bobs99 ... said:
Wait, just so its clear I never said it was more than 1 dude doing it, and I wasnt saying anything about Tashi's team or whatever. Was just saying that a lot of the hate and unsportsmanship that comes with video games is unnessicary, one guy screaming over all the "good games" ruins the mood for everyone.
That was a much different situation than your average matchmaking game, but how many people do you get screaming and stuff in the post game lobby. It sucks. Im not isolating this on Tashi's teammate Im just generally making a comment that I hate that sorta attitude in general.
Damn big deal over something so minor lol. Gone on a huge tangeant here but after the game my point was that you can cheer and be happy without having to be a dick to the opponents. If those opponents where dicks to you in the first place as Tashi said they where then fair play give them hell lol.
I see what you're saying. I just let the game do the talking tbh. I don't mind abuse being hurled at me in-game or even post-game because I guess I am a sucker for the "sticks and stones" mentality. People can call me every name under the sun and it won't/shouldn't bother me. If they do so in postgame lobbies, that's just their character. Doesn't affect me in the slightest.
does alter my play is when someone on
my team is flipping off the handle. That kills my game... well not entirely. I mean sure, nobody likes a bad connection or bloom but I prefer to keep myself from saying it all during the game instead of helpful callouts. I feel that the other team has bested us because they probably have their composure on their end.
Ultimately, I have fun pretty much all the time

I can relate to, but not necessarily understand, things that cause people to get so angry on these games short of cheating. It's just water off of the duck's back for me.