I'd slip Link's Awakening in between #1 and 2 and move A Link Between Worlds up a bit, but other than that it seems OK.
They got #1 right.
How can they not put Skyward Sword on the list after giving it a 10?
Also, any Zelda list with Wind Waker in the top 5 is wrong. It's literally incomplete and an average Zelda game at best.
These list almost always come down to nostalgia.
Link's Awakening will always be the real best top-down Zelda game. stay overrated as fuck, ALttP.
Wind Waker about 20 spots too high
How can they not put Skyward Sword on the list after giving it a 10?
How can they not put Skyward Sword on the list after giving it a 10?
Holy shit, they actually got #1 right
Because the reviewer who gave it a 10 has not worked at IGN for years(now works at NOA's PR firm)
There's no fucking way Wind Waker is better than Majora's Mask.
Its art is easily better but it ends there.
Wind Waker, which feels like half-a-game, should be well below TP, which is probably the best playing, most enjoyable, and most fully realized 3D zelda.
Wind Waker is exponentially more approachable, not to mention more fun.
Wind Waker is exponentially more approachable, not to mention more fun.
I don't understand this revisionist history going on about Wind Waker. Twilight Princess is a better game in every way that matters.
A Link Between Worlds was an improvement on A Link To The Past in pretty much every single way.
That seems like a pretty typical list just in terms of popularity with the original Legend of Zelda thrown in just because of the legacy. I would also expect Skyward Sword to be higher than Oracle games and maybe even The Minish Cap on a typical Top 10 Zelda list, but I guess IGN can surprise sometimes.
My only real gripe with the list is that Oracle of Ages and Seasons are bundled together when they are entirely different games. Sure the story is connected, but that's almost the same as having Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask share a spot for that same reason.
I know no one cares, but my personal top 10 starting from the best one is Majora's Mask > Oracle of Ages > The Wind Waker > Link's Awakening > The Minish Cap > Ocarina of Time > A Link Between Worlds > Oracle of Seasons > Skyward Sword > A Link to the Past
No Zelda is more boring than WW. They did not do a single interesting thing with the setting, i.e. the complete opposite of MM.
muh art style
Oof, I lot of people are not gonna agree with Wind Waker being above Majora's Mask.
How can they not put Skyward Sword on the list after giving it a 10?
Wow @ Skyward Sword not making the list. I mean, I don't think it's that good either, but..
Regardless, ALTTP deserves the top spot. Timeless classic.
IGN gave Skyward Sword a 10/10 and it still didn't make their top ten, lol.