So yeah, I was way wrong about the Warrior Quest. Thought Taunt Warrior wouldn't amount to anything but I crafted it and I'm absolutely dumpstering people.
I'm legit surprised how good it is. I guess I really underestimated all the taunts in this set.
BO5 conquest warrior ban vs me. I'll kick his assMy son played Hearthstone for the first time today. I let him pick a class (Hunter) and he designed a deck by picking cards with cool pictures (animals, dinosaurs...). He had a blast.
Inbefore the guy topdecks a prep to play the crystal core on turn 2. 😂Someone actually got the Rogue Quest completed turn 1... LOL!
Pretty high chance to discover one from those Stonehill Defenders.why does every paladin have tirion on 8? every single one of these fucking paladins i play against has a curve as smooth as butter.
one drops every time into hydrologists all the way on up, EVERY time.
Inbefore the guy topdecks a prep to play the crystal core on turn 2. ��
Pretty high chance to discover one from those Stonehill Defenders.
I just had someone playing Quest Rogue in casual with the new skin against my useless murloc Paladin deck (I'm doing a 100-murloc quest).
They ended up killing themselves by attacking face when they had 5 HP and I had a secret up. Turns out it was Eye for an Eye!![]()
I didn't imply u were saying that if u could read. I'm just saying players just have 2 more shots to get a Tirion on curve, because they can discover them nowadays. Just expect to see more of them being played. I know u lost quite some games according to ur latest posts in this thread, but chill dude.did i say they had played stonehill? where did i say that?
they have it with or without stonehill and when they have it with stonehill it's not discovered.
Especially for free.Eye for an Eye is pretty good in this meta, mayne.
Twitch Archive of Fertygo's game:
I actually laughed to my teammate reaction in skype that react like to superbowl game winner field goal to thathahaha that is the dirtiest Dirty Rat
Loved the reaction when sleeping with the fishes came out too, wp Ferty!
Got the challenge a friend for 80 gold quest. Anyone want to do it?
Add me as TAH3145#1974
EU or NA?
:-OBO5 conquest warrior ban vs me. I'll kick his ass
I get that Sherazin fits well into Miracle Rogue, but what I'm suggesting is that Quest Rogue competlely outclasses Miracle Rogue, and it always will while this Quest is in Standard. And because both cards were printed in the same set, they will rotate out at the same time, so without some significant changes down the road that somehow make Quest Rogue less viable, competitively speaking Sherazin (which I agree is a cool card) will never get a chance to shine.
I'm actually starting to think miracle rogue is better, or at least a lot more consistent.I get that Sherazin fits well into Miracle Rogue, but what I'm suggesting is that Quest Rogue competlely outclasses Miracle Rogue, and it always will while this Quest is in Standard. And because both cards were printed in the same set, they will rotate out at the same time, so without some significant changes down the road that somehow make Quest Rogue less viable, competitively speaking Sherazin (which I agree is a cool card) will never get a chance to shine.
Has anyone tried a Discard Control Warlock? I don't even know if that makes sense.
Tarim has been getting play in Token Paladin decks in Wild. Very frustrating deck.But few of the class legs work particularly well with their quests. They are supposed to aid alternate class builds aside from Zavas and Tyrantus.
Sunkeeper Tarim even counters Galvadon.
ok pretty set for std, if i had a razormaw i would experiment with it but im not spending dust on anymore commons, i guess you'd probably just ditch the doomsayer (it's good in mulligan against some classes tho and late game you can easily refresh your board) but if anyone wants to have fun with hunter quest
Quest Rogue has a higher winrate than Miracle Rogue, and the most successful Miracle Rogue lists don't even run Sherazin.
Again, not saying Sherazin is a bad card, and I think it's a really cool concept that I'm glad they printed. I'm also not saying Quest Rogue is OP in terms of the overall meta. I'm just saying Quest Rogue is the best Rogue deck to play currently, which means that printed two class legendaries within a single set that are completely out of balance with each other.
Maybe things will shake out differently down the road and Quest Rogue will drop in viability. But as of today, I don't see how any of what I'm saying is untrue based on the simple facts of the situation.
It sees play in every paladin deck in standard as well.Tarim has been getting play in Token Paladin decks in Wild. Very frustrating deck.
No answer to Muster for Battle? Okay, now the tokens are all 3/3s next turn.
Can't kill all the 3/3s? Now they are all Adapted and have Windfury.
Hsreplay and metastats
*this may not be true for all ranks
Top 4 lists are all Quest Rogue. The first Miracle Rogue on the list doesn't run Sherazin.
Top 4 lists are all Quest Rogue. The first Miracle Rogue on the list doesn't run Sherazin.
Metastats says Quest is the best version to play for Rank 5 to Legend, though to be fair it lists Miracle as better for Ranks 20 though 10.
Am I reading this completely wrong or inferring bad information? I'm fully willing to accept everything I've written above is false if so.
Has anyone tried N'Zoth Sherazin?
Quest Rogue might actually be the most overrated deck in the history of the game.
Yes, it summons copies of Sherazin
But never use spiritsinger with it![]()