I really like how this deck looks, and the name is amazing lol.
I don't think miracle list people play is very strong actually, it's more like a low power tempo deck than some bursty combo deck, it feels very fair and mediocre to be honest. Putting stuff on board in the open and hoping them to connect is just too fair to be good with how relatively slow it is compared with something like pw doing the same in three turns. Firebat was saying yesterday the deck is just bad, he was playing quest with his own list, he said it's better because he doesn't want to interact with opponent lol. He had good winrate with it but that's Firebat. I don't think that deck will stick around now that tempo storm has officially announced to the world that pw is best deck.
It's slow at ending the game and is more like a grinder deck with sherazin, you can certainly out value some opponents but it's not exactly hard to deal with. I was watching dog play the other day, decks like the new midrange paladin that on paper you should be able to beat with ease, were actually dealing with everything rogue can do. It looked very underwhelming.
TS tier list looks more like a popularity tier list than one based on actual power level or match ups.
Will wait for VS's list.
Like yeah I expect PW and Taunt Warrior to be on top but I don't see Rogue sticking on top with stuff like Midrange Hunter, Egg Druid and even Zoolock on the prowl.
Do they actually have any information available about their methodology, because some of these rankings seem rather wacky.
There was this whole drama over TS vs VS over at Reddit where the Redditors called out TS on their lack of stats for their tier list compared to VS.Never knew that. Seems silly that people put so much stock into their snapshots then. Seems like an incredibly flawed way to do things.
Paladin feels very unfavoured against miracle rogue. There's 5 ways total that deal with high power minions and tempo plays are very good against it.If midrange paladin becomes very popular you can tech against them. Violet teacher is a card that paladin has a very difficult time dealing with.
I've beaten paladin. I think rogue is still favored. You can't just watch a couple games and really know which deck is favored. It might be closer to 50/50 than a burst list is but even a burst list can have difficulty with a strong curve with many taunts on the tail end.
Don't put too much thought into the exact deck lists, TS likes to highlight weird or interesting deck lists rather than the usual ones. Reynad even said so himself when people called him out on the deck lists.
It is definitely weird that Shaman is that low. Has been seeing reasonable competitive and ladder play.
Well, I guess if they mean Aggro mage to include good secret based decklists, then the tier 2 spot is fine. But they'd be really stretching the aggro mage category if they think that thing fits in the same category as secret mage.
You can try Living Spore instead. Soul of the Forest is a bit slow but Living Spore can win games because it's more aggressive. +3 attack, deathrattle, divine shield, windfury, +1/+1 are all good options to close out game faster.I'm going to try out Soul of the Forest in my token druid. Seems like it would be a powerful card if you have a large board.
I don't think miracle list people play is very strong actually, it's more like a low power tempo deck than some bursty combo deck, it feels very fair and mediocre to be honest. Putting stuff on board in the open and hoping them to connect is just too fair to be good with how relatively slow it is compared with something like pw doing the same in three turns. Firebat was saying yesterday the deck is just bad, he was playing quest with his own list, he said it's better because he doesn't want to interact with opponent lol. He had good winrate with it but that's Firebat. I don't think that deck will stick around now that tempo storm has officially announced to the world that pw is best deck.
You can try Living Spore instead. Soul of the Forest is a bit slow but Living Spore can win games because it's more aggressive. +3 attack, deathrattle, divine shield, windfury, +1/+1 are all good options to close out game faster.
It's essentially high roll RNG vs consistent result.
Blizzard made Mage's insane spells into epics just so they wouldn't fuck with arena balance. Not good enough. Blizzard can never print good spells for mage anymore. Even though that's basically their class identity. So sayeth the Kripp.
That's not what Kripp said.
"Mages should not be receiving any more insanely powerful spells."
Exact quote.
"Mages should not be receiving more insanely powerful spells."
Exact quote.
So the class that is meant to be strong in spells should not get any powerful spells. Best kripp line ever?
Makes sense from an arena perspective post 7.1
It's like you both are choosing to ignore Arena balance because Kripp's an Arena player and while his statement doesn't make sense for Standard balance, it does for Arena balance.
But Blizzard rarely balances Arena.
Got to rank 10!
Got to rank 10!
Grats! Start stacking up those golden cards (and then disenchanting them to craft the OP legendary of the week)!
You should try the deck in wild to see its full power.
It's like you both are choosing to ignore Arena balance because Kripp's an Arena player and while his statement doesn't make sense for Standard balance, it does for Arena balance.
But Blizzard rarely balances Arena.
TS tier list looks more like a popularity tier list than one based on actual power level or match ups.
Will wait for VS's list.
Like yeah I expect PW and Taunt Warrior to be on top but I don't see Rogue sticking on top with stuff like Midrange Hunter, Egg Druid and even Zoolock on the prowl.
5 games played today, 4 against Hunter.
I'm honestly surprised it took this long for people to figure out that Hunter got the most broken cards in the set.
Primordial Glyph and Meteor are both epics. Given the tools that Blizzard currently has to balance for the arena, that's significant. Blizzard isn't ignoring arena balance.
Now, if Kripp wants to argue that Blizzard should be more sophisticated in the ways that it balances the arena, I would be all aboard that train. But that's not the direction he took the argument. The direction he took the argument is that mage shouldn't get strong spells anymore. And then he actually was dumb enough to suggest that Meteor should have been a Druid card instead. Which I believe would create an even worse situation.
Which are exactly the broken hunter cards from this set? I feel like most of the cards are the ones that we always saw but that now are better since lots of counters for hunter rotated out
Which are exactly the broken hunter cards from this set? I feel like most of the cards are the ones that we always saw but that now are better since lots of counters for hunter rotated out
Macaw and Razormaw are both well above the power curve. They'll be in every single Hunter deck for the next 2 years.