Wut? You have barely played the tutorial, haven't unlocked 95% of the tools and you already complain that you die constantly on "walk in the park" difficulty....
1) It was Hard, I haven't switched the difficulty after unlocking them, but now I do for grinding alone.
2) Walk in the park is Easy and it also depends on a mission type and objectives.
3) Unlocking 95% of tools will take FOREVER, cuz of the way economy works in the game, how stingy it is and the fact that you'll lose resources and someone can take them from you is not helping things as well.
4) Collecting a bunch of resources on harder difficulty levels and while playing with randoms (not to mention playing alone) are almost impossible, you better of playing alone and grind this shit on a lower difficulties, bc that way no one can take them from you and you don't need to worry about dying a lot a losing all the stuff. Cuz the way I see it and the way the game works now, it is the only way to get an effin' chance to upgrade your stuff.
Uuuuhm this game might not be for you.
Stop saying this BS, people.
If it weren't for me, I would't have bought it and played for almost 8 hours now.
The problem is not me, it's the way how stupid and unfair certain things work in the game and resource collecting thing is BS. There should be way more resources on the field (15 or 17 now? Fuckin' seriously?! That's 3-4 for each player!), they must be easy to find and every player on the squad must have enough of them to collect during a mission, it must be exclusive for them and they must not lose it at all after dying unless they completely fail the mission and fail to extract. Do you seriously think that what I'm saying here is not the way it should work? People complained a shit ton about exclusive loot etc. in regards to other games while playing in a group, that it's not fair and all, but here it's fine? What?
I guess you can play alone to grind this shit (just like I do cuz it's the only option at this point), but wouldn't it be better and more fun to do it with randoms even and not worry about that some one can take it from you and just plain kill you to do that? I've seen a lot of this during my playtime and it's not happened just for me, but for others as well. It this okay too?
Most of your complaints are solved by unlocking things and playing higher levels of difficulty.
When it comes to unlocks, yes, there's some cool stuff there and I unlocked some of it already. And I already said that unlocks are there for you to make you feel less of pos on a battlefield. But playing on harder difficulty levels is not always a great expirience with randoms and it's pointless to play alone.
The way I'm playing right now is grinding shit for upgrades on lover difficulties and playing on harder difficulties for more medals and EXP.
Vehicles and Mechs are coming very soon, probably in two weeks with the next war bond
It'll be awesome! Btw, after checking some tools and upgrades, I can already think of a few dozen co-op mechanics closer to Army of Two they haven't even thought about and implemented into the game, which could also help a lot without any vehicles and mechs.
Let's take a portable energy shield for example. Right now it only works exclusively for the one who wears it (and there's the one you can place on the ground, it covers a wide area and it can't be moved), but I think there should be an option to expand the one you can take with you to fit 4 players, which can add another co-op mechanic that could help to storm bug's nests, close holes, destroy eggs, etc. Wide portable shield can also help to get away from huge swarms during evacuations and stuff. I mean, yeah, 4 people can have portable shields, but isn't this all about cooperation and shouldn't the game have more and deeper options for that to make you feel like a team and not some random nobodies, who mostly don't care about each other? The more co-op mechanics will be in the game, the better it will be and the more people will be encentified to play together as a squad, interact with each other etc.
And dying repeatedly(and easily) is part of the charm(for most players). It's not a hero shooter like Destiny. HD2 is such a breath of fresh air comparably
Oh, I know it's not a hero shooter))))))
I don't compare these games at all, I only compare co-op and PVE experience. Dying a lot is fine if it wasn't for what I've said above.