Man If I had $400 right now I would buy an Paul Reed Smith that would last like, forever. $400 on drugs for one week is just insane.
ruh roh
I was quite addicted to weed ten years ago, I smoked so much all through college to the point that I developed a crazy tolerance and I could not stop smoking, more and more as time passed. All ended up with me getting crazy panic attacks, paranoia and constant fear of death. It was really bad and my family suffered because of my addiction caused by my own stupidity. After that I realized that drugs (and yeah, weed, supposedly it's not bad according to many, but even that fucked me up) are just an expensive and risky hobby to have that can really affect the lives of those around you. I decided to quit for me but specially for those who love me.
Amirox, I did not donate for your mother, but if I had I would feel really disappointed right now knowing you are going back to this frivolous drug spending and specially knowing that you seem to think it's completely normal and ok. Well, it's not ok. I think after an experience like the one you had with you going broke and your mother terminally ill, you would have learned your lesson and know that you have to be 100% ready for anything your people might need. Who knows what could be next, shit can happen twice, won't you feel stupid if you need to beg others for money again? What if one bad night you take too much and you become a vegetable? Would you be ok with the burden that would place on your family?
What's this about YouTube comments? Does he have a channel or something? I'd love to see that!
High fiveIt's a guitar. As a Gibson Guitar man, I probably shouldn't give my opinion on them.
Of course not, I'm trying to say that the rage is not in proportion to the damage done to the person spewing it. There's no way Ami's actions actually hurt nVidiot enough to warrant the relentless vitriol and if the person donating $1000 is suspicious and slightly unhappy but mostly cool about it, I don't see why someone who likely donated $0 needs to lose their shit. That's more likely about nVidiot jumping at a chance to shit on Amir0x, which in my opinion isn't any more honorable behavior than being a deceitful junkie.
which in my opinion isn't any more honorable behavior than being a deceitful junkie
I respect that and that is why I wanted to post this topic.
I guess I just wasn't aware that returning to MY type of normalcy (everyone knew I did drugs, as you said) would have elicited this type of reaction. I never knew I was expected to stop doing what I have enjoyed since I was a kid once I began to start being able to save up again.
Every time someone links a Youtube video to this forum, a person here reads it and randomly posts something like "Amir0x sucks donkey balls" in the comments section.
Avatar quote incoming.This thread makes me sad.
Christ, Just nuke this thread and ban this guy. How can some people around here get a free pass for their drama forever including mod abuse, lying and whatever else is going on here...
While other members can be banned for saying a celebrity is fat? Or some other trivial thing?
Situation is uncomfortable. It was common knowledge that Ami has done a lot of drugs recreationally, and I accepted that and accepted the explanation that the money was going directly to Ami's mom in her name and that she had legitimate problems and so it wouldn't be relevant. That still appears to be the case.
All the same, asking for donations comes with strings. It always does. You're going to come under scrutiny and people are going to demand transparency, and, well, that's fair. A lot of people had very little to give, and were just moved by the pure sentiment of helping out Ami's mom when she was in need. "Woo drug binge time now that these donations have taken a financial burden off me" is a pretty big slap in the face to those sentiments, no matter the context.
He was the worst mod in the history of the internet.As if it's not quite obviously a former member banned by Amir0x![]()
lol I was thinking the same exact thing.If i'm siding with nVidiot_Whore you know damn well shit has hit the fan.
this is an odd attitude in light of the numerous threads where gaf is held as a community. but i see you don't give a fuck (but enough to tell me that you don't give a fuck) so OK
Are you trying to do some meta thread schtick of "cool story bro?" It's a discussion forum, where a well known guy posted a frankly fascinating thread about his personal drug use and how that interacts with his plea to the same forum for money.
Any apparently you care enough to post repeatedly about how nobody should care.
If you've ever lived with an out of control addict it isn't even touching the surface. Its actually the coolest thing one can say because years later the drug friends are long gone and the memories of those who wanted sobriety linger.I'm not sure how this while situation sits with me, but dude, that's not cool.
Those cheap korean versions, bro!Where on earth are you getting a PRS for $400?!
