What rock have I been under? Distance, the successor to my favorite freeware game ever, to the game that made me fall in love with indies and PC gaming, is available to preorder and get beta access and I didn't know
I know! First, Transistor, now Distance!Come on man! Slipping!
For the record, waiting for Beta access to actually start before I jump on it.
A joke I didnt get, I assume? So no idea what the issue might be?
Is there any story elements?
Wanted to run something by you guys. I've read on other forums and even someone in the Steam thread, on how developers give out review copies of games to sites. Do you think it would be okay for me to ask any indie devs? I'm kind of nervous to try that. I believe that's how a lot of blogs and sites get their games to review, right?
It would sure save me a lot of $$
Wanted to run something by you guys. I've read on other forums and even someone in the Steam thread, on how developers give out review copies of games to sites. Do you think it would be okay for me to ask any indie devs? I'm kind of nervous to try that. I believe that's how a lot of blogs and sites get their games to review, right?
It would sure save me a lot of $$
Yeah begging in comments on a Desura page is not the route to go. Email is obviously the smart way if I were to do this. Do you think...idk, that my blog would appeal to devs? Well, I have a nice "endorsement" from the AAC dev, but including that in an email might just seem tacky.It really depends on how people are asking for those. It totally annoys me to read those "free key pls for review?" posts on Desura for example, but if you have a more professional attitude and contact them via mail with a decent description of your project and website, it should be fine.
Thanks, will doIt is - send me a PM if you want some advice - I've been in the same situation as you.
By tonight, I'll have 5,000 views overall, had 2,550 in September. And I get between 30 to 300 views a day. That's probably goodContact the developers via email and include a link to your website also tell them how many visits your blog receive per month.
Thanks, will do
By tonight, I'll have 5,000 views overall, had 2,550 in September. And I get between 30 to 300 views a day. That's probably good
Thanks, will do
By tonight, I'll have 5,000 views overall, had 2,550 in September. And I get between 30 to 300 views a day. That's probably good
What rock have I been under? Distance, the successor to my favorite freeware game ever, to the game that made me fall in love with indies and PC gaming, is available to preorder and get beta access and I didn't know
!Looks amazing! I shall give Nitronic Rush a try also. Never heard of it.
As someone who is glad to reach 1000 per month after 3 years of blog activity... yes it is good.
Do you have a gaming blog somewhere that I don't know about?
Hey guys!
I know a few posts up I had a few conflicting thoughts on Kickstarter, but I'm an artist...and I'm allowed to change my mind!
The blog post is here if anyone wants to take a look!
I posted a redaction a while back, and announced that I would in fact be doing a Kickstarter Campaign, allowing me to work on the game full time, and really give it the love and care I believe it deserves.
That said, I have also relaunched the website, with new Screenshots, information, and an announcement of the Kickstarter dates!
Please head over, and take a look. And if you haven't done so already, please sign up to the news letter to get a reminder about the campaigns, as well as any other juicy info!
And here is a desktop background for your time!
I meant our blog in fact.
Trailer and screens on my blogBetween Paranautical Activity, Tower of Guns, and Fancy Skulls, it seems like the roguelike first person shooter is in vogue right now. While Paranautical Activity and Tower of Guns embrace over-the-top white-knuckle mayhem, Fancy Skulls stands out due to its abstract style and measured, more strategic gameplay.
The first aspect that stands out is the game's surreal visuals. Activate one of its randomized rooms and deformed multi-eyed...things emerge from their spawn points to attack: flying projectile-firing skulls, red-clawed melee chargers, bomb-spewing white stalks that aimlessly lurch around, spindly cyclopean turrets, and more. Every new enemy adds a new learning curve: what does it do, how doe it move, does it move or is it stationary, and most importantly, where is its weak point. Every enemy has a weak point somewhere on its body, some obvious, some more concealed or only visible at certain intervals; one or shots in this vulnerable area will kill an enemy and this element, combined with your limited ammo, totally alters the pacing compared to other FPS roguelikes. While in other games, you can fire wildly at enemies, here you'll survive longer by making your shots count and taking the time to aim carefully.
