Inclusivity Updates in WoW: Dragonflight - Body Type, Pronoun and Voice Options Discovered

My body is not 1 or 2 though.
As I said removing that option all together and letting me create whatever would be far better than relabel it without any meaning. 1 and 2 can even be understood as a ranking... If you want to be inclusive and not offend anyone in any way ever, do it right.
You're arguing semantics...if 1 or 2 represents what your body is...Which ever fits the option that most suits what you are trying to create go with that.

You are what is wrong with this world.
Thank you.


And I wouldn't be so sure. Tides tend to turn.

Also you're probably assuming a lot of wrong things about me, when this is mostly about grammar.
The world is always getting more progressively might shift for a short period of time but its always going towards the left.


It must be insufferable to work at modern day Blizzard.

It's insufferable working at most companies, for this very same reason. Guess blizzard probably does turn it up to 11, but even so we all have to "deal with it" to some extent.

If the current trend continues, I give it 50 years before everybody has been indoctrinated. Reason being kids who are going through school are being taught this stuff, teenagers who are starting their first job are also being hammered with what constitutes "acceptance" at work during training, and people mid-day through their career will start dying off.
  • Empathy
Reactions: Fuz


- So what have you come up with to maintain current userbase?
- Userbase?

30-40yo dudes paying for the game for years have definitely asked for these changes.
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I mean it's nice and all. I personally don't have a problem with any of these since the effect seems minimal at best.

What kinda irked be about this is that it seems like every move Blizzard makes recently seems to be done in order for people to move past their sordid past with breast milk stealing, death threats and sexual harassment and everything else in between.

In the end, it's whatever to me. Good for those who want these included in the game I guess.


More options and people are complaining. I love this. It makes a segment of the population feel more included and doesn't take away options from anyone. Win Win.

In a videogame its whatever. BUT the problem w/ this kinda of thought gaining steam is it spills over into society where it affects those who dont agree and ruins lively hoods. If i dont agree with your belief that you are a man, you are forcing me to accept and say things i dont believe in. If i dont say what you want, i get fired. This is the end goal and a massive problem w/ Wokeism. Its way past acceptance... its bow the knee to my belief system or you dont deserve to work/live.
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More options and people are complaining. I love this. It makes a segment of the population feel more included and doesn't take away options from anyone. Win Win.
Agreed. Options are good. If someone wants to identify as something that doesn't conform with their biology, appearance, dress, or whatever, then I could not care less. I don't need to get into a discussion about what makes a man vs. a woman as though any of it matters. It's a choice about one's own identity. That's their business. You be you. If games want to allow users to self-identify with more freedom that's a win.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Ironically the people who point to this which is only a single aspect of what determines sex, not gender, are also anti vax and climate change deniers. Pick and choose which science you want to believe...I miss when science wasn't political.
What an absolutely goddamn stupid po-
a traditional man
Oh fuck another one, and here I thought posts like these were hidden away in off-topic..


Please don’t use gendered language!
In a videogame its whatever. BUT the problem w/ this kinda of thought gaining steam is it spills over into society where it affects those who dont agree and ruins lively hoods. If i dont agree with your belief that you are a man, you are forcing me to accept and say things i dont believe in. If i dont say what you want, i get fired. This is the end goal and a massive problem w/ Wokeism. Its way past acceptance... its bow the knee to my belief system or you dont deserve to work/live.
Bow to the knee? You know what most of the history of the country looked like? Things are far and away more accepting of everyone than ever before.

Agreed. Options are good. If someone wants to identify as something that doesn't conform with their biology, appearance, dress, or whatever, then I could not care less. I don't need to get into a discussion about what makes a man vs. a woman as though any of it matters. It's a choice about one's own identity. That's their business. You be you. If games want to allow users to self-identify with more freedom that's a win.
The people who have a problem with it comes down to " i dont understand it so it makes me uncomfortable even tho my life doesnt change at all."
? history has nothing to do with current and future discrimination. 2 wrongs dont make a right. and YES bending the knee to your beliefs or i lose my job is extremely powerful and discriminatory
I'm pointing out that while things aren't perfect we are moving in a great direction. Living in a society requires decency. You can't say 'disabled people nauseate me' and keep your job. This idea that you have to be a strict liberal to keep your job is insane.


