Im just curious, does anyone here have any experience of Maya? How hard would it be to create something simple like a Halo ring in it? Im determined to learn video editing, after effects and maya - and was thinking of trying to maybe make a Halo montage to learn the tools.
Seems like a really nice fit, special effects would fit nicely onto Halo footage. I have access to a pretty amazing (virtual) camera so wont need to fuss there, hell I could revisit scenes and take different camera angles of the same shot without the expense of setting up real camera

and there are literally hundreds of people who have done it before so the number of tutorials must be huge.
So yeah, I know there are some people like Devolution and Mr Big who design, is it possible to learn that stuff in a couple of months? I could potentially get a pretty awesome job out of it if I can learn the skills quick enough (and make nice with the right contacts) so im sure I would be determined as hell to do it, but is it feasable? I can do Flash pretty well but it doesnt look like those skills translate lol?