Further adding to Fancy Skull's strategic gameplay are the items and upgrades you can acquire. Like the enemies, you won't know what an item will do until you use it. From allowing you to hover and double jump to performing a fiery melee slam to slowing time, items are varied and completely change your strategy. Items require mana to use, so you can't spam these special abilities. Weapon upgrades can be bought from vendors found on each floor and imbue your guns with game changing abilities such as fire or explosive rounds to making ammo not count while airborne. The game's seven weapons range from your starting revolver to a shotgun and raygun to a rocket launcher and each feels different. (And yes you can rocket-jump.) You can only carry four guns at a time so choose wisely.
Fancy Skulls combines the FPS roguelike genre with mystery, strategy, and minimalist visuals.
You need to stay awake and sane till dawn.
The Lodger is wandering the rooms, evading the unknown, counting minutes till morning. But it's only in the night that he can solve the main puzzle and find the answers. What's going on? Are the Guests real, ot are they just figments of his insomniac imagination? What'd happened to the forest? What's happening to the cabin? Is there a line between reality and imagination?
Unfortunately, heroes have caught wind of the Devil's plan, and will stop at nothing to wipe him out. Knock on residents' doors to call them to battle, trap heroes in devious pincer formations, and command your troops to victory. Monsters get jobs, fall in love, have children, and even skip out on their rent. Keep them happy or you might not have anyone to fight for you when heroes come knocking.
From one of the creators of the Burnout series of games, comes the latest in physics-based vehicular mayhem - TruckStop!
Tweak your vehicles handling and parameters before sending it hurtling down an obstacle-filled level. The more damage you inflict on the Crash Test Dummy and the scenery, the bigger your score! Charge your CrashBreaker and explode the world out of your way!
Looking like a cross between Burnout and Stair Dismount / Truck Dismount, very appealing.
even is it seems that no one is interested in japanese indie james (if you're interested, play Demon King Chronicle on playism store, it's much, much better than To The Moon, gameplay
or story-wise)
Oh crap
Quadrilateral Cowboy won Grand Jury Prize in Indiecade 2013. You can read about the other winners here:
Can anybody recommend any turn-based rpgs with good production values? Or any ARPGs? Any help would be super appreciated.![]()
AFAIK To The Moon was a visual novel, so this doesn't surprise me—this, however:
Strong words given a number of people on GAF have said TTM brought them to tears! Wanna elaborate? What's DKC even about? The store page leads me to believe the plot is a barebones fantasy-themed excuse to play with a collection of RPG mechanics, which is apparently not the case...
Been anticipating Cloudbuilt since I saw it on IndieStatik. Looks so good and art style is wonderfulI've been world travelling and haven't had time to check out this thread, but it's exciting to see Cactus here
For my part I really recommend you all check out the indie games Chroma and Cloudbuilt because I think they are going to be amazing, I mean there were tons of fantastic games at the Eurogamer Expo (And I'll probably write something more in depth about all of them later) but these were the games that blew me away at the show.
Although I would say if you can just be strong and hold off on watching/reading too much about Chroma there are a ton of 'Ah-ha!' moments when you play that game
Cloudbuilt is a jet pack powered third person sci fi parkour action game set in a dream world, and the most fun I've had with movement in a game since Mirrors Edge.
For my part I really recommend you all check out the indie games Chroma and Cloudbuilt because I think they are going to be amazing, I mean there were tons of fantastic games at the Eurogamer Expo (And I'll probably write something more in depth about all of them later) but these were the games that blew me away at the show.
Cloudbuilt dev (or one of them)?Anders and Martin (from Coilworks) says hello by the way. Was asking them when they came back if they swung by the Assault Android Cactus and they say had a great time talking with you.
Really glad to hear you enjoyed Cloudbuilt. Was gonna post the same about Assault Android Cactus, really awesome game (and so smooth framerate!), have been loving the demo so I'm gonna get it next week.
Need to get Gone Home, Spelunky and Brothers too. Papers Please I already have and while depressing, so good. Glory to Arstotzka!
Cloudbuilt dev (or one of them)?
Level designer.![]()
Awesome. In the trailers, the level design is another highlight IMO. So kudos on that. I'm surprised the game hasn't been Greenlit yet. Rocket powered parkour platforming with combat and stylish visuals? Who doesn't want to play that?Level designer.![]()