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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


I am becoming 95% convinced the meta has adapted a bit. The only core pirate warrior elements I'm missing are a second southsea captain and leeroy, and I don't think I've changed my playstyle at all, but the results have changed drastically.

With version 1.7 of my deck, I had a 68% win rate out of something like 30-40 games. Every deck version since then has been drastically lower, maybe around 40%.

I tried going back to version 1.7 and played 20 games. I won only 45% of them, and there was only once when I had 2 wins in a row. Most games feel like they have very few choices, and each play is quick and obvious. Each game is typically over by round 7-8. I really don't know why there would be such a drastic change aside from the meta at my rank shifting.

*edit* I really wish the decks in this expansion weren't so expensive. I'd like to try the Dinomancy deck above, but that's 800 dust alone for those two cards. I'd like to improve pirate warrior, but I need 2000 dust for 2 cards. I'd like to try paladin, but I need around 4800 dust. I have some cards for quest warrior, but that's an expensive deck too.

Quest rogue is actually very cheap.


I missed lethal, rogue had 2 hp left and I had no burn. Instead of using atiesh and ping, I used glyph to find burn and I realized too late :(

I hate this kinda lost.


I put one copy of Dinomancy in my Hunter because fun. 9/10 times it is a dead draw but 1/10 of the time it is the card that helps you winning and it's great and worth it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
You successfully said your opponent's name backwards.

Only thing I can think of, did you play yogg that gave him the 2 damage curse?
Didn't play Yogg

I'm still so confused over what happened

And he didn't draw Flame Leviathan. 100% positive


Do you use the murloc that creates taunts? That card is insane in this deck
I have it now, though I didn't last season.

On another note, I discovered I was missing some classic cards. I've been buying classic packs like crazy! Maybe one of these days I'll finally get Leeroy.

Today, LEGENDARY! ..........Nat Pagle!


I have it now, though I didn't last season.

On another note, I discovered I was missing some classic cards. I've been buying classic packs like crazy! Maybe one of these days I'll finally get Leeroy.

Today, LEGENDARY! ..........Nat Pagle!

I still remember the pre-nerf Pagle. Auto include in most decks.
I wonder if the old version would not be op nowadays.


Blizzard should totally de-nerf some cards and put them into wild.

Old pagle, molten, blade flurry and old buzzard (3 not 2 mana) plz. Rogue and Hunter sucks in wild.


Just beat a Quest Rogue with Quest Warrior by fatiguing him lol. I ended the game with over 60 health. Very satisfying. To make matters even funnier, the last card I drew and played was my quest.


Randomly won 8-9 games in a row last night with my Elemental Shaman deck and was 1 star away from hitting rank 10... then ran into a Pirate Warrior who drew really well. I didn't run into any Quest Rogues which was nice, so I was able to beat up on Silence Priest, Aggro Hunters and Tempo Mages.


Blizzard should totally de-nerf some cards and put them into wild.

Old pagle, molten, blade flurry and old buzzard (3 not 2 mana) plz. Rogue and Hunter sucks in wild.

yeah havent been playing for days now after realizing miracle rogue has fallen to tier 3 or something. I can still steal wins but it's more difficult

But anyway actual reason I havent played is probably due to Injustice 2. Feels good to play a game and understand what I did wrong to lose. Granted, now I will blame netcode rather than bad RNG when I lose.

I still enjoy the new meta but my hatred of priest continues. Hate playing against them. What I miss about MOBA is you have the option to ban shit you dont want to deal with :/ Granted, in MOBA you have to deal with teammates so that's a trade off. So for now taking break with fighting game but will be back full time next season


Just beat a Quest Rogue with Quest Warrior by fatiguing him lol. I ended the game with over 60 health. Very satisfying. To make matters even funnier, the last card I drew and played was my quest.


I love it when quest rogues fail, but this is the best. Thank you for making me happy.


Randomly won 8-9 games in a row last night with my Elemental Shaman deck and was 1 star away from hitting rank 10... then ran into a Pirate Warrior who drew really well. I didn't run into any Quest Rogues which was nice, so I was able to beat up on Silence Priest, Aggro Hunters and Tempo Mages.

What's your list out of curiosity, I created mine at the outset of Un'Goro having packed Kalimos but feel like it's a little hit or miss.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I still remember the pre-nerf Pagle. Auto include in most decks.
I wonder if the old version would not be op nowadays.

Probably not auto-include. 1-drops were kinda rare in those days. I could easily see him being too slow.


What's your list out of curiosity, I created mine at the outset of Un'Goro having packed Kalimos but feel like it's a little hit or miss.

2x Firefly
2x Flametongue Totem
2x Jade Claws
2x Maelstrom Portal
2x Hex
2x Hot Spring Guardian
1x Igneous Elemental
2x Lightning Storm
1x Stonehill Defender (usually gets me Earth Elemental, Al Akir, White-Eyes etc.)
1x Tar Creeper
2x Jinyu Waterspeaker
2x Tolvir Stoneshaper
2x Servant of Kalimos
2x Flame Elemental
2x Thing from Below
1x Blazecaller (only have 1 crafted)
1x Stone Sentinel (only have 1 crafted)
1x Kalimos, Primal Lord

Seems to out value and out tempo Mage / Hunter quite a bit... but struggles big time against Quest Rogue and iffy against Pirate Warrior (I've beat them with timely AOE though).
The issue I have with Stoneshaper is that it's not an elemental so you can't curve into Servant the next turn. I don't like the Phoenix, though.


The issue I have with Stoneshaper is that it's not an elemental so you can't curve into Servant the next turn. I don't like the Phoenix, though.

It's so often the case that my only/best play is Stoneshaper on T4 but it then screws my elemental curve for 2-3 turns.


only bad thing bout exodia mage is having to wade through lots of ice blocks and freezes. Feels kind of noninteractive to play against (but still better than going against a Quest rogue running Vanish because at least you have a board-- granted it's useless but still there!!!!)

I really love the idea of exodia mage though!! Fun to play; but horrible to play against


It's so often the case that my only/best play is Stoneshaper on T4 but it then screws my elemental curve for 2-3 turns.

I could try replacing it with another Tar Creeper, Igneous Elemental or Stonehill perhaps. Sometimes it's nice against aggro to drop that 4 mana 3/5 divine shield so they have to trade 2-3 minions in. I haven't noticed it screw me over too much yet.
The issue I have with Stoneshaper is that it's not an elemental so you can't curve into Servant the next turn. I don't like the Phoenix, though.

Phoenix is actually a good card imo. There are not many 4 drops that interact with the board the turn they are played. It's like a prenerf keeper of the grove minus the silence option. I ran phoenix in my elemental paladin list.


It's so often the case that my only/best play is Stoneshaper on T4 but it then screws my elemental curve for 2-3 turns.

Having White Eyes for turn 5 is helpful. I have a similar deck and that way you can transition into fire elemental or some three drops.


I quite dislike how Hearthstone seems to be moving more and more towards a rock, paper, scissors situation where you've more or less won or lost a game at mulligan.

One of the worst examples being quest rogue against pretty much any control deck.


Stupid me decided to try arena 1 last time and I get shit on by opponents who get stupid rng luck like a warlock who was dead next turn unless he could pull off a miracle... and he renounce the darkness'ed into 9 damage from hand. fml

Is this the most unbalanced tavern brawl ever?

I recall that in the previous rafaam vs kelthuzad, at least you had a better chance winning with rafaam

I'm fine with the rock/papers/scissors philosophy in card games, hearthstone problem is that it doesn't have a sideboard to counterpick the bad match ups

Yes, it is probably the most unbalanced brawl they ever made.


Is this the most unbalanced tavern brawl ever?

I recall that in the previous rafaam vs kelthuzad, at least you had a better chance winning with rafaam

I quite dislike how Hearthstone seems to be moving more and more towards a rock, paper, scissors situation where you've more or less won or lost a game at mulligan.

One of the worst examples being quest rogue against pretty much any control deck.

I'm fine with the rock/papers/scissors philosophy in card games, hearthstone problem is that it doesn't have a sideboard to counterpick the bad match ups
Sideboards would be tricky to get right. I actually think it would cause a more narrow meta though, since you can adjust the best deck to be even better against everything. It might be interesting though.

I think sideboards are more important when you're playing the same person multiple times and since ladder doesn't have this, it's not important to have sideboards. Since your opponent is always random, your sideboard is changing your deck between opponents. It would be too good if you can see your opponents class and adjust your deck. If you can't see your opponent's class then you're already playing ladder as it is.

I'm not saying it can't be done well, I just can't see how myself and I don't think the upside would be all that great outside of a tournament setting where you play the same person several rounds.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Played against a quest mage that played 4 Ice Blocks until he got the combo.
Good stuff... good stuff T__T


Played against a quest mage that played 4 Ice Blocks until he got the combo.
Good stuff... good stuff T__T
That's how it goes. Freeze mage would be uninteractive but ALMOST tolerable without Babbling Book and Primordial Glyph. With those two it's just sad.
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