Talking about the ramp up since launch you loon. No need to defend this shit btw.
I was refuting a stupid comment with the reality of the situation. Go back a page or two and you can see my gripes with the servers.
Also, they HAVE been ramping up since launch. That's why they are now able to cap the servers at ~450k capacity as opposed to their launch of ~200k (if I remember correctly from their Discord). Unfortunately, they simply can't keep up with the rising numbers. I wish I could have played earlier but sometimes we,
as adults, have to be realistic about the situation. Either wait until the servers aren't being overloaded (just finished a 3 hour session with friends btw) or do something more productive with your Saturday night... or spend all of it crying on a gaming forum, I suppose.
Whats Destiny 2 got to do with the price of fish?
Not surprised you can't figure out the significance of an AA indie game surpassing the highest CCU of one of the biggest AAA GaaS game to date. Surely, indie dev Arrowhead should have foreseen they'd reach those numbers.