I was REALLY skeptical and let down when I saw this game being 'freemium' (PQ is one of my all time favorites) but over 10 hours later (level 19 now) I can safely say I found the legit heir to the original Puzzle Quest.
I'm LOVING this.
After level 10 the difficulty really spikes up, some friends of mine yelled 'PAYWALL'!!! and deleted the game.
Not understanding how paying would make the fights any easier, I played onwards and the game really opened up.
I'm now fighting against the very first boss of the game (the Wyrm, I *THINK* end of the initial kingdom storyline) and it's utterly awesome.
I'm looking at the board trying to decide if matching those 3 skulls, leaving a ton of red gems on board knowing that the Wyrm will use those to destroy my entire party, cleaning the board up a bit, but leaving one character exposed...buidling up a spell to be used next turn....you know...the usual Puzzle Quest fare...then you activate an incredible chain...and die

And when I die, I wonder if I choose well my party....if giving the blue/brown kingdom and bonuses was the right choice...or if it's better to respec some characters and spend the souls on new unlocked monsters.
Or just wait a bit in this story line and continue the other ones I already unlocked.
I have no clue if later I'll hit a paywall or something, but so far it's awesome, really awesome.
Also...the main 'currency' is gold...and I always have more than 2K (going up).
And the game grants you souls even on defeat, so even when failing you are making progresses (you can't farm here...previous quests are unavailable).
Other currencies are diamonds (never used them, no clue on what they do).
Of importance are keys to unlock new characters out of the bat (you earn some just playing normally) and wings that the game rewards you for some imho unuseful gear.
Anyway...give the game a go and do not be scared about the spike after level 10...it's where things get interesting opening up the game and forcing you to shuffle your party and explore new kingdoms.
If it was premium, I would have gladly paid for this game, but so far balance is not ruined by the fermium-ness. (can't deny I would have preferred paying 10 dollars and be done with it).
Also, the app is SUPER slick, great art and voices/sounds, effects...and flawless sync between devices.