Inclusivity Updates in WoW: Dragonflight - Body Type, Pronoun and Voice Options Discovered


If you think I had an 'absolute meltdown' while writing that comment you quoted, then think again.

You failed.


. . .also re-read what I wrote. And then reread what you wrote. About a change that will have functionally zero impact on you or the world at large.


I will never understand this. Thankfully my language is gender neutral, so we dont import this bullshit (but some people are working really hard on this)
Doesn’t that make it easier to implement?

My language is extremely gendered, for example you don’t just have male teacher and female teacher, you have separate words for them; lärare (male), lärarinna (female).

And names are gendered too. You instantly know if someone is a man or woman by seeing their name. It’s why it was so hilarious when Assassin’s Creed had a man called Eivor. There is zero men in the whole nordic region called Eivor, because it’s a woman’s name.

So to erase genders here you would essentially have to rewrite the language.

There has been some progress to add a new he (han) and she (hon) word though, when the gender is unknown we can now say hen. I guess that our ”they” word.



. . .also re-read what I wrote. And then reread what you wrote. About a change that will have functionally zero impact on you or the world at large.

The human race intentionally making themselves dumber by the day by pushing facts logic and reason aside just to let all the mentally ill lunatics out there feel accepted and supported negatively affects us all and all future generations.

I bet people like you were saying the exact same thing about the first religious lunatics that appeared thousands of years ago as well.
"Hey guys, I know that new gang of people and their constant nonsensical rambling about creationism is a little annoying, but lets just pretend they are normal, accept them and welcome them into our society by helping them build their church so they can worship that God-thingy. It totally won't have any impact on us or our world at large anyway."

Try again.


Doesn’t that make it easier to implement?

My language is extremely gendered, for example you don’t just have male teacher and female teacher, you have separate words for them; lärare (male), lärarinna (female).

And names are gendered too. You instantly know if someone is a man or woman by seeing their name. It’s why it was so hilarious when Assassin’s Creed had a man called Eivor. There is zero men in the whole nordic region called Eivor, because it’s a woman’s name.

So to erase genders here you would essentially have to rewrite the language.

There has been some progress to add a new he (han) and she (hon) word though, when the gender is unknown we can now say hen. I guess that our ”they” word.
It's hard to explain, we just don't think about genders when speaking about somebody. We have girl and boy names, so you can know by that someones gender


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
. . .over a change in two character strings in some creaky ass code in a game none of them will play. The "meltdown" is the overwrought (and entirely predictable) reaction to anodyne changes in a character creator that'll give some poor fuck in Hooboken, Arkansas a fleeting, and entirely superficial, feeling of being seen. The horror.
Well the two character strings in somy creaky ass code was enough to make fragile ill people cry over it.

Wouldn't surprise me if someone were even suicidal over not being able to be an apache helicopter in Wow.

The problem is, where does it end? How long down the rabbit hole should we support these mentally ill people?

They should get some professional help instead of encouraging to change the world to their beliefs.


It's hard to explain, we just don't think about genders when speaking about somebody. We have girl and boy names, so you can know by that someones gender
Okay, we go one step further, or three. We have boy and girl names and use he and she and as said for teachers for example we say ”lärare” (male) and ”lärarinna” (female) and we even have separate words for a male and female dog owner, ”husse” (male) and ”matte” (female).
For me it makes the world easier but I understand that those who don’t think they fit in either group have a hard time.


Lunacy on era, lunacy here. As always, no fucking middleground between two extremes.

I’ll take a stab at it:

Gender is a societal construct that is malleable and can change with attitudes. Representing that in video games is fine.

Human biology is immutable. There are two sexes. Any aberrations are precisely that. This is a scientific fact.
Well the two character strings in somy creaky ass code was enough to make fragile ill people cry over it.

Wouldn't surprise me if someone were even suicidal over not being able to be an apache helicopter in Wow.

The problem is, where does it end? How long down the rabbit hole should we support these mentally ill people?

They should get some professional help instead of encouraging to change the world to their beliefs.
"It literally doesnt affect you at all bro just let people live!!1111"
Maybe that's actually right, but still that's fucking retarded beyond belief. And why normal people are getting forced to participate in this delusional gymnastics?
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Lunacy on era, lunacy here. As always, no fucking middleground between two extremes.

What’s the “middle ground”?

You either aren’t bothered and go on with your life, or have a meltdown about woke this and woke that, because they’re letting your male wood elf have a feminine voice.

Keep in mind the people up in arms are the same people that will use the let developers make the game they want to make line, if the subject was putting an easy mode in a Souls game.


Are people just not realising that it's not just this one instance thats causing "meltdowns". Its the frequent other instances of this kind of shit from western devs that add up. Its just a slow drip of "small changes that dont affect you" to normalise it, then they'll drop the big loads when its too late and soon games will have fuckin, wolfkins and fairy fuckers as options.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Are people just not realising that it's not just this one instance thats causing "meltdowns". Its the frequent other instances of this kind of shit from western devs that add up. Its just a slow drip of "small changes that dont affect you" to normalise it, then they'll drop the big loads when its too late and soon games will have fuckin, wolfkins and fairy fuckers as options.
Not only western devs. Sadly I've started to notice it in japanese games too, like Monster Hunter Rise or Elden Ring.


Gold Member
"It literally doesnt affect you at all bro just let people live!!1111"
Maybe that's actually right, but still that's fucking retarded beyond belief. And why normal people are getting forced to participate in this delusional gymnastics?
Because right now the world is playing a giant episode of "who wants to be a bigottaire"


Some people might think this is a minor problem, to me it calls in question their ability to make good decisions and prioritize what's important with the entire game.

Dr. Claus

The human race intentionally making themselves dumber by the day by pushing facts logic and reason aside just to let all the mentally ill lunatics out there feel accepted and supported negatively affects us all and all future generations.

I bet people like you were saying the exact same thing about the first religious lunatics that appeared thousands of years ago as well.
"Hey guys, I know that new gang of people and their constant nonsensical rambling about creationism is a little annoying, but lets just pretend they are normal, accept them and welcome them into our society by helping them build their church so they can worship that God-thingy. It totally won't have any impact on us or our world at large anyway."

Try again.

Dont’ try to use logic with the ideologically inclined. It is all emotions and no critical thought from them. Hence why they keep trying to claim others are having “meltdowns”.


man I gotta say that drachtyr race looks so fucking shitty... they gave boss looking new dragonkin models yet decided to come up with this fan art furry looking piece of shit as a playable race.
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That is a pathetic number of pronouns.....where the hell is Demon/Demonself of Cake/Cakeself.......sort it out Blizzard!!!
Societies, cultures and words change. Get over it. Those who can't adapt fall by the wayside kicking and screaming.

Those who are winning a cultural argument don't have to focus their efforts on grooming children. I believe you meant to type resetera. This site is for gaming discussions.
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