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I really think Jim Sterling is on the brink of a psychological breakdown and needs help.

I'm just wondering, innocently, what talent has to do with perversion? Anyway Harris for one made some pretty classic songs (not that I ever liked any of them lol)
Nothing really. Plenty of talented people are very shady. That clown is clearly talentless however.


All his content is just drama shit now anyway.
I miss the old days with all the Steam asset flip games he would do vids on. Even normal Jimpressions that he doesnt do many of these days.
He just signed up for the drama shit that blew up a few years ago, and people are getting tired of that kind of content imo.
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I don't keep up with Jim that much these days, but this is his schtick. It's his YouTube personality/caricature. The thing is, over the years he's leaned harder and harder into it. Is that a problem? No. But for some viewers it's become too much. It is what it is.

But much like always, and with anything. You like him, or you don't. Give him views, or don't. He's fine, so don't be worried.


I stopped paying any kind of attention to him right at the time he agreed with Adam Sessler during a panel when he said that he has every right to doxx you if you're being a bigot online. In case you don't know what that means, it means revealing your personal information to the public. Now I personally agree that people should chill the fuck out with that shit. There are plenty of ways to vent frustration without resorting to using racial slurs or homophobic remarks. But even during that panel he admits that a lot of it are young kids. And he straight up says he'll find your address and put it out there. That is so very dangerous for obvious reasons and no one should feel the threat of violence or have to worry about their homes being invaded or swatted or whatever because in the heat of the moment they said something stupid.


He is losing subscribers alarmingly fast since his recent revelation. I've always considered him a genius, but it seems he was having a mental breakdown

and got hit by the woke cult really hard. To a certain degree it seems like he is still falling apart.

Jim says he is a lot happier now which is fine by me as long as he's not hurting anyone. I shouldn't care I guess but Jim needs a fashion designer fast.


Eh, never was a fan.
I liked the points he made in a couple of his old videos, but never subscribed or sought out his opinion. I also used to think his antics were fun / funny (not worthy of a regular watch) but looking back, those were probably signs of what it was to come for him.

I think he is also friends / supported Quinn, so fuck him, really.
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I stopped paying any kind of attention to him right at the time he agreed with Adam Sessler during a panel when he said that he has every right to doxx you if you're being a bigot online. In case you don't know what that means, it means revealing your personal information to the public. Now I personally agree that people should chill the fuck out with that shit. There are plenty of ways to vent frustration without resorting to using racial slurs or homophobic remarks. But even during that panel he admits that a lot of it are young kids. And he straight up says he'll find your address and put it out there. That is so very dangerous for obvious reasons and no one should feel the threat of violence or have to worry about their homes being invaded or swatted or whatever because in the heat of the moment they said something stupid.

That's creepy.

I will say the adults rushing for kids toys phenomenon is a hilarious blight on humanity, so, I'll give the vid that one. I hadn't seen a vid from this channel in years and today I watched the latest one (well, a few minutes of it). Congrats OP for harvesting some views. :messenger_beaming:
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Gold Member
lol that's always been his schtick.

I've been seeing this pop up throughout the thread and wanted to address it. Honestly, I probably should have just posted it in my sprawling OP.

Since 2020, Jim has NOT been the same person. His appearance has changed drastically, and his mannerisms are also quite different.

Jim of Old:




He is losing subscribers alarmingly fast since his recent revelation. I've always considered him a genius, but it seems he was having a mental breakdown

and got hit by the woke cult really hard. To a certain degree it seems like he is still falling apart.

Jim says he is a lot happier now which is fine by me as long as he's not hurting anyone. I shouldn't care I guess but Jim needs a fashion designer fast.

Great post. I completely agree with you. That sub-900k special he did a couple of weeks ago told me all I needed to know about where he's at mentally. He's clearly resentful of others' success, and he thought his pansexual/coming out moment would spark a huge subscriber influx, but the exact opposite has happened. I honestly have a hard time accepting that Old Jim would delude himself into thinking that would work, when coming out, nowadays, is pretty passé.
Jim is a massive hypocrite in every single sense of the word.