I'm pointing out that while things aren't perfect we are moving in a great direction. Living in a society requires decency. You can't say 'disabled people nauseate me' and keep your job. This idea that you have to be a strict liberal to keep your job is insane.
its goal post moving and if my beliefs are that your born with a penis and you are a man and then someone wants to suddenly change that and compel my speech with threats to my livelyhood? this is happening and its horrible.


if they arent male or female , shouldnt they look huh genderless or something then, or can you give body1 tits and body2 beard? it's confusing
? history has nothing to do with current and future discrimination. 2 wrongs dont make a right. and YES bending the knee to your beliefs or i lose my job is extremely powerful and discriminatory
Okay so.... here's the thing though....

Theatrics aside (LOL, bending the knee) in any disagreement, if compromise can't be found, someone may eventually have to not get their way. Here's the facts:
  • You are quite adamant that you should not have to respect someone's self-identification preferences if those preferences don't conform to your metrics. You can use all sorts of sources to defend your claim.
  • Someone who is self identifying thinks you should have to respect their self-identification preference regardless of your personal metrics. This person can also use all sorts of sources to defend their claim.
So, the question is who should get their way? Who should win and who should lose? The question is, whose choice do we give more credence and respect to in regards to a specific individual's identity. Do we say:
  • We trust you to know who you are better than we trust outside parties. Or...
  • We trust outside parties to know who you are better than we trust you to know who you are.
To respect someone's choice to identify as they so desire isn't bending the knee. It's showing respect. It's saying "I respect you and your choice even though I personally disagree with it because your opinion on the matter is more relevant than mine."

I don't imagine I will change your mind with just one post, but I hope it at least cracks the shell. If Bill wants to be called Jill and you don't agree with it, it's okay to still call Bill by the name Jill out of a sign of kindness and respect for Jill. And if you lose your job for not doing it. It's not because you aren't joining the wokeism bandwagon. It's because you, conversely, would be disrespecting your damn coworker.
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Okay so.... here's the thing though....

Theatrics aside (LOL, bending the knee) in any disagreement, if compromise can't be found, someone may eventually have to not get their way. Here's the facts:
  • You are quite adamant that you should not have to respect someone's self-identification preferences if those preferences don't conform to your metrics. You can use all sorts of sources to defend your claim.
  • Someone who is self identifying thinks you should have to respect their self-identification preference regardless of your personal metrics. This person can also use all sorts of sources to defend their claim.
So, the question is who should get their way? Who should win and who should lose? The question is, whose choice do we give more credence and respect to in regards to a specific individual's identity. Do we say:
  • We trust you to know who you are better than we trust outside parties. Or...
  • We trust outside parties to know who you are better than we trust you to know who you are.
To respect someone's choice to identify as they so desire isn't bending the knee. It's showing respect. It's saying "I respect you and your choice even though I personally disagree with it because your opinion on the matter is more relevant than mine."

I don't imagine I will change your mind with just one post, but I hope it at least cracks the shell. If Bill wants to be called Jill and you don't agree with it, it's okay to still call Bill by the name Jill out of a sign of kindness and respect for Jill. And if you lose your job for not doing it. It's not because you aren't joining the wokeism bandwagon. It's because you, conversely, would be f***n' disrespecting your damn coworker.
3rd option, let either of us call each other by whatever we want and have the thick enough skin to get along and not complain to the boss that im being "disrespectful". Is very disrespectful to force me to call you something i dont believe.


Suffers with mild autism

Thread will probably end up locked since it can't avoid politics, but:
The people who have a problem with it comes down to " i dont understand it so it makes me uncomfortable even tho my life doesnt change at all."

