Rocky Balboa :
Birthplace - Philadelphia, PA
Weight - 190 pounds
Height - 5'11"
Reach - 74"
Notable traits: Strong punches, the best trainer in the city, a rock-hard chin, and a heart that impresses everyone.
Disadvantages: No real technique.
Magunochi Ippo
Birthplace - Japan
Weight - 124 pounds
Height - 5'5"
Reach - 66"
Notable traits: Strong punches, the best trainer in the city, an equally impressive heart, and lots of speed.
Disadvantages: Low on technique.

Birthplace - Philadelphia, PA
Weight - 190 pounds
Height - 5'11"
Reach - 74"
Notable traits: Strong punches, the best trainer in the city, a rock-hard chin, and a heart that impresses everyone.
Disadvantages: No real technique.
Magunochi Ippo

Birthplace - Japan
Weight - 124 pounds
Height - 5'5"
Reach - 66"
Notable traits: Strong punches, the best trainer in the city, an equally impressive heart, and lots of speed.
Disadvantages: Low on technique.
Note: the stats for Rocky are from Rocky I, and the stats for Ippo are all made up other than the weight, as I wasn't sure of it.