He will argue that he's a consumer advocate while actively arguing games like Senran Kagura or Dead or Alive being blacklisted from Steam wouldn't be such a big loss. He's perfectly comfortable saying the market should be allowed to decide, until the nanosecond the market decides it wants something he doesn't approve of.

He's the same asshole who unironically argued that too many people were harassing small developers, only for him and Laura Kate Dale to turn around and repeatedly harass a developer over a game title using his massive audience base until he voluntarily took the game down. He'll complain about something only for he and his to do it.

He'll argue that people like him and people in his clique "aren't trying to take your games away," and then when people using the exact same arguments use those arguments to say, get GTAV pulled from retailers in Australia, deny that he said that in the first place.

He argues against putting limits on artistic expression, unless that limit is bitching about a character whose design he personally disapproves of, in which case he won't shut up about it.

Here's hoping he continues to slide into irrelevancy.


He's always been an asshole, going after low hanging fruit of bad games or current topics. So I don't know if the guy is actually mentally ill or if it's another schtick.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Isa


Gold Member
I actually used to watch some of his videos back in the days he was able to speak without drowning his audience with symptoms of mental health issues.


I've been seeing this pop up throughout the thread and wanted to address it. Honestly, I probably should have just posted it in my sprawling OP.

Since 2020, Jim has NOT been the same person. His appearance has changed drastically, and his mannerisms are also quite different.

Jim of Old:




Great post. I completely agree with you. That sub-900k special he did a couple of weeks ago told me all I needed to know about where he's at mentally. He's clearly resentful of others' success, and he thought his pansexual/coming out moment would spark a huge subscriber influx, but the exact opposite has happened. I honestly have a hard time accepting that Old Jim would delude himself into thinking that would work, when coming out, nowadays, is pretty passé.
Exactly. Coming out today is not a big deal. Gay, trans, or whatever. It doesn't really shock people anymore nor does it inspire people in the same boat. Enough people have done it in such a short span of time that it has pretty much saturated the market for emotional reactions. It's actually to the point where people just roll their eyes now. You're not brave for it. You're not special. At this point it's attention seeking and people know it.

Furthermore, what people like him are very quickly finding out is that it doesn't grant you a larger audience. Beyond being simply straight or gay, the percentage of people who fall into some special category are such a small portion of the global population. And like it or not, there are a lot of people out there who are turned off in more ways than one by people in those groups and makes them not care for what you have to say. Especially when so many have acted like their opinions are beyond reproach simply for being what they are.


Someone is expressing their sexuality?! Not in my internet!!
He is not just expressing it, he is rubbing it to everyone's faces.

I do follow a trans youtuber who also runs a gaming channel. Kim Justice. She made the transition during the channel's existence (and not just by wearing a wig). You can see her as a regular dude in older videos.

Still, this person never made her sexuality/transition a thing on her channel. Never rubbed it in our faces or acted as a flamboyant degenerate, flapping dildos and butt-plugs around.
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This is transphobia if I ever seen one.

She ( he if you are so triggered) don't give a fuck about loyalty or fanboyism and would say it as it is. I like her content and she still make game reviews (like hades and others).

And what's wrong with wrestling? You think WWE has no abuses against it's contractors?

Jim's Twitter actually says "They/Them" so who's being transphobic now?
You just fucking misgendered Jim.

I actually don't care, I'm just illustrating how absurd the idea is that people can freely change "their" pronouns whenever they like and expect people to catch up.


Gold Member
You appear to have a personal issue with Jim and his life, which perhaps is equally worrying.

Jims‘s content is turning into a tirade of all that is bad with the video game industry, but so what? He’s allowed to vent his frustration as we are all allowed to unsubscribe should this not tickle our fancy. I unsubscribed last week myself as his content is not currently my cup of tea. But we do not need to pull him to pieces as you are doing in much of the above. He’s admitted he’s got mental health issues. Pulling him to pieces is not going to help anyone.

