@Toma, UDK = Tower of Guns? How are you liking the game?
Proxy Blade - New trailer - Indiegogo - Greenlight
I just started the campaign. I am pretty conservative with the objectives and amount of perks, but keep in mind this is a one man effort. I don't want to derail with anything that's not relevant to making the game as good as possible.
Thank you so much! Really makes me glad to hear that.Awesome. In the trailers, the level design is another highlight IMO. So kudos on that. I'm surprised the game hasn't been Greenlit yet. Rocket powered parkour platforming with combat and stylish visuals? Who doesn't want to play that?
Oh, Proxy Blade, I've been helping out DSix with some coverage and spreading the word. But it's been unsettling that the campaign only has 175. Which is kind of ironic considering how well the game is being received on GreenlightYou pushed every correct button with the three games you mentioned, I absolutely love action games and this looks so cool. Really impressive for a one-man project so I am definitely looking forward when you are getting close to being finished with this.
Thank you so much! Really makes me glad to hear that.![]()
Looks great as always, how's it coming along with the additions and changes since the demo?#screenshotsaturday
Looks great as always, how's it coming along with the additions and changes since the demo?
Cool. I got Tower of Guns to keep me occupied till thenNew demo in a couple of days, so you can find out yourself.
New demo in a couple of days, so you can find out yourself.
This is called an in-joke. Sometimes well-executed; far more often a crutch for lazy the moon has very barebone gameplay, but it can be still be called a rpg. I didn't really liked the story of to the moon, first all because is full of "nerd/hipster humor" (i don't know exactly how do call it, a type of humor based on random pop quotations that i really, really hate.
I'll be blunt; the #1 reason I completely passed over it when I first saw it is because the visuals are not good at all. The watercolor character art is reasonably accomplished but doesn't combine well with the default RPG Maker sprite assets, and the interface (battle in particular) is like something a programmer would put together as a prototype/placeholder. So it's probably not ever going to find a significant audience compared to the three other games you posted, which look far more polished. But it's on my radar now, I'll give it a shot someday.great game, but no one seems to be have played it in western countries. I think that it deserves its own topic but yeah, i can't make one because i am a junior forever (and proud of it because of how i became one).
Genocide Dolphins - Another one of those grey looking bland first person war shooters.
Edit: important to know, the menu screen is very laggy but that's not representative of actual gameplay. The game itself runs perfectly fineYes, yet another FPS roguelike this month. Heavy Bullets has a technicolor abstract style and the twist here is that you have to collect the bullets you fire and ammo is a limited commodity. You can also get upgrades like slow motion and items such as bombs. You can stop at stations to take out insurance, allowing you to save some of your loot for the next attempt if you die. The freeware version is an alpha so if you like Heavy Bullets, it'll only be getting more expansive.
Thanks to whomever recommended me ARPGs. guess there aren't a whole lotta pretty turn based stuff out there in terms of indies.
Finally gotten around to playing Sword of the Stars: the Pit from 3 indie royale bundles ago. It's an RPG lite dungeon explorer with lots of things to collect and synthesize. combat takes place in real time but enemies only move when you do something. Story is bare bones, the only thing that keeps you going is MOAR LOOT. it's incredibly addictive but you feel empty after like your life was just sucked away. it's good if you have nothing else to do.
Finally gotten around to playing Sword of the Stars: the Pit from 3 indie royale bundles ago. It's an RPG lite dungeon explorer with lots of things to collect and synthesize. combat takes place in real time but enemies only move when you do something. Story is bare bones, the only thing that keeps you going is MOAR LOOT. it's incredibly addictive but you feel empty after like your life was just sucked away. it's good if you have nothing else to do.
Using [WASD] to move, the [spacebar] to jump, and the mouse to look around, you'll explore a strange temple filled with little round creatures called the Poyas. The Poyas will be able to help you pass obstacles and descend deeper, but you'll need to use a strange cube that they both fear and worship to manipulate them to do so. You can pick up and carry (or interact) with [E], right-click to throw things, and left-click to change the cube's colour... red will repel the Poyas, while green (... ish) will attract them and cause them to follow the cube, and you if you're carrying it, around.
A fun short browser freebie
Poyas Odyssey
It's short but a cool inventive premise that I'd love to see expanded
Rktcr is played in a side-view world consisting of zones linked by portals. The goal of the game is to construct a journey that collects the 14 gems scattered throughout the world and returns to the start portal as quickly as possible. Players can pause, rewind, and slow time in order to carefully perfect each segment of their journey.
Anders and Martin (from Coilworks) says hello by the way. Was asking them when they came back if they swung by the Assault Android Cactus and they say had a great time talking with you.
Really glad to hear you enjoyed Cloudbuilt. Was gonna post the same about Assault Android Cactus, really awesome game (and so smooth framerate!), have been loving the demo so I'm gonna get it next week.
Need to get Gone Home, Spelunky and Brothers too. Papers Please I already have and while depressing, so good. Glory to Arstotzka!
This is called an in-joke. Sometimes well-executed; far more often a crutch for lazy humorists.
I'll be blunt; the #1 reason I completely passed over it when I first saw it is because the visuals are not good at all. The watercolor character art is reasonably accomplished but doesn't combine well with the default RPG Maker sprite assets, and the interface (battle in particular) is like something a programmer would put together as a prototype/placeholder. So it's probably not ever going to find a significant audience compared to the three other games you posted, which look far more polished. But it's on my radar now, I'll give it a shot someday.
