Received my new PC this morning, installed Windows without issues, everything's working fine

I changed the case at the last minute for a Be Quiet Pure Base 500, it's almost scary how quiet it is. Without the glass panel (another first for me) to see inside, I'd have thought the fans weren't working at all.
(they even put the wifi version of my motherboard at no extra cost, either they didn't have mine in stock, or they didn't pay attention; I know I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't see the antenna packaged with it)
It's crazy how much has changed since my first PC build, 20 years ago. The size of the GPUs is as crazy as their current prices, for starters... Windows installs
much faster from an USB stick than a DVD. Cases are also super clean, it looks so easy to put everything in place and do some quick cable management that I'm thinking it would have been alright if I had to build it myself... but on the other hand I'm glad I didn't, because I don't want to mess with 1000€+ parts, especially since, again, it looks nothing like what I used to work on.
Anyway, do you think there are any "must change" settings in the BIOS? Or do I leave it as it is for now?