C'mon son, surely you're not this numbingly deaf to the actual views of the other side. "My life doesn't change at all" is the furthest thing from the truth. The political maneuvering around this topic by ideologues over the past years has injected itself into every domain of life, pushing for a complete rearrangement of the meaning of human sex and for totalizing, strictly enforced changes to language. Actual women's groups dealing with distinct female issues (take any example, eg. midwives) are being coerced to change their language to refer to women in weirdly dehumaninzing terms like "birth givers" / "uterus havers" etc--ironically stripping the meaningful collective term "woman" from them with a shrug while, with the other hand, insisting that this totalizing term is absolutely required for "trans" women to feel whole (if "birth givers" and "utersus havers" is no big deal, then let's be honest on the other side and say "surgically mutilated crossdressers" here--but no, anything other than thename"woman" for themselves leaves trans activists promising real violence on "TERF" women). In every legal and public domain, this rearrangment of terms and practices (goodbye, women's sports) is being pushed with the arms of the law.

There hasn't been a political advocacy group so totalizingly oppose of the principle of "your life wont change / just leave us alone" in centuries than the trans activists. Easily the most totalizing and fanatical political movement you can find today.
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The pronouns don't bother me, but why the change for the bodytypes. For 99% of the world's population the bodytypes are still male and female. I just don't get it.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Look everyone, we went from refusing the idiotic pronouns to discriminate disabled people.

Because in the head of those fascist delusionals moron, it's the same thing.

That's exactly why I'm so against those bullshit.

It's pure sophistry. And they know it.

The reason people disagree on this subject matter is because it is a very complex thing and as per usual people like the above want to simplify it into something it clearly isn't all to forward their world view on things.

I'm all about respecting the opinions of others but this Sith Lord mantra of "my way or the high way" isn't it chief.

The beehive(groupthink) is trying to make the Skunk(individual thought) believe their dogma but the Skunk is just going to eat the bees. The bees aren't evil and neither is the skunk. They both do things in their own way.

I'd rather that Blizzard make the game better in it's entirety rather then just focusing on aesthetics.

More free thinking instead of staunching meaningful discussion.

Adding pronouns is fine but I still think you should just have an option if you just want Male or Female. Even if it's just a quick preset. Add them as an option but not a requirement. It really is that simple.

But this has kinda been a longstanding problem with WoW in general with each expansion where they add a gimmick and then *take your options away* next xpac. Artifact Weapon, Azerite Armor, Soulbinds and Conduits, TALENT TREES WITH ONLY ONE REAL CHOICE and the list goes on. We aren't even at renown and world quests yet. Like why isn't renown account wide? *We know why btw*

Dracthyr looking lanky and wimpy as hell compared to other Dragonkin in the game to the point even Naga look more impressive. Also Blizz wants to be more inclusive so they add another race but they also lock that race to one class. Umm...

Options are good but you need to keep them.

I'd like WoW to make a comeback but I'm not really seeing it with stuff like this where they constantly ignore the bigger problems of their game. It's why FFXIV, GW2, ESO keep trucking along sticking to a tried and true formula while WoW has to come up with gimmicks to stay relevant.

And that's all I have to say about that.
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3rd option, let either of us call each other by whatever we want and have the thick enough skin to get along and not complain to the boss that im being "disrespectful". Is very disrespectful to force me to call you something i dont believe.
That's not a third option. That's just the first option. The one where you got your way. With respects to self-identification why should your opinion be more relevant than that of the person self-identifying? It's literally THIER identity. They get final say. So, protestations accounted for, you can grow the "thick enough skin" to respect that choice or you can refuse to respect their wishes and be a jerk to your co-worker and subsequently get fired for being a jerk.


In my life I would have never thought that this subject would become controversial or important in any way for anyone.

It's such a selfish community that keep crying for their rights meanwhile nobody give a fuck but they keep coming back full charge playing victim. It gets really fucking old.

