343 Industries and Vanguard Games' Halo: Spartan Assault port for Xbox 360 and Xbox One offers players a frantic co-op mode that encourages teamwork and strategy.
In a recent hands-on demo with the Xbox One version of the game , Polygon played the new co-op mode — which was not available in the original Windows 8 version — alongside the campaign mode, and the two experiences were very different. The co-op mode is characterized by floods of weaker enemies that are punctuated by bigger, more powerful enemies that can take more damage. The arena was chaotic, and we had to strategize with our co-op partner to stay alive and avoid being overwhelmed.
The single-player campaign mode was a much more mellow experience in comparison. With the absence of Flood, we mostly dealt with the much smarter and more powerful Convenant. This required us to take a more considered approach and involved shooting, finding cover and maneuvering ourselves around the battlefield to defend mission objectives.
"If you look at the kind of shooter this is, bringing back the Flood and adding an extra player is a very different experience to the main campaign, but one that's very complementary," lead designer at 343 Industries Mike Ellis told Polygon. "The idea being we wanted to emphasize people sticking together and co-operating and complementing each other's attributes. So if one person is using a short-range weapon against the Flood, I would use the long-range weapon to take care of the big guys. We can stand on the turrets together in order to maximize our fire power.
"Just having the Flood themselves made for a very different type of gameplay. It's more about holding the tide and not being overwhelmed, versus fighting the Covenant in the single-player campaign, who are a more considered enemy who will take cover to try to preserve themselves in a way the Flood won't."
The top-down shooter was released earlier this year exclusively for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 mobile and tablet devices. It will launch on Xbox One as a downloadable title on Dec. 24, and on Xbox 360 in January 2014 for $14.99. Those who purchased the game for their Windows 8 devices prior to Dec. 15 will be able to pick up the Xbox One version of the game at the discounted price of $4.99.
How quickly do you think I would get sued if I released HD parody version?
Is the Arbiter wearing a cape? What is he, a superhero?
ponchos and capes. Halo 5 is gonna be great.
Remember that 343i internal concept that got leaked right after Halo 4's announcement?
Well, the characters did have psychic powers. They might be superheros now.![]()
Nice to see that comic follows the female armor rule of "less is more." And for added insult they made Palmer arch her back to stick out her ass as she walks away.
Badass. So Thel isnot an Arbiter but a Kaidon now correct?
I concur, which is why Destiny looks rad.Capes + power armor are totally awesome.
We promised to never talk about that...Wasn't there someone prior to H4's launch that said if something happened they'd cut their balls off and it actually happened?
Oh man please let them have thrown this idea into the garbage bin right after they finished the video.Remember that 343i internal concept that got leaked right after Halo 4's announcement?
Well, the characters did have psychic powers. They might be superheros now.
Can't find the video, but here's what I'm talking about:[/IMG]
They talk about characters that also could be interesting? How about bringing back the other Spartan 2s and 3s.
I will never care about those spartan 4s or Palmer.
Halo 4 should have ended with chief being all down because of cortana, then he arrives on earth where Fred, Linda aad Kelly surprise him.
Yeah a glimpse of the remaining Spartan 2s at the end would've been amazing. It sure as hell would've been better than showing a glimpse of MC's face.They talk about characters that also could be interesting? How about bringing back the other Spartan 2s and 3s.
I will never care about those spartan 4s or Palmer.
Halo 4 should have ended with chief being all down because of cortana, then he arrives on earth where Fred, Linda aad Kelly surprise him.
Which should never have happened, in my opinion. It just feels like 343i is desperately trying to push the Spartan 4s. I've seen nothing about the Spartan 4s that makes me like them, instead I've grown to dislike them.But the SIIIs and remaining SIIs have been incorporated into the SIVs now.
To the first bold, what in the actual fuck is he talking about? How can ANY of us relate to a forcibly orphaned, emotionally defunct super-soldier? Yeah, I remember those days, I feel ya, Chief!Josh Holmes on the future of Halo and Chief:
"I think the most important character for Halo is the universe itself. I think any great story revolves around great characters that are basically relatable to us as human beings. I think Chief is definitely a character that people can relate to, and that people have come to know and love, and hopefully they’ll experience him in a different way in Halo 4 in the continuation of his saga.