This wasn't done very classy. I apologize for that. The people who are interested in this project deserve more than that.
We're all going through some personal issues right now. I can't speak for anyone but myself, so that's all I can relay.
I don't like talking about this stuff much, but I don't have much of a choice right now.
I'm a combat veteran. The whole thing is sort of complicated, but to sum things up I had a spontaneous lung collapse a few months ago. I was rushed to the hospital and treatment was administered. I was assured that the Veteran's Administration would cover the costs.
They have not. Since I'm an American, this means I have been slapped with an enormous bill.
In short. The savings I had put forth to start this venture have been completely wiped out. Our other funds have also been wiped out.
We're broke.
I'm going to continue working on FROG SORD, but with the situation being as it is development is going to slow to a crawl.
I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to the game coming out within a timely manner.
Not dead, just a roadblock.
I've never found a door I couldn't kick down or blow open.
At the very least, if I cannot finish the game as a whole I will release 20-30 levels with what we have as a freebie to those who have been looking forward to the game.
"A balanced mix between Hitman, Gunpoint, Payday, Monaco and Subversion".
The game is about not belonging. You are the bad guy, you are killing everything you touch. The world you are in is beautiful and green, but the moment you get into it, you start infecting everything, and the world starts decaying, until it eventually ceases to exist. You can choose to exit the world, and then it will heal itself, but then you dont get to enjoy it of course, because youre not there any more.
Gifs source
So I...uh, acquired Eldritch and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. While it definitely needs to fleshed out with more environments and enemies and the difficulty needs to be upped if it wants to be considered roguelike-ish, what's there is fun and a great change of pace from the other first person roguelikes I've been playing. There's an emphasis on stealth (you can crouch, lean to look around corners, and the first magic I received was called knock and it lets you distract enemies or unlock doors.
I've found three weapons so far - knife, revolver, and tripwire crossbow - as well as items like explosives, rocks, and bottles. There's an overabundance of ammo and items; I never felt like I was running low on supplies. You collect artifacts that act as both mana and currency so you have to weigh between using your powers or saving for gear such as stealth boots, jump boots, health packs, etc.
The enemies I've encountered so far have ranged from a joke to dangerous. Most of the first book/world's enemies are easily avoided and killed. The second world ramps it up with an unkillable enemy that you can only temporarily stop and other more difficult enemies.
Other cool things:
- You can slide. No areas that really took advantage of the freedom of movement, but it's still fun to do
- I really like the library set up of the hub world, The whole idea of getting pulled into the books of this endless library is cool
- Some of the enemy designs need a lot of work to be even be remotely intimidating. The enemies in Fancy Skulls were weirder and more surreal. For a game based on Lovecraftian fiction, that's a bit disappointing
So overall I'd say hold off from purchasing now and wait until the game is further along with more content
Yeah just got Greenlit. Here's the Greenlight page for trailers, screenshots, and info:How have I not heard of this until now...sounds awesome.
You guys know the game Frog Sord?
From TIG
As part of our enduring mission with Kyoto based Q-Games to bring more PixelJunk to more people, we are proud to announce the impending arrival of PixelJunk Shooter!
We are bringing the original PixelJunk Shooter to PC, Mac and Linux this November the 11th. In PixelJunk™ Shooter, players pilot their spacecraft through a range of cavernous environments in a bid to save the scientists trapped underground. Making your way through the game requires you to solve environmental puzzles by manipulating fire, ice, water and even a strange black magnetic liquid. All while coming under fire from a vast range of enemies and all set to a buttery soundtrack!
PixelJunk Shooter will be available via Steam and selected partners on the 11th of November. The game will go on sale for $8.99/£5.99/€6.99.
Looks like another Greenlight hidden gem. There's a free beta version to download on their site and it's a lot of fun. And that trailer looks pretty crazy. I'll see if I can found any more infoTaijou is a fast paced platformer / bullet hell inspired by a mashup of Touhou and Cave Story
All you Pixeljunk fans, get ready...
At bloody Last! I've been waiting on that one since they dropped Eden.
Stolen from The Amber Throne
Combat looks a bit too simplistic, but it sure is purrdy. Supposed to be coming out this "winter"
Hmmmm... impressions?
It may not have Crysis-level graphics, but what matters is the gameplay. The tension of the unknown, the joy of finding a new gun or a medkit, the fear when you're low on health and ammo, is fantastic. When you enter a room armed with only two shotgun rounds, 25 health, and one explosive, and a horde of mutants and zombies rush out of the area where you can't see and you just turn and flee the other's worth every penny.
You're always at a disadvantage. Every weapon, every piece of equipment counts. Every decision is life or death
It really comes down to whether you like the idea of an action game mashed together into roguelike mechanics. Its a fantastic game, and I am pretty sure you'll like it if you like what you see if you watch a brief gameplay video.
Kind of funny that its already in the OP with the exact same gif![]()
Weird thing is that they have a lot of their games on Steam already.
So I've played four first person roguelikes over the last week - Tower of Guns, Fancy Skulls, Heavy Bullets, and Eldritch - and my favorite so far has been Fancy Skulls. I was actually surprised when I noticed it was only on version 0.2, it feels very polished and featured for a game still so in early development. TOG has the chaos and visuals and Eldritch has the stealth, but Fancy Skulls has finely tuned gameplay, smart enemy design, cool upgrades and pick-ups, and abstract style