I missed this post the first time around, but feel it's worth responding to.
  • I've really enjoyed Jim's stuff throughout the years, even though I'm sure that was lost in the critique.
  • I don't have personal issues with him/her; it's just that the product has suffered greatly, but he/she seems to want to push the blame.
  • I can appreciate your last sentence. It's a fair point.
It's kinda sad. I used to watch Total Biscuit's Co-Optional Podcast years ago and I remember Jim being a decent guest on many occasions.

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Jim's Twitter actually says "They/Them" so who's being transphobic now?
You just fucking misgendered Jim.

I actually don't care, I'm just illustrating how absurd the idea is that people can freely change "their" pronouns whenever they like and expect people to catch up.
I think calling them 'him', is far worse than using 'her' if you don't know their preferred pronoun. What is it to you to use a bit of decorum, even if you personally don't believe they can't change their pronoun. If everyone respected one another a little more this world would be a better place.
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Great post. I completely agree with you. That sub-900k special he did a couple of weeks ago told me all I needed to know about where he's at mentally. He's clearly resentful of others' success, and he thought his pansexual/coming out moment would spark a huge subscriber influx, but the exact opposite has happened. I honestly have a hard time accepting that Old Jim would delude himself into thinking that would work, when coming out, nowadays, is pretty passé.

That video was a fairly uncomfortable watch. It was a person with clear and obvious mental health issues trying to work through the concept that most people do not accept or believe the ideology he has fallen into. It's hard and pretty cruel when ideology meets reality, and it'll do his mental health no favours whatsoever. Best thing he could do is take a break, get some decent and honest therapy,and come back when his head is in a better place.


I think calling them 'him', is far worse than using 'her' if you don't know their preferred pronoun. What is it to you to use a bit of decorum, even if you personally don't believe they can't change their pronoun. If everyone respected one another a little more this world would be a better place.

The issue is that to respect their choice of pronoun is to ignore scientific reality. I'm not doing that. I don't do it for right wing religious people, and I'm not doing it for left wing woke people either. People need to respect the realities of the world - then it would be a far better place. (Mods - nuke if steering too close to politics for you).
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I think calling them 'him', is far worse than using 'her' if you don't know their preferred pronoun.

What is this hot nonsense? Why would either be better than the other if neither are accurate according to the person in question's fantasy identity?
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Gold Member
That video was a fairly uncomfortable watch. It was a person with clear and obvious mental health issues trying to work through the concept that most people do not accept or believe the ideology he has fallen into. It's hard and pretty cruel when ideology meets reality, and it'll do his mental health no favours whatsoever. Best thing he could do is take a break, get some decent and honest therapy, and come back when his head is in a better place.

Right. Just take a year or two off, get a real job, be low-key for a bit, then re-evaluate what you want to do.

Using your fleeting subscriber count to lash out at anyone and anything is the worst possible choice. If Jim just announced a hiatus on the channel due to mental health issues, I guarantee he'd get the sympathy/respect he's looking for.

And no stunts or ploys, like Demi Lovato.
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I used to enjoy his content, I agree he got worse and worse last year with his focus on capitalism and constantly attacking AAA games. I unfollowed him before he transitioned, or whatever we call what he's doing now, but that made the content worse. His first video after this change was really creepy, you can see him giggling and trying to act cute. I don't know if he's taking hormones, but I know that euphoria could in part due to HRT. If that is the case, no matter how "good" he feels now, no hormones will be able to fix your mental health.


I loved Jim's old videos. The Perfect Pasta Sauce and Damn Fine Coffee videos remain one of their best. I unsubbed from Jim's YouTube channel way before the coming out video because Jim long since stopped doing deep analytical videos and essentially turned the Jimquisition into a madlibs where each week was "[insert company] is selling [insert thing] and selling things is bad." The channel's been losing ground since 2019 and it has less to do with Jim's identity and more to do with the direction that the channel has gone with its content and tone.

I do still subscribe to Boston's Favorite Son and Podquisition though.



Jim's Twitter actually says "They/Them" so who's being transphobic now?
You just fucking misgendered Jim.

I actually don't care, I'm just illustrating how absurd the idea is that people can freely change "their" pronouns whenever they like and expect people to catch up.
Oh wow very smart 🤓

Another one to my ignore list.
Guessing he maybe losing regulars and catering to another audience entirely.

Surprised he is 37, I thought he was 45 or something.

Could be on a Meltdown but who knows?


Damn OP, you raised some excellent points. I never even realized how he slowly lost his incredibly sharp wit, and that absurdity and bizarreness replaced it. Now that you've called my attention to it, I completely understand why I've completely tuned out his YouTube videos over the last 1-2 years. To be honest, I no longer know why I'm subscribed.


With Jim I honestly don't know if it's really him or if he is just putting up some persona.

Dude makes like $15K a month from Patreon uploading 1-2 poorly edited rant videos a week. I'll be honest, I'd be willing to put up some weird persona on screen for that sort of money to work ratio.

On Patreon in particular if you don't really have mass appeal it tend to pays more to aim for a niche.

Then again he might just be another gaming personality with deep psychological issues. Plenty of those too.


I saw in one vid where Jim was talking about growing breasts, so yeah, he's taking hormones. That's messing with his mind. I mean, how can it not?

More and more I got to where I'd skip the intro part of his vids to get to what the vid was supposed to be about, because the intro (and outros) were getting more cringe all the time. Now, it's just rough to even think about watching his vids, regardless of the subject matter.

Ya know, it's difficult for me to discuss stuff like this......don't care to get some "ist" or "ism" stuck on me for having "normie" viewpoints on this gender stuff. I'm not saying I'm some pinnacle of mental stability or anything, but damn, the world appears to be going crazy. Frankly, it's beginning to really scare me.

And people wonder why I've become so introverted.


He can personally do whatever he chooses if it legit makes him a happier person. The issue I take with it is he has a platform and I dont like that we're celebrating and promoting a mental disorder. I see this having a tragic end like most who randomly decide halfway through their life that they're suddenly a different gender.


hide your water-based mammals
I actually unsubscribed about 6 months ago. The content is getting stupider and I'm just not a fan of the look he has.

I'm sure other places still tolerate but much like Boogie, this guy has lost the goodwill he built up with me.


If I'm being honest I had got really tired of his "game devs are evil" tirades week after week.....then he rocked up in a wig and make up and I haven't watched one of his videos since....guess I'm a massive transphobe,oh well.

This is more or less what happened to me. Used to actually be a fan, then he never shut up about these poor game designers working their dream jobs on major studio products being forced to work over time

Yeah, welcome to the real world, Jim

Life stinks

Then he put on a wig... I just cant, man

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
His content output went downhill way before current events. At some point he became a ranty, cynical mess.

Stopped watching at that point.

Thanks for the thread, reminded me to unsubscribe.


What is this hot nonsense? Why would either be better than the other if neither are accurate according to the person in question's fantasy identity?
Because if you make an effort to look more feminine, it's clear they don't want to be mistaken for a man? Common sense really! Anyway going off topic now. In terms of content I do agree some of his older stuff was wittier, but I don't agree he is heading for a breakdown, he has just come out as trans, which is going to take its toll, he just needs sometime to adjust.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Because if you make an effort to look more feminine, it's clear they don't want to be mistaken for a man? Common sense really!

Common sense does not apply to someone who wants to be identified as they/them.

Jim seems to think he is something in between, thus either gendered pronoun must be equally offensive or inoffensive.

The nonbinary crowd would likely take issue with associating lipstick and wigs with femininity or stating that anything inherently belongs to either gender for that matter.
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