a web series or animated movie with all that content ready to go
Sure, but it's harder for me to imagine them wanting us to play as an ordinary Spartan IV. After the shit Palmer has done (story wise, and annoyance wise), I think they'd go with that. If they did that, they could do some crazy controversial stuff, I wouldn't put it past them after the shit they nearly did at the end of Spartan Ops.To me Thorne seems like a better candidate. He's more likeable, and not in command (so Palmer and co. can boss you around/act like Cortana).
It does appear that Palmer & company were thought to be 343's MCs. But there's so much potential outside of Palmer and Infinity crew.They won't be doing Chief forever, I'm sure. At some point, just like the gameplay, they'll probably want to start something of their own and I have this feeling Palmer was supposed to be that and introduced in H4. I feel confident we're going to end up playing as Palmer within the next two games, I just can't see them sticking to only Chief.
This I didn't know. If everything is there and its that simple to create than it would be better doing it that way.I doubt it, all the animation rigs are there already and because the final comics are all still frames it's really just posing rather than mocap or manually keyframing any animation. Posing is a far sight less work, especially when all these elements already exist from Axis or the game engine.
What artists or animators? Literally all the models, textures, lighting, animation rigs (probably a combination of FK & IK or Kinect mocap or facial rigging with their physical head stuff) are simply ready for posing shot by shot. All the tech and systems have already been developed. When you look at a comic artist they have to create from scratch every frame and detail. I'd hazard a guess 1-4 talented staff could bang out a fantastic comic in this fashion and rather quickly. Especially when they could just send something to an internal modeller/animator/texture artist for those once of things they can't accomplish. They could also bang out of ton of poses using body & facial mocap in a one day setup. They could do hundreds of poses and then simply use the software rigging tools to play with the physical mocap rigs data.
I'd guess the biggest barrier would be the lighting and render times, you'd have to pretty much always adjust the lighting but with in game engine lighting is already sorted. It seems like far less work to me with far more control and continuity to deliver a much higher quality art output. Further if you wanted to tweak or change something it's all in 3D and ready for simple changes, unlike drawings/digital paintings which are basically create from scratch again if you want to rotate a character or change perspective etc.
Why do chimps needs tribal marks on their faces anyway.
The king is here. Welcome back kylej.Gorilla warfare.
Gorilla warfare.
"I think the most important character for Halo is the universe itself. I think any great story revolves around great characters that are basically relatable to us as human beings. I think Chief is definitely a character that people can relate to, and that people have come to know and love, and hopefully theyll experience him in a different way in Halo 4 in the continuation of his saga.
But I think part of what makes the Halo universe such a compelling place for so many people is because its so broad an expanse that it can actually support multiple different stories, multiple different characters. I look at it like this: Is there a world where Halo continues without Master Chief? Absolutely. I think there are stories waiting to be told across the universe that are compelling. It just comes down to having characters that people care about and mysteries that warrant exploration. Right now were telling the story of the Master Chief and thats something I think people will hopefully care a great deal about, but I dont see why you cant have another character exist in the Halo universe thats equally as interesting and appealing.
I think the day Palmer starts being the main character is the day that I really just kind of give up on single player.
Imagine this... Kinect 2 real time mocap/rendering of actors movement/faces into Halo Xbox One for a live stream event. Sort of like in game live Machinima. Yes I'm crazy.
Gorilla warfare.
Oh my god, look under his left arm... they didn't even finish coloring. They could not even color inside the lines.
THE LINESSergio Ariño
Edit: the colorist is supposedly this guy, Michael Atiyeh. How the hell did he poop out something so terrible? The other guy to blame is supposedly Sergio Ariño, the penciller. I mean, either they didn't actually do it or they pooped it out in a weekend for pennies and didn't give a fuck.
343 obviously doesn't care, so why put in the extra work?I mean, either they didn't actually do it or they shit it out in a weekend for pennies and didn't give a fuck.
Oh my god, look under his left arm... they didn't even finish coloring. They could not even color inside the lines.
Edit: the colorist is supposedly this guy, Michael Atiyeh. How the hell did he poop out something so terrible? The other guy to blame is supposedly Sergio Ariño, the penciller. I mean, either they didn't actually do it or they shit it out in a weekend for pennies and didn't give a fuck.