Ridiculous. Under any circumstance. You should give people their money back before shooting up $400 worth of smack.
I was quite addicted to weed ten years ago, I smoked so much all through college to the point that...
Where on earth are you getting a PRS for $400?!
I was about to post the exact same comment, word for word.This thread makes me sad.
What now?
are we having a fucks giving competition? how am I lecturing? or are you just doubling-down on your not-giving-a-fuck posting?You give just enough of a fuck to lecture people on the internet. That is some serious fuck-giving indeed.
why do you care (i mean, give a fuck) about where your money went?People should care about where the money they donated went. They should not care that a stranger does drugs. That's the distinction I'm trying to draw but apparently it's extremely difficult to grasp.
You're joking now, and maybe you just don't have experience with pain pill/oxy addicts, I don't know. The problem with addicts, and their enablers is they don't get the harm they do to others. If it was just them burning out in a blaze of glory all well and fine.
For instance, and I noticed Amirox hasn't responded to this point, if the previous fundraiser money runs dry, his parents already sold their house and whatever savings Ami claims he has runs dry, what then? Can he really come back to GAF for a fundraiser? His addiction directly effects his mothers well being in that case.
I was about to post the exact same comment, word for word.
But on the bright side, Amir0x's mother is getting cared for. If GAF was part of that, then that's all that matters.
He knows a good guitar dealer.
There are ways other than narcotics to make election week go by fast.
OK, so Amirox did say he continued to "do pills twice a month."
Here's where he's described this habit:
So twice a month he's done 240-260mg of Oxy.
Or about 500mg per month.
Which would cost a normal person a crap-ton of money.
I don't buy his claims of how cheap he get's Oxy.
He spent hundreds a month on Oxy during this entire ordeal most likely.
And I think he's the only person on the planet who drops 250mg of Oxy on a weekend.. and then doesn't do it again for 2 weeks. That's.. nutty.
Stop being a douche, man. I mentioned posters by name, don't try to twist that into some kind of general accusation aimed at everyone.Whats the cutoff for someone being upset?
So I know at least 1/11 is ok. Is that the lowest you can go and call out problems?
You took the effort to search the thread for the quotes, in a petty attempt to nail Ami to the wall and even now, you're still struggling to have your point make sense even though no one agrees. So, yeah, petty and shitty and your posting style makes you come off as an angry person.Dude the fuck?
I asked questions.. I got answers.
His posts aren't nearly that clear.. he said "Since the financial aid. Not during." and I asked for clarification..I was told I "misread" for assuming he meant "during the financial aid".. you know.. reading the sentences in order and assuming he hadn't changed subjexts.
For some reason that's raging?
The $400 he used wasn't from GAF. My goodness, I am stepping away. This thread is becoming an intervention except none of you are family or friends of his IRL and none of you deserve an answer as to how/why he spent $400 on drugs.
Hey guys, I didn't use your money to buy drugs. I just used your money so I could use my own money to buy drugs.
She's his fiancée. Of course she knows.I feel like this is a vitally important question - does your fiancee know that she is marrying a drug addict?
You need to take about ten seats somewhere. You are really overstepping. Your point applies to anyone who donated. You are claiming there is some mathematical equation which relates the amount you donate to what you can post in this thread. So the equation only works for nvidiot though. Terrible equation. Proceed.Stop being a douche, man. I mentioned posters by name, don't try to twist that into some kind of general accusation aimed at everyone.
What do you need me to do to prove that the money went to my Mom?
I know exactly what gif is coming
Sure, that's fine, but he has posted before that his jobs pays decently and in this thread that he's also back to saving for his house and other things. This $400 was a separate, very specific savings.
I don't know if I'm being too trusting, but I do know that many of you are being way overreactive with the "typical junkie behaviour" accusations. Typical junkie behaviour is stealing copper and living on the street, not stashing away $50 every paycheck.
You took the effort to search the thread for the quotes, in a petty attempt to nail Ami to the wall and even now, you're still struggling to have your point make sense even though no one agrees. So, yeah, petty and shitty and your posting style makes you come off as an angry person.