But I think part of what makes the Halo universe such a compelling place for so many people is because it’s so broad an expanse that it can actually support multiple different stories, multiple different characters. I look at it like this: Is there a world where Halo continues without Master Chief? Absolutely. I think there are stories waiting to be told across the universe that are compelling. It just comes down to having characters that people care about and mysteries that warrant exploration. Right now we’re telling the story of the Master Chief and that’s something I think people will hopefully care a great deal about, but I don’t see why you can’t have another character exist in the Halo universe that’s equally as interesting and appealing.
The only new character that I even remotely care about is Tom Lasky, and that has nothing to do with how he was portrayed in the game. It's just because I happened to like FUD.Shitty coloring and art in comics is nothing new. Shame that 343 chose poorly with this art team (because it's fill-in team work at best), I'm sure they don't really need another perceived blemish on the franchise.
To the first bold, what in the actual fuck is he talking about? How can ANY of us relate to a forcibly orphaned, emotionally defunct super-soldier? Yeah, I remember those days, I feel ya, Chief!
To the second bold, ehhhh. I haven't seen any new character that I'm remotely interested in seeing where their arc goes. The concept of Cortana finally running her course as Chief's right hand(brain) is interesting, but I've been so underwhelmed by how the overall story has been told so far that I'm not entirely sure that 343 can stick the landing here. To be fair, the Chief/Cortana dynamic was far and away the best part of Halo 4's story so I'm pessimistically hopeful (if that's even a thing).
The Spartan Laser was just one of the interlocking gears in the Halo 3 vehicle-related disaster machine. What is basically a sniper rifle capable of a triple kill per shot with basically zero effort and almost literally zero warning to the victim is not a good piece of design. There does not need to be a long range antivehicle weapon - the entire point of having vehicles like the Warthog or the Ghost or the single good incarnation of the Banshee, is that they're capable of hit-and-run attacks that, if done well, can go uncontested. They're shouldn't be effective at long-range either (which is one of the many, many reasons putting the Scorpion in matchmaking is a boneheaded decision), and are usually balanced by having programmed inaccuracy in their main guns (the well-balanced Warthog versions were never pinpoint accurate, so you had to get close...and even then you didn't melt people). Introducing something that basically stops the hit-and-run in its tracks from one end of the map to the other breaks that dynamic.I think the Spartan laser was a good design choice as only a direct hit kills vehicles some survive a glancing hit, the fast travel time is helpful for a longer range anti vehicle weapon to exist in the sand box.
He's about as likable as a plank of wood, with a personality to match. They need to do some serious development if they want him to be anything but an everyman snoozefest.To me Thorne seems like a better candidate. He's more likeable, and not in command (so Palmer and co. can boss you around/act like Cortana).
You know, I kinda wonder if the Marathon reboot will be Bungie's way of going back to the Halo MP formula. I know Marus's game was shelved but I believe Marathon is still being done by that 5% B team.
Arbiters Helmet is TERRIBLE
And what is with his eyes? Looks evil.
In that Activision court doucument that leaked the Destiny name they state that bungie is also working on a Marathon reboot.What Marathon reboot?
In that Activision court doucument that leaked the Destiny name they state that bungie is also working on a Marathon reboot.
Why does it have to be a reboot? Why can't it just be in the same universe?In that Activision court doucument that leaked the Destiny name they state that bungie is also working on a Marathon reboot.
Was hoping this would happen after Halo 3 but then Reach and 4 happenedInteresting. Wonder if they will tie it into the Halo universe.
I mean it could but I think a retelling might be a better option right now.Why does it have to be a reboot? Why can't it just be in the same universe?
In that Activision court doucument that leaked the Destiny name they state that bungie is also working on a Marathon reboot.
His project was canned but it wasn't Marathon.I thought it was cancelled, hence Marcus Lehto leaving. I may be mistaken.
His project was canned but it wasn't Marathon.
