Oni Link 666
Alex said:I admit, I'm not at all interested in Sudeki in the least bit.... But I've got to say, that 1up review is about one of the worst "reviews" I've ever read.
Granted, I'm such abysmal writer I shouldn't even be talking, but c'mon really, that was just really pathetic from my pov.
this game looks pretty cool. The best part is that the boobs on these 3d girls are pretty big! yum
"We wanted a developer that could put its balls where its mouth was. We wanted someone who could provide us with a quality RPG and the Japanese refused to give us the goods."
--Edge Magazine, Christmas 2002, bigass article on Sudeki
drohne said:so japanese game design is fundamentally better than western game design? and it's good that sudeki makes concessions to japanese styles, but it doesn't go far enough in that direction? that's not what he meant to suggest, is it?
drohne said:grammar critique? i guess you must be talking to me. except that i haven't critiqued anyone's grammar. i suppose it's no longer necessary to read a post before you respond to it, snarkily.
and preemptively: my message board posts are off the cuff and conversational in tone, and i'm perfectly content with their unorthodox grammar. sentence fragments rock.
drohne said:you could make the case that sudeki is an inept borrowing, or a slavish borrowing, but i think it's daft to discourage such borrowing altogether.
and i wonder what sudeki's japanophile detractors would think of korean games in japanese styles. is it really that only the japanese should attempt japanese design and japanese art, or will any old asians do? i'm curious.
chespace said:hey buddy, if you can stomach playing through sudeki, you're a better man than i.
godspeed, and more power to you.
drohne said:that 1up review really is unusually bad. what's up with the extended metaphor? it's boring and inane, and takes up nearly half the text of the review, but that's not really the problem.
nich maragos has written some memorably stupid reviews over at 1up. there was the review that slated beyond good and evil for nebulously failing to exceed the sum of its parts, the review that explicitly indicted sonic heroes for attempting to be a sonic game (and told us this as if it was clever), and now there's this. maybe i should send him some grossly illiterate hate mail.
JackFrost2012" said:The point Nich was trying to make was, if you want a Japanese RPG play a Japanese RPG, and if you want a Western RPG play a Western RPG. If you want a Japanese RPG and play a Western RPG that's striving to imitate a Japanese RPG (which Sudeki obviously is despite protestations to the contrary), you're going to wind up with a disappointing, half-assed experience.
Sysgen said:Dude, you stomached Breakdown if I remember correctly. An Western style FPS butchered by a Japanese development house, yet received scores form GMR and EGM in the range of 85-90%. I smell a double standard.
sp0rsk said:Borrowing happens all the time. Compare korean art that was "borrowed from japan" (was it really? i dunno maybe) then compare it to sudeki. The korean stuff 99/100 times will look 100000 times better than sudeki. its not shitty design cause they borrowed from the japanese, its shitty design because it reeks of marketing ploy(referring to the "sex appeal") and looks like amateur crap.
JackFrost2012 said:In its defense, the actual character art for Sudeki isn't half-bad. But somewhere along the line, the in-game models turns out not even half-good.
bobbyconover said:On another note, I want to thank the 1up guys for delivering reviews that are thorough and informative yet concise. I've long since had enough of reading 8-page IGN reviews that rant at ridiculous length about inconsequential crap or spend paragraphs trying to be funny.
Sysgen said:Is it becuase of review sites like 1up that want it to be something it's not ?
JackFrost2012 said:Good?![]()
Dave Long said:This game is just more proof (as if we needed any more) that a company who has a bad track record isn't likely to turn it around with a bigger budget/high profile game. Has Climax ever made one game that was above mediocre or significant in any way? No.
So why did people get their hopes up so high that they would deliver with this one?
Dave Long said:This game is just more proof (as if we needed any more) that a company who has a bad track record isn't likely to turn it around with a bigger budget/high profile game. Has Climax ever made one game that was above mediocre or significant in any way? No.
So why did people get their hopes up so high that they would deliver with this one?
Sysgen said:Expecting something to be what it's not is not a good thing.
LandStalker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moto GP1+2SolidSnakex said:They've made the MotoGP series which is top notch. You're confusing them with the other Climax (who aren't really that bad).
nitewulf said:the game is ugly and it seems to suck.
let us move on.
nitewulf said:the game is ugly and it seems to suck.
let us move on.
Kobun Heat said:Good to see I don't exactly have egg on my face over this one.
This game does NOT suck. I've played objectively crappy games, and this is definitely not one of them. If you're not a fan of the genre this isn't going to swing you over, but if you are then it's definitely a game you should check out.
boutrosinit said:You and I both mon frere. I wander if they'll sell enough to keep that sequel in devevlopment.
rastex said:THIS is the type of ignorant comments that really bothers me. The one thing the 1up review absolutely does not touch upon at all is the incredibly gorgeous environments in the game and the stunning graphics. And that's what's important about the art. You barely ever see the character's faces, usually just looking at their backs and really seeing the environments 90% of the time.
This game does NOT suck. I've played objectively crappy games, and this is definitely not one of them. If you're not a fan of the genre this isn't going to swing you over, but if you are then it's definitely a game you should check out.
Where all this hate is coming from just astonishes me. I really have to chalk it up to nipponophile pretentious jackasses that fear any "gaijin" treading on their beloved misappropriated culture. Maybe they're all just pissed off that no black people talk in ebonics in the game.
Suikoguy said:I don't think anybody means this game sucks,
nitewulf said:the game is ugly and it seems to suck.
let us move on.
Or you could chalk it up to degrees of "bad".rastex said:You know, I'd really like to see a comparison done of Sudeki and ToS. One thing I've heard about both games is that they have a horrible storyline, it's just that Sudeki gets WAY more flack for it than ToS for some reason. That's why I chalk it up to pretentious elitist nipponomania.
You know, I'd really like to see a comparison done of Sudeki and ToS. One thing I've heard about both games is that they have a horrible storyline, it's just that Sudeki gets WAY more flack for it than ToS for some reason. That's why I chalk it up to pretentious elitist nipponomania.
boutrosinit said:<snip>