I mean, when is it gonna be enough? Will they ever be satisfied? Ah man, I'm out of this.
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That's not a third option. That's just the first option. The one where you got your way. With respects to self-identification why should your opinion be more relevant than that of the person self-identifying? It's literally THIER identity. They get final say. So, protestations accounted for, you can grow the "thick enough skin" to respect that choice or you can refuse to respect their wishes and be a jerk to your co-worker and subsequently get fired for being a jerk.
its not my way though? its reality. People want to change pronouns and the reality in which we have been using those forever. Its no longer self-identifcation when you make some1 else do something. seems to be an impassible disagreement. Hopefully federalism stays true in the US and people can simply live in the states under laws they want.


Not sure why anyone would be shocked about Blizzard continuing to implement inclusivity and other various things into WoW. ESPECIALLY WoW.

On one hand, options are good. The more options, the more people are happy. But at this point it feels like they just keep implementing such things to try and maintain relevancy and gain attention. It's almost becoming part of WoW's personality at this point.

That whole thing where they censored paintings of women and turned them into paintings of fruit was absolutely hysterical. Then they also removed everything mentioning "green skins" or other Orc related slurs from their game. A fictional game, about a fictional universe, with fictional beings and races. Got to think of their feelings!


Gold Member
It makes people feel more included. And it doesn't take away from anyone else. Win Win.
The people you talk about like reeee members get offended if some stranger friendly call them "bro" during a friendly discussion in a fucking videogame forum and they feel the need to correct them...for being called a vg forum...during a friendly discussion...let that sink in.

And you want to please these people?

You don't bend over mentally ill people to destroy the english language or what was called female or male body for thousands of years, i'm not even american and i feel second hand embarassment for what your country does, hopefully this shit is never gonna infect my country, italian language is already super complicated as it is without made up crap.

(and before you ask, yes, i have evidences of that)
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Not what I asked. Inclusion generally leads to exclusion of others.

Still waiting for an answer on how it tackles the problems the game itself has.

I'm sure changing textboxes to make everything gender - neutral is quite a game changer and will give Demonology new ways to play.

Oh give me a fucking break. As if this took ANY appreciable resources away from development of the core game.

Seriously, some of you are transparent as hell.

3rd option, let either of us call each other by whatever we want and have the thick enough skin to get along and not complain to the boss that im being "disrespectful". Is very disrespectful to force me to call you something i dont believe.

Or just call the person by their first name if you can't keep a pronoun straight.


Ironically the people who point to this which is only a single aspect of what determines sex, not gender, are also anti vax and climate change deniers. Pick and choose which science you want to believe...I miss when science wasn't political.

Oh no, no. I'm not asking you to take my word for it, but that's not true.


Gold Member
Nothing is binary, we classify things so we can make sense of the world, that's the hole point.


if nothing was Binary computers would never function... neither would maths, the point is that you have a set value, a known quantity with Binary value we just use Decimal to make it easier to understand for the human brain.
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I'm surprised this wasn't already an option, that said do they have have effect on the games mechanics?
If not then it's just bloatware.


Gold Member
I genuinely thought my game was bugged because I couldn't equip certain armors and had to search online to see what was going on. Finally found walkthroughs referring to them as male and female armors and was like what in the flying fuck.

They already went broke after all the sexual harrasment stuff, game is a ghost town that had to merge horde and alliance servers cause noone could find groups. They see stuff like this as a way to earn back their progressive playerbase.
Yeah but... why this? I mean, it mostly brings bad press than good press these days that many people are already tired of sociopolitical stuff and "inclusivity"... I've started seeing even very young people on social media make fun or get mad about "the wokes", it could probably have worked like, idk, 4 years ago maybe? Now it's too late and riskier than just doing nothing


Batter gets up swings and hits deep ball to right field and They catch it.
Go on.
They throws it to Them in centerfield.
Them then throws it to That at SS.
That then throws it to Who at first base
Your're getting it
Who then throws it to I dont know becasue i dont care and I dont GAF.
Oh, I Dont GAF is pitching Wednesday.

Its a work in progress.
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