During this down time I was thinking about how everything just comes together for this game and how they nailed the formula and concept for this.
Even the actual structure that's tied with the galactic war metanarrative is really clever, as the content is drip fed to the players in a way that doesn't seem artificial and that makes sense and engages the player base towards a goal.
I mean, it was a developer decision to do it like this, but instead of feeling like they were crappy for arbitrarily gating content and only launching with very few (4) planets available, it felt really rewarding to collectively liberate the first planet and unlock the next 2 (that were completely new biomes).
And the best part about it is that the ridiculously little effect each match has on the overall progress of the war also works really well with the satire and social commentary aspect of the game.
Man, I really wanted to play today.