We will probably hear about Marathon either
A) a year after the first Destiny expansion
B) Never because it got quietly canned.
Though since they only have a 5% allocation of employees or something working on it I imagine Bungie might just be making a B team like NaughtyDog to work on Marathon while the A team does Destiny.
They have more than enough people for 2 teams right now.
His project was canned but it wasn't Marathon.
We will probably hear about Marathon either
A) a year after the first Destiny expansion
B) Never because it got quietly canned.
Though since they only have a 5% allocation of employees or something working on it I imagine Bungie might just be making a B team like NaughtyDog to work on Marathon while the A team does Destiny.
They have more than enough people for 2 teams right now.
No his C team got disbanded :cOh ok, I thought he was leading the Marathon team.
What the hell, was he on crystal meth aandwas unable to use his hands to color the Halo comic or why does it look so much worse than his previous workSo, here's an example of something the coloring dude's worked on before.
And now back to this.
Who wants to bet whoever 343's comic director was limping to the barn to make some totally radical suggestions like "let's focus on high-contrast colors and hard blacks and whites to make it feel real and earthy and gritty, and try to appease some of those good old 90's comic fans." Or maybe even "guys, I'm not sure that people are going to get what CTF means - go ahead and replace 'On it, ma'am' with 'CAPTURE THE FLAG!' It should really liven things up and it's a little closer to our vision. I mean, otherwise, how would someone completely new to the series that somehow started with a one-off comic nobody but the fat nerds at NeoGAF.com are going to read understand what's going on?"
Maybe he was only paid in McFarlane action figures and adjusted accordingly.What the hell, was he on crystal meth aandwas unable to use his hands to color the Halo comic or why does it look so much worse than his previous work
Maybe he was only paid in McFarlane action figures and adjusted accordingly.
Maybe he was only paid in McFarlane action figures and adjusted accordingly.
Apparently the game was never meant to be linked with Halo in any way, but Microsoft forced Master Chief on the project late into the development cycle amid fears that the game wouldn't sell well otherwise.
"Microsoft was pretty risk averse," He said. "They said, 'I don't know if we want to take the risk of creating strategy games on a console. We'd feel better if Halo were attached to it.' The difficult part of that was it took the game back about a year in development, and I think it never quite turned out the same. They just said, 'Why don't you just paint over what you have with Halo stuff?' But things aren't quite that simple."
What was more complicated, however, was the fact that this created a great deal of tension between Bungie, who created the Halo franchise, and Ensemble, who had already put an immense amount of time into the game. Apparently Bungie didn't have the manpower to take on the game itself, but was deeply unhappy with its IP being used by another company and on another genre.
According to Goodman, "Another problem was that Bungie was never up for it... Bungie was kind of sore about the idea. What they called it was 'the whoring out of our franchise' or something. Yeah, that didn't create a great relationship between us and Bungie; they viewed us as someone infringing [on their franchise]."
Ensemble Studios was established in 1995 and created the Age of Empires series of games before being acquired by Microsoft in 2001. It was then used as an internal studio before being closed down after the release of Halo Wars in 2009 and all its upcoming titles were cancelled.
Had no idea about this with Ensemble, Bungie, and MS until now. Wow...
There was a thread about a while back.Yea same here. Dunno how I ever missed that article. Kind of a small insight into the relationship that eventually broke up when Bungie bought themselves back.
Had no idea about this with Ensemble, Bungie, and MS until now. Wow...
Seriously that Halo comic art is awful...just bad. Never thought I would see an ecsher girl in Halo
Had no idea about this with Ensemble, Bungie, and MS until now. Wow...
I remember reading an article about this a while back, and I gotta agree with Bungie. MS needs to stop with how much Halo stuff it puts out or they aren't going to be able to use Halo to make money since the fanbase is so worn thin. Looking at the quality of the comic, it's pretty clear that no one in charge really has their heart in the franchise anymore and that's a shame since it has so much potential.
Without Halo, I wouldn't have given a crap about an RTS on console. That decision was a good one and resulted in a fantastic game.
That's what happens when